People like us(people seeking the truth) pose a threat to Big Brother.
I disagree. This forum poses no threat to "big brother". In fact, forums such as this help to perpetuate loop-de-loop conspiracy chatter which
actually keeps people AWAY from the truth.
There is much more to truth seeking than just talking about theories. Much more. A tremendous amount of variables are omitted. For example, taking
action towards change. People can chatter all they want for years and years, but if they don't unite together and come up with a powerful strategy
to change things, then "big brother" remains strong. Other variables include how so-called truth seekers interact with each other. In the
alternative community, there is so much petty inner politics, egos, black & white categorizations, assumptions, slander, and so forth.
Look at remote viewers... claiming to know what is going on behind closed doors anywhere on the globe. You'd think the govt would want this
knowledge suppressed, for the potential to have themselves exposed. But observe the remote viewing conspiracy community and what has happened. In 10
years, with all the remote viewing experts, courses, lectures, books, etc out there.... in a decade or more no effort has been made to discover grand
secrets. Govt secrets are not being exposed on mass by remote viewers, secrets about our ancient past are not being found, even missing kids are not
being located. 10 years!!! A lot of talk, but very minimal effort to shift things in a new direction.
In other words.... theorizing might make you think you are getting closer to the truth. But only through action and application are the true secrets
ever going to get exposed. Fortunately for "big brother", the later variable never occurs in the alternative/conspiracy arena.
In my opinion, the conspiracy community holds very little power indeed. They think they have power because they are talking about suppressed topics.
But in reality, virtually no power. Virtually no creativity to create/provoke change, zero direct action, zero attempt to use stunning technologies
to expose remarkable secrets, continued chatter for years and years and years, quirky and often agressive behavoir within their own community, and so
much more. My God... conspiracy theorists have talking and writing about secret societies for over 20 years now, yet not one single attempt to take
charge, harness, or take back the ancient symbology that has been stolen from us.... or figure out a way to harness it towards a new agenda of Light.
Again, action and creative application is void. And thus "big brother" remains strong, as usual.