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Spinning object in sky videod by me

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posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 04:56 PM
okies heres the first half (albeit with improved music)

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 05:00 PM
Maybe I'm being a little paranoid here.
May I ask what you felt when when you saw this thing?
What did you think?... look a flying saucer or what the hell is that!
It's just that I think there may be a connection with strange sightings
and how a person's mind works (I can assure you, I'm not implying anything!)

Of course, this is a side-line thing as you've recorded this object on video.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 05:11 PM
I felt shocked ,as I first glanced at it, it looked really odd,
A black thing up there reflecting strangely, I thought somthing like a bag or baloon, than a second later when my eyes focused on it, I thought Helicopter (spinning around on the spot,like stunts).

thenI thought camera-time!!!

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 05:21 PM
I apologise for dwelling on this.
So you were dubious about the shape in the sky?
When it dawned on you that this seemed odd, you raced upstairs.
Did it occur to you at anytime that yoiu maybe seeing something
from another planet or did you feel that this was a 'nuts & bolts' thing,
possibly man-made?
Again, I sorry if it seems I'm rambling, but it's sometimes, it's these feelings
that indicate what is truly happening.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 05:22 PM

Had a look and downloaded some clips when you first posted. Was impressed, though do have a nagging doubt that when slowed down sometimes does look like some sort of attatchment to one of the corners like it could be (I mean that thinking that probably not! but still need to be sure before I accept something) a type of baloon or kite. But still really interesting in some places.

Some of the early posts mentioned you sending it to Mufon or something or getting it analysed, Anything happening on that front? Its so good that if it does stand up to scrutinity will prove a UFO event as such good quality footage!

Thanks sorry being a bit lazy too didnt want too read 8 pages again lol

Great Footage and Funy too you might end up on Big Brother lol



posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 07:31 PM
damn rez , I hate to say it bud , but

after reviewing it a cpl more times


a freakin' balloon ?!

rats...was hopin' 4 a bloody ufo...

nice appropriate music tho...

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 09:01 PM
Are you guys seriouse? YES, its a ballon, not a heartshaped ballon, but ALOT of small round ballons attached to a string! Its basically a big floating grape in the sky.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 01:17 AM
WOW, your amazing travis!

you must have 20x20 vision
if you can see a string

no m8 you should a gone to

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 02:37 AM
Well have those UFO guys got back to you yet? I just had another look at the video and I'm starting to think that it is a balloon.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by Nventual
Well have those UFO guys got back to you yet? I just had another look at the video and I'm starting to think that it is a balloon.

i wonder what kind of balloon can sit in one spot and spin at a constant pace like in the video.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by deaf fences hit

Originally posted by Nventual
Well have those UFO guys got back to you yet? I just had another look at the video and I'm starting to think that it is a balloon.

i wonder what kind of balloon can sit in one spot and spin at a constant pace like in the video.

If it really is a balloon; call the weather guys
We are witnessing the most rare air current ever videotaped by a human!

Either way; Something extremely rare and amazing is occuring in this video

If its a balloon; we now have evidence of a new weather phenomena *unless you know what this is already*

you dont get dust devils there in england do ya?

If its not a balloon; we can safely assume we are watching something unexplainable

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 10:22 AM
One thing I noticed (I dont have the video by me at work) is that at 1:40 (I think, could be wrong, the first time the camera zooms way out after being zoomed in) it almost looks like someone standing outside (some black shape) holding something, which could easily be connected to a balloon, or something else.

I am not calling anybody a liar, just inspecting suspicious things.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 11:58 AM
Wow, what a video. I saw a similar object in May 2004 and promptly reported it to NUFORC. I think it's a probe or monitor. Not ours.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 12:02 PM

I just had another look at the video and I'm starting to think that it is a balloon.

maybe it was, a big one though.

