posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 02:26 PM
that kind of "juicing"
I recently purchased a juicer to compliment my exercise/diet routine...And before anyone asks - No...It wasn't one of those "As seen on TV"
I used to come close to vomiting when I even thought about drinking V8....But after a few courageous sips here and there - sometimes with the addition
of Vodka
- I became addicted to it...
I'm hoping there are others here that use a juicer and perhaps have a few tips or recipes and their added benefits to share...
To get things going, here's one I found online:
2 medium Beetroots
2 Carrots
1 Lemon
3 Apples
2 inches, or about 1.5 T of Ginger root (peeled)
This juice recipe tastes and looks fantastic, careful not to spill it though as it will be highly visible on any pale colored carpet!. Peel the
Beetroot and carrots (if organic then just wash thoroughly) then top and tail the Carrots and Beet. Peel the Lemon (leaving the pith on) and wash the
The Beetroot gives this juice the most vivid purple coloring and it really does look good. The lemon and ginger give a great tangy uplift to the drink
which counteracts the 'over sweetness' of the beetroot and carrot.
Beetroot is a great blood cleanser as it is contains good levels of Iron. The increased ability of the blood to carry oxygen benefits all tissues.
This combined with the sugar content of Beetroot and Carrot juice and the stimulating effects of Ginger all combine to make this a great energy giving