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Spinning object in sky videod by me

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posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 01:24 PM
Hey Trent,

Can you tell me what floor this was filmed from and if there are any other floors above yours where a tiny piece of lodestone could have been dangled from a balcony or such?

Not yet saying it is that but curious and I will post a video if I can find it abit later.

I once had filmed a beetle hanging from a spider web through a window that looked similar.

As you yourself learned towards the end of the video that even a spot of dirt on the glass could appear far away so something hanging 2-3 feet away could give the same effect and appear that it is in the sky.


posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 01:40 PM
I live in a terreced house with 2 floors, i filmed the object through the upstairs window. there is nothing above us

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by TrentReznor

I live in the center of middleton just behind the arndale center(mall)

my window face exactly s/w towards manchester newroad in manchester city center direction

I took this video today at abot 10 I think
(oops now the MIB know where i live)

man to who ever said im pulling your leg..
If I could fake this Iwould beworking for ILM studios not stuck here in manchester with a #ty printing job.

[edit on 26-6-2005 by TrentReznor]

Thanks mate know where (roughly
) you are. Certainly a densely-populated area

Manchester Online has no reports so far - I'll keep looking


posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 01:58 PM
I saw the start of this thread, came back and it's now page 4, without reading the rest I will assume this has not been brought up? Pertaining to wondering of object from anything above of the home - at minute 4:12 the object ducts into the clouds (just after your having to find it when it "was" right there), loops out back in then out to above right of same cloud, only to find you looking for it again (appeared off to far right).

Surely its not just to be seen here, I'm using JetAudio 6, on a 17" CRT

Hell of a cool vid TZ - I now have 3 clips that way took me (oh like that should honor you, lol) saved to HDD; yours is aptly name "NIN FreekyReal UFO" heh


posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 02:02 PM

at minute 4:12 the object ducts into the clouds

hehe, no mate, that was a speck of dirt on my window

Although I fell for it at first, and I fell hard

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by TrentReznor
hehe, no mate, that was a speck of dirt on my window

Although I fell for it at first, and I fell hard

Then all I can say at the present time is ............ YOU SUCK !!!!!!!!!!!


Still a way cool clip

I just find it amazing that in these days of videography, to see vids that are a whatever in the sky, but thats all you see - a whatever on blue, about the only movement is the camera shake that makes me wonder if these dudes need a friggen drink REAL BAD !!!!!


posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 02:11 PM
hmmm, to the balloon theory (wich is a good one)

As you can see from the zoom outs i did, you can tell this thing
was very high up and far away, a mere baloon would shurly have
gone POP before it got to that height.

also, wich I faild to mension is
When I saw it from the downstairs kitchen window
the object was in the left hand side field of view from my window
and pretty close
I looked at it for about 1.2seconds before throwing myself upstairs to get camera
in that first time i was thinking baloon then a second later i thought helocopter coz it was well big but when I got upstairs (which took me about 7 seconds)

the object was pretty far away and was middle to right justified in my field of vision from window (obiously both windows are facing the same way duh)

I really don't know

but I have told the "national ufo reporting center" and provided them with link to video, so who knows

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 03:26 PM
well, my angelfire website that has the video on has
an alocated weekly bandwidth of 1gb

today its used 3gb!!!

so I don't think that link will work anymore.

so Ive transferd it to here for thoes of you who can't download it

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 04:01 PM
Great video trent i cant seem to think what it could be at the momment but its a dam good video bro i cant explain it at all except its a real ufo and the spinning effect tops it off. You will be getting a way above vote from me and i hope to find out what others have to say about it and good luck with it man

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 04:16 PM
Cool video dude, i'm not sure what it is but it looks like some kind of balloon or something. Why can't these damn UFO's fly 2 meters above our houses so that we can get a good look?

This reminds me i need to get a new video camera.

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 04:36 PM
After downloading your vid and watching it i thought birthday balloon. It looks like a birthday balloon and them balloons can ascend great heights and travel great distances, BUT, having seen many a birthday balloon floating away into the yonder i have never seen one spin like that, or stay in the same position for all that long And that is my most humble of opinions.

Btw the end part with the speck on the window is very funny.

