posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 08:41 AM
I often browse the board off log.. meaning, that when I dont have much to talk about, I log off and do my browsing as a visitor.
Sure, I have to put up with a few ads, but no popups at least.. anyhow, me doing this every so often creates revenue for ATS, being the main reason I
do it.
I mean, I love this site, I'm here daily.. but I sometimes go weeks without posting, and sometimes I post several times a day for several weeks. But
I figure, if I'm in no mood to debate, I'll support the site I love by looking at some ads.
Anyhow, my question..
I recently installed an ad blocker that prevents ads from loading up on my end.
Located here for more info:
My question is this.. since the ads arent loading, are you still getting "hits" from my queries?