posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 07:42 AM
This is a website of end of the world scenarios, but there is one scenario about peak oil...
" Look around. See that world out there? Well, it is about to change - forever. Think of wars, famine, diseases and worldwide turmoil. That’s
what’s coming down, as we pass a nasty spike in the statistics called the ‘Oil Peak’. In fact, we may just have passed it already.
They call it ‘Economic Hiroshima’. And frankly, that’s an understatement, suggesting just a local catastrophe that will be gone soon. Well: not
this Hiroshima. It will last many decades and change our world forever. An it will not only affect the city of Hiroshima. The impending crisis could
throw the entire globe back into the Middle Ages....."
Oil Peak Exit Mundi
You will have to go down and click on the little oil machine that says AD 2008.
I think that the oil crises is pretty scary and probably will happen.
Tell me what you think of it.