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does anyone know of this?

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posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 04:05 PM
back when y2k was happening , it was in the news at one point. somewhere in one of the middle states in america, some person created an underground city. and i can't for the life of me remember where it was. the guy who built it said it could house 800 people . anyone remