Originally posted by helen670
SO.......What exactly is it that Christianity took from the Ancient Hebrews and/ OR The Pagans???
Well they should have adopted the whole Hebrew system nothing more nothing less. Instead they persecuted the people of the Highest Holy who is
Judah/Israel or the Jews. If you invent your own festivals you are a fool. And if you adopt foreign foreign ways you are a whore. Easter even means
"of the East". A common word for East in Hebrew Shemesh means Sun really. And when they use the expression "from the East" they nearly always
refer to Babylonia. In the morning Shemesh means East, in the evening Shemesh means West. Sunworship is the way of Satan, Satan is the Sungod, Ba'al
Sebul (The Exhalted Lord), Ba'al Berit (Lord of the Covenant). When Israel left Babylon they rewrote the Tannakh, they rewrote 70 books that the
Babylonians had destroyed when they sacked the Temple and all. It was around then that the priests started taking measures into their own hands, they
added new laws, the Talmud. These laws was refered to by Paul as the "Yoke of the Covenant", and Jesus called them "laws of men" and "the leaven
dough", and the habbit Jesus had by walking up to the Mount of Olives every Sabbath was a deliberate rebellion towards the Talmud which said that the
distance between Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives was the farthest you were allowed to walk on a Sabbath. Jesus called the advocates of these new
laws hipocrites and children of serpents. He said that it was better for them to be cast into the ocean with a millstone around their necks. Anyone
who adds or subtracts from the Law of God will be called the least in the Kingdom. How can we accept Jesus if we can't accept the Word of God which
he fulfilled and passed on?
Anyway. The cross with dead Jesus kept by the Roman Church as their main symbol, is adopted directly from Babylon. It was one of their main symbols a
mystical Tau cross (Roman style cross) with Tammuz nailed to it (Jesus style crucifiction). Jesus was killed this very way because the Jews saw how he
would be worshipped by the Church: Babylonian Ba'al/Ashera style, Egyptian As-Ar/Osiris style. Jesus also saw this and condems it again and again.
Jesus was killed in the city that is spiritually called Sodom (Ba'alist Sun worship, fornication, and general unrightiousness) and Egypt (Ra'ist Sun
worship, Pride, Idolatry, Magic, Adultary) his two witnesses will also suffer the same fait and judgement as Jesus. This however doesn't nessasarilly
mean that they will be killed in Jerusalem, it's strictly allegorical.
25th of December was the official day of winter solstice in Rome at the time your "fathers" turned the ekklesia into a harlot forcing the children
of God to run away. The fun thing to notice is that 25th of December was also the festival of Sol Invictus, Constantine's favorite god, and the
Romanised Ba'al. Your "fathers" did all in their power to convince Constantine that Sol was Jesus, their Lord. Your "fathers" did all in their
power to proove that Jesus was Ba'al. They even changed rest day from the Sabbath to the day of the Sun/Ba'al/Lord. We didn't receive the Sabbath
to worship the Army of Heaven, it is strictly prohibited. The childern of Abraham worship only the Creator, not his sons or his spirits, his creation
and the usual works of men, statues, images/idols/icons (pick your language) and further on. That's the ways of the beasts.
If you haven't already seen the clear parallells between Babylonian and Catholic religion by now, I'm afraid you will never see it and end up among
those who must walk in eternal shame and be laughed at for their stupidity by children. Even the birds in the sky will stupify them and God will not
grant them access to his City. If they try to enter the gatekeepers will kill them with fire from their mouths. Weighed. Weighed they are and found
too light to enter. Rome/Catholicism is what Solomon would have called a foreign woman with highways to hell running from her house. Solomon fell in
his own wisdom in the end, when he started to worship the gods of Babylon, the Army of Heaven, the Egyptian gods and the spirits. God took away his
crown because of this. If God did this with Solomon whom he called his Son, how much more the Pope who have called himself the son of God and layed
his nest on the highest aphex and dress himself in scarlet and king's blue, has proclaimed himself as the Prince of Peace, he is a bogieman, a fraud,
bread and circus, the same old Roman C�sar, the severed head, only he has even taken his seat above him.