I would very much like to see video reconstruction, to compair to,

I tried to find a near by shop that sells them but no luck.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by TrentReznor

WOW, your amazing travis!

you must have 20x20 vision
if you can see a string

no m8 you should a gone to
sorry man, didnt mean to get you nine inch nails in a tangle. It still looks like a ballon with something attached to it, maybe a string, wire, some kinda of weight, or a combo of the 2. Its floating away(looks like its going north west of where your at) and its swaying, twirling, and wabbling in the sky. Its a ballon floating in the sky with something on the end of it, but it isnt being drivin by some kind of intelligence. If it was being flown by some intelligence I think it would be going in a straight path, not twirling, and wabbling!

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 12:11 AM
yeah travis that seems like a sound theory,

I'm gonna leave it at that now, I'm pretty convinced its a baloon

thanx for everyones help


posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by TravisT
If it was being flown by some intelligence I think it would be going in a straight path, not twirling, and wabbling!

well since it is a UFO (as in we don't know what it is), if it even is a craft of some intelligent origin, whose to say that such movement would prove otherwise? it's not uncommon for such UFO sightings to have irregular flight patterns in the sky, i mean that's how we get suspicious of them in the first place.

i'm gonna leave it up to further speculation, merely because this is some interesting footage.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by deaf fences hit

well since it is a UFO (as in we don't know what it is), if it even is a craft of some intelligent origin, whose to say that such movement would prove otherwise?


Just as the video footage from one of the Apollo missions, they filmed a UFO that took a tighter than 90* blunt movement at high rate of speed.

I see too many people confining what a UFO should act like to OUR field of thought. If it's a UFO, it does not necessrily need lift, or bank, pre-dictated angles of flight, nor movement that fits our idea of flight.


posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Misfit

Originally posted by deaf fences hit

well since it is a UFO (as in we don't know what it is), if it even is a craft of some intelligent origin, whose to say that such movement would prove otherwise?


Just as the video footage from one of the Apollo missions, they filmed a UFO that took a tighter than 90* blunt movement at high rate of speed.

I see too many people confining what a UFO should act like to OUR field of thought. If it's a UFO, it does not necessrily need lift, or bank, pre-dictated angles of flight, nor movement that fits our idea of flight.


so true

ill share a good example of this

i have said plenty of times; ive seen over 2 dozen ufo sightings even one up close

one sighting however; is a perfect example of this

it appeared in the North side of the sky around maybe 11pm at night during the spring or summer of 1998 i believe *or 1999*

my friend Tim and I spotted a 'bright dot' in the sky
we watched it intently

it would move some *to the west* and the Stop
it would move agian, then Stop
move, Stop, move stop, move stop move stop move stop
This went on for over 15 whole minutes
Talk about Long intense Amazing sightings eh?

well, around 13 to 14minutes into this
2 US AF Military jets arrived
it was nighttime so i wasnt sure what type of jet they were but im pretty sure it was F-16s because the nearby AF bases carry squadrons of them

This happened in Odessa Texas

well anyways; when the military showed up; the UFO darted Directly Upwards into outer space very quickly
It was unmistakeable
Our jets chased a UFO off back into space

but the most interesting part here is the Movement the object display for us to watch

it was acting like a "new driver who doesnt understand the brakes"
stop go stop go stop go
u know what im saying

regaurdless; this alien was on some form of '___' or something *my opinion*
alien acid lol

the incident showed me that aliens do not conform to humans expectations
and the example is perfect for a case like Trents...imo

We cannot expect UFOs to conform to anything in our expectations
its illogical
Thanks for lettin me share one of my 20-30 sightings with yall

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 11:33 AM
I am a strong believer in Flying Saucers (UFO's are obviously real as they are Unidentified) having seen one myself with 7 friends up close and personal. It was bigger than a open hand at arms length, there was no question that it was NOT a baloon. lol

After taking a close look at it, I think that there is an 80%+ chance that it is a baloon.

It is very strange how it swirls around in the sky, making sharp 90+ degree angles, but the wind could do that. I wish you had noticed that it was still there at the end and continued to film it. Maybe would have a better idea.

Great footage nonetheless, good work. I wish everyone was as quick to grab a camera when they see something strange.

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