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The Benefits of Juicing

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posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 02:26 PM
Not that kind of "juicing"

I recently purchased a juicer to compliment my exercise/diet routine...And before anyone asks - No...It wasn't one of those "As seen on TV" ones...

I used to come close to vomiting when I even thought about drinking V8....But after a few courageous sips here and there - sometimes with the addition of Vodka
- I became addicted to it...

I'm hoping there are others here that use a juicer and perhaps have a few tips or recipes and their added benefits to share...

To get things going, here's one I found online:


2 medium Beetroots
2 Carrots
1 Lemon
3 Apples
2 inches, or about 1.5 T of Ginger root (peeled)

This juice recipe tastes and looks fantastic, careful not to spill it though as it will be highly visible on any pale colored carpet!. Peel the Beetroot and carrots (if organic then just wash thoroughly) then top and tail the Carrots and Beet. Peel the Lemon (leaving the pith on) and wash the apples.

The Beetroot gives this juice the most vivid purple coloring and it really does look good. The lemon and ginger give a great tangy uplift to the drink which counteracts the 'over sweetness' of the beetroot and carrot.

Beetroot is a great blood cleanser as it is contains good levels of Iron. The increased ability of the blood to carry oxygen benefits all tissues. This combined with the sugar content of Beetroot and Carrot juice and the stimulating effects of Ginger all combine to make this a great energy giving drink.

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 10:30 AM
Heh....Perhaps the title of this thread was a little deceptive...

But surely there are a few other members here that use a

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 11:21 AM
I have a juicer, but I have never been able to get any vegetables down my throat with it. The whole vomit thing, ya know. I tried mixing it with water to make it a little less 'yucky', but I just can't do it. It is now a fruit-only juicer.

One of my favourites is orange, pineapple and strawberry. Yummy! And pear and apple will help keep you 'regular'.

Just remember, if you drink to many carrots your skin will turn orange, and never try to put a banana through a juicer. It doesn't work and it's a pain to clean up. Those are really the only tips I have.

Happy Juicing!

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Duzey
One of my favourites is orange, pineapple and strawberry...
and never try to put a banana through a juicer. It doesn't work and it's a pain to clean up.

Mmmm…Sounds good - I've tried using the juicer for oranges, but the pulp is just a bit too much of a hassle to clean....I'll probably just stick with the bottled kind, or using a squeezer....

Yeah – I was contemplating trying out a banana the other day, but now I know….

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 02:17 PM
They can be a pain to clean, especially if you don't rinse them out right away. I use a toothbrush to clean all the little bits out of mine, and it works great.

The banana seemed like a good idea at the time, but what a mess! Now I know if you want banana, you have to use a blender to mix it with the juice. Mmmmmm, smoothies.......

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 04:43 PM
it rocks dunno what you guys talking about vomit?

use cold veggies man nobody wants warm carrot juice



posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 05:05 PM

I'm the proud owner of a JuiceMan jr.

I don't use it enough, but I like the end product, usually.
Granny Smith apple juice, one of my favorites..
Careful about using too many will turn orange..I know I did!

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 12:03 PM
I love
my juicer

I've juiced just about every vegetable and fruit you can imagine....I've got so many recipes it'd be virtually impossible to list 'em all.

These are surprisingly good:

Pineapply goodness

1/2 pineapple, peeled
1/2 cup radishes
1 stalk celery

Sunshine cocktail

2 apples, cored
1 medium beet
1 orange, peeled
3 carrots

Pepper Punch

2 Yellow peppers
3 Oranges
2 Apples
2 Pears
1/2 Grapefruit

There are literally endless combinations out there. Try 'em

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 01:54 AM
i once did a juice fast, and it worked wonders on me. sure i didnt stick with it all the way, but after 3 days of not eating and only juicing, i lost the hunger, but still had the desire for taste. plus my skin became incredibly smooth and clean, it was amazing and i'd do it again if i could afford it.

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