Look at this Helen. C�sar means deadly wounded or severed, the Roman Emperor is the head "that is". The pope is the prophet who proclaims the
Kaizer/C�sar (pick your language) and leads him on his way. Hitler was the little horn Daniel prophecied. The pope naturally blessed him, perhaps even
secretly coronating him. The germanic people is one of the three Roman tribes. They have ten curiae in the Curia. These are the ten horns of the
fourth beast in Daniel. The other two tribes also have ten curiae each. These are the twenty claws of copper of the beast of Daniel. The horns were
still on the head of the beast when the German Papal Empire ended, in the form of the "Ten imperial circles". The Curia was transfered to the Pope
in the mid 1800s if I'm not mistaken about the time, but in many ways the ancient Roman system lived on and still lives on today.
Hitler claimed he was a holy man, a man of God. He looked uppon nazi Germany as his empire and sought to swallow the whole world. He had received a
vision which promised him great power and strength. When he came to power, he merged the three highest German offices into one, namely F�hrer, killed
6 million of the people of the Highest Holy. The first widely broadcasted TV show, was the 1936 Berlin Olympics. A TV show of Hitler agitating during
the traditional games of the Greeko-Roman gods.... Well that's an image of the Beast that has life and can even speek. It was a woman who actually
filmed it, she is dead now, but the Vatican was among the first to use TV technology. The Vatican TV station was among the first in the world. The
swaztika is one of the oldest Sun symbols we have. Hitler would kill anyone who didn't comply to "Christian" traditions. I.e. go to church on
sunday and observe "Christian" Easter. The children of God and their true ways was punnished with torture and death.
Today the nazis have come to hate Christianity. They have left the Church and entered the ancient Norse religion. Odin and Tor, Loke, Fr�ya, Balder
and all the other gods of the Asians (Asia was a province in the Roman Empire which included most of the "near East", Turkey and surrounding areas,
the place where Dan's tribe had settled and where Troy was, the area discribed by Homer in his Illiade etc. The home of the Greeko-Roman gods. The
Norse gods were the �ses, and their enemies were the Jotnes. The ethymology of �se/�s is Asian. �sg�rd (their home) is Asia. Balder of the Norse
religion is Tammuz in the Babylonian system. He was killed but came back to life. Loke killed him with an arrow made of mistletoe. But he came back to
life when the misteltoe understood what she had done, and changed the color of her berries. The tradition with kissing under the misteltoe on
Christmas you have from this story, not Jesus or Moses. The tradition with the Easter Bunny who lays eggs is an old fertility symbol connected to the
birth of Venus. The tradition with taking a tree into the house at winter solstice and fitting lights and stuff to it is an ancient Norse tradition.
Christmas in Norwegian is actually called Jul, from Jola feiring, which was an ancient Norse tradition similar to the Roman Sol Invictus celebration.
Lent is an ancient Babylonian custom, unmarried priests and dedicated virgins are also hethen traditions. The Law of God says that a priest ought to
be married.
Jesus couldn't have been born on Christmas. There are many reasons for this. Firstly December in Palestine is cold and all cattle etc. are kept
inside, no shepherds are sleeping in the fields and there are certainly no lambs around for them to give Jesus. Jesus was born in springtime between 9
March-4 May 5 BC (my guess is 14th of March). If he was born then, the Gospel is correct. But when the "infallible" pope says that Jesus was the
Lord and that he was born in Anno Domi� (Dominus is a Latin name for Satan btw.), he is lying like a dragon and he accuse the evangelists and Jesus
for lying. If you don't understand these things, how can you understand anything that has to do with Yeshuah and God? For once, do yourself a favour
and take a trip to your local library and start studying Mesopotamian and Roman history. It's the exact same as Catholicism, only Catholicism is
worse, for they say that Yeshuah is Ba'al. The exact same thing Jesus was accused for being.
Where do I have my knowledge from? From the guy you don't know, but claim to know, and how he guides me through the sea of knowledge. This is exactly
how we were taught to study by Yeshuah and the Spirit of God. When God changed the kosher practice, he didn't say that we should become harlots and
aquire all hethen ways and traditions, he simple allowed us to study their scriptures in order so that we can know who is who in the world scene and
so we can fulfill the prophecies of Hosea.
Pontifex Maximus (solver of mysteries/the great bridgebuilder) was the official title of the Babylonian emperors. Nebukadnezzar held this title. It
was later adopted by the C�sar and in the end by the Pope. 666 was the holy number of the highest astrological god in their Zodiak. The highest priest
in Babylon was the human representative for this god and he also had this number. Go figure....
[Edited on 10-11-2003 by mikromarius]
[Edited on 10-11-2003 by mikromarius]