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 04:37 PM
Prophet Yahweh wasn't around by any chance?

ONly J/K!
That video was pretty amazing! It's great that now DV cameras are more availble that people can video this sort of stuff, I just wish we could see more but well done on what you got! Can you post some HD screen captures?

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 05:02 PM
Jesus..... It's a freaking Mylar balloon! I can't believe how many people fall for this type of $hit after what PY has done.

It's a Mylar balloon. I suggest that the people who believe in this video go to Wal-Mart and buy a $4.00 helium filled Mylar balloon. Let it go and film it with your video camera. You’ll see that it will look and move the same way.

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 05:39 PM
It's a weird shape for a Mylar balloon. Normally Mylar balloons are in the shape of disney characters and have nice pretty colors. I still think it is a balloon but i can't be 100% sure.

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 05:47 PM
I'm guessing balloon with light weights attached to give it a lean and a propeller effect. I'm not saying that you are guilty of perpetuating a hoax Trent, just giving my opinion as I cannot find my magicians thread to perform a video test.

By the way I'm giving you the way above for your efforts.

You have voted TrentReznor for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 05:48 PM
well its still an "unidentified flying object"........might not be from space (i hope it is, the cloaking was pretty kick@ss) but it still cant be identified...

hey i gotta give you props that was pretty good...i enjoyed only if i can summon aliens and have a suitable camcorder...right next to me

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 07:23 PM
Way to GO TR!

Applause to you my quick camera ready ATS pal!

I once did a FAKE UFO vid of a mylar just blew away in the wind. It was OBVIOUSLY not a controled craft.....
This thing you have here, SPINS in place.....if it was a balloon in the wind the wind would take it IMO. This is....differant than just mylar in the wind....

This is definately some 'interesting' footage.......

[edit on 26-6-2005 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
Way to GO TR!
Applause to you my quick camera ready ATS pal!
I once did a FAKE UFO vid of a mylar just blew away in the wind. It was OBVIOUSLY not a controled craft.....
This thing you have here, SPINS in place.....if it was a balloon in the wind the wind would take it IMO. This is....differant than just mylar in the wind....
This is definately some 'interesting' footage.......

[edit on 26-6-2005 by theRiverGoddess]

I've seen balloons hang in place high in the sky before, appearing to go nowhere.
I've seen helium balloons move from one room to another, around a bed, down the stairs, and back up again, on their own...freaked me out when I first saw it, thought it was a little creature moving around my bed...just imagine waking up and seeing something just under bed height bobble along around two 90° angles of the bed...freeeaky.

I've seen plastic shopping bags rise up off the ground, hang fourty feet in the air, do several spins in a single spot,then move off.

In the past 48 hours I've seen three graduation ballons, one floating above the river, stuck in some branches and mud, and two stuck in the tree outside.

Balloons do come in all shapes and sizes.
Here's even more
My first guess was something along this shape

But it seems more longish, almost tear drop shaped.
Which would be basically your normal balloon shape.
Probably not this one

Hahah Run for the hills its a flying saucer

Well here in the USA that actually does symbolise "Alien invasion"

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 08:48 PM
I smell disinfo agents in here, show proof the thing in the video its a ballon, not only your opinion

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 08:50 PM
Okay this is weird... I think I saw this too.

I spotted something very similar to this sometime last week. I'm in the Manchester area too, probably about 20 miles from where you are. Trent, can you remember which day it was last week that it absolutely chucked it down? It was right after the storm had passed - my dad spotted this thing that looked a lot like the UFO in your video and we both watched it cross the sky. We only saw it for about 30 seconds or so because we were both hanging out of an upstairs window and it passed over the house out of sight. I did grab my phone to try and take a picture but the battery was flat. Typical!
I doubt the quality would have been any good though so no real loss there I suppose.

I must say however, it did look like one of those circular helium balloons and I assumed some kid had just lost it trying to get out of the rain. It was also very black, not shiny like in your video, a very matt black. But I suppose it was very cloudy when I saw it. And yes, I did question a black balloon but I figured it must've been a morbid kid.

So yeah, I didn't think much of it at the time but after watching your video I'm intrigued!

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