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Are ATS Members All Democrats ?

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posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
You guys are funny.
I didn't make the term up.
You are right - France-crat, or something, would better fit,
but the term is what it is ...

Eurocrat, if I understand the slang, is for those who
claim to be democrat but really want America run like
the extreme socialist countries of Europe. Not like
Germany but more like France. There is a difference
between Democrats and Eurocrats. Democrats still
think Washington DC and the States should run
America. Eurocrats think the UN should run America.

That's all IF I understand the slang correctly.

Extreme social democratic ( that is the correct term, not socialist) countries in EUrope are Norway, Sweden, Finland, Austria, amongst others, also they are the countries with the highest life standards in the world and they are the ones who top every "best of" list.

UN running America?
I don't recall anyone in europe wanting that one, nor does anyone here want to give up their own sovereignity. We have created EU, but ALL countries are still sovereign and we have no intention of surendering the power to UN. So any connection of the word "Eurocrat" with some shady plot of UN taking over is nonsense. It is based on absolutely nothing.

So, whatever retard came up with the slang "Eurocrat" obviously has no idea what europe is, how things are and the basic deffinitions of state systems and economy... or reality at all, for that matter.

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 01:25 PM

Are ATS Members All Democrats

Actually, I'm more Libertarian...

It'd be nice to see the party field a viable candidate and get his name out there to the masses....and end the monopoly of the donkeys and elephants...

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 01:43 PM
Freethinking Conservative here. My avatar may make you think I am pro-bush but I really am not, I just got sick of people complaining about the elections being rigged.

I support bush even though I don't fully agree with the war in Iraq, but, now that we invaded it we need to clean up our mess and finish the job.

You can also see that I love my country but I am not an idiot who falls for nationalism, which is also evident in my Sig.

[edit on 27-6-2005 by iksmodnad]

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by paperclip
Extreme social democratic ( that is the correct term, not socialist)

You say tom-a-to, I say tom-ahto. And in America the term
'social democratic' isn't used very often. It has morphed into
'socialist'. It's a language thing that happens as time goes on.
But of course you aren't here in America so you wouldn't know
that, would you. If you were older you'd know that language
and terms change over the years.

they are the ones who top every "best of" list

Depends on what you think 'best' is.
As far as I'm concerned, 'best' is America and the
way we do things here as opposed to Old Europe.

UN running America? I don't recall anyone in europe
wanting that one

Frankly, it is seen insinuated all over this board all the time.
I'd be more than happy to PM ya' each time I see it come up.
(I won't be around much during the summer, I have a life IRL,
but the days I'm on here I'd be more than happy to show you examples
of insinuation that the UN should be telling America what to do.

So, whatever retard came up with the slang "Eurocrat"
obviously has no idea ... or reality at all, for that matter.

Actually who ever came up with the term understands AMERICA
very well. There are Democrats and then there are Eurocrats.
Democrats put America and Americans first. Eurocrats are
'internationalists' who think the UN should run everything and
that America itself should be run as a socialist country - like
France, and also under the thumb of the UN.

You can get all hot and bothered by it .... you can get all huffy ...
whatever, I don't care. There is a difference here in America
between Democrats and Eurocrats. Considering you are NOT
here in America, then you wouldn't understand the not-so-subtle
differences. It's reality. Deal ....

Aaaaaahh the young.

[edit on 6/27/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 01:55 PM
Wow, did I ever call this one wrong, Republicans everywhere !

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 01:55 PM
I subscribe to niether party. I vote only for those who match my goals as closely as possible, no matter what party they belong to. A real independant

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 02:34 PM
You don't know the difference between Socialist and Social Democratic? Really in America they mean the same thing? Odd... I have several books next to me which say otherwise - written in America, by Americans.

Socialism and Social-Democracy are so different you just made yourself out to be a laughing stock, especially when you say others don't know things because they are not "old" enough. Why does age matter?

