posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 03:25 PM
mam oh man......I saw JAWS with a group of freinds as a kid, for my 6th grade birthday party....
When I am near the ocean...ANY sea for that matter, you wont SEE me in water past my knees.
I did a little snorkeling in cove ares on the sea of Cortez, and once in the Bahamas I was 'caoxed' in to a group snorkel wich was great! I rather
perfer aquariums to getting IN with the sea creatures though.
I mean.....I SAW JAWS, and think IF you swim in the ocean you should EXPECT to be a sharks lunch! If not...well your lucky and thats all.
I am never surprised at reported shark attacks. They are a creature that means no mennice at all...they are only feeding in they're own
Are'nt shark attacks more rare than being struck by lightning?
I do feel awfull for the perants of the poor girl. It can NOT be easy to loose a beloved child in ANY way.