You at however old you are, do not know something I do - yet I am only 18 and a Politics student at the Oxford University. (Law and Politics.)

Another key-point, France is not a Socialist Nation. You know so very little about France and their Political view-points. In certain respects they are far from Socialism. Here, read this thread: [Socialism] In Europe the Nations nearest to Socialist thinking are ones such as Sweden, Finland or Norway. Also by your logic, you live in America so you know nothing of European Politics or does it only work one way?

Also, the term "Eurocrat" means: "An administrative official at the headquarters of the Common Market. " and would be a noun. It does not mean someone who wishes the U.N. to run America at all. I was even good enough to search the Internet and only mentions of Eurocrat were in blogs. I love how people butcher the English language.

So old...

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by paperclip
UN running America?
I don't recall anyone in europe wanting that one, nor does anyone here want to give up their own sovereignity.

Actually I think he's referring to American democrats who at least nominally want the US to surrender certain sovreign powers (such as that to make war) to UN regulation per our treaty obligations. (Strange that honoring a treaty we have no intention of withdrawing from would be a topic of debate at all- but there are shades of it out there)

Ultimately though it's not really that the so-called "eurocrats" in American politics want Europe calling the shots over the US. They are just generally opposed to certain things, including the military, which they know the US will very rarely be able to excercise if America were to regard treaty obligations under the UN as absolute law. Before we get into how absurd that is, let's remember that NOBODY sees their obligations under the UN as absolute. I know for a fact that 3 of the 5 security council members provided weapons to Iraq while Iraq was under sanctions, China may have, and I wouldn't be entirely shocked if American corporations (thus America) did too, just like when Halliburton got caught trying to do business with Iran through a front company.

So Eurocrat isn't a slur against Europe- you can calm down. It's just a bunch of pseudo-idealists in America who think they can write their own beliefs in stone as law by appealing to American conscience to do something that no nation does or could do- fully abide by its treaty commitments even when there are tremendous stakes attatched to it.

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 04:04 PM
Flyerfan, I mean these lists:

Worldwide press freedom ranking:

GDP per capita:

Democratic institutions rating:

Most educated ones:

Most generous (per capita)

and so on...
The nordic countries plus Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg) are always there.
Everybody thinks their country is the best, that is called patriotism. But what are actually the best countries according to numbers and facts is what the statistics are all about

Oh and on a side note, why do you think I am young?

I am very much old enough to know what I am talking about.
Most of my knowledge about socialism, social democracy, democracy, communism, and other forms of political and economical models actually derives from personaly living through all of them

Socialism and social democracy ARE two different things, per deffinition and per actual reality. Why some americans do not wish to make this distinction is not very clear to me and it doesn't influence the reality that the difference exists. It just influences the perspective of said individuals.

You can get all hot and bothered by it .... you can get all huffy ...

I am actually quite amused

There is a difference between wanting UN to rule the world and wanting USA to consult with other allies through UN as means of achieving more cooperation when it comes to INTERNATIONAL affairs ( like for example uhmmm bombing another country into stone age and stuff). Consider that USA is constantly telling other countries what to do, but people get all "huffy" and "hot and bothered" when somebody says it is time for COOPERATION between USA and other countries on international level.

Anyways, this thread is about political affiliations of ATSers and not about deffinitions of various economy and political ideologies.

So move along people, nothing to see in this post....

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Winchester Ranger T
So do you all vote Democrat or is there such a thing as a Republican member of ATS ?

I have been a lifelong conservative Republican.

I'm from South Carolina.

I'm a Christian. Southern Baptist.

36 yrs-old. White (English, Irish, Scotch, French, Dutch).

Gulf War vet. Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division.

I voted for George W. Bush in 2000.

I voted for John Kerry in 2004. First time I ever voted for a Democrat in my life. That is how opposed to a second Bush term I was. This is the most dangerous administration the United States has ever seen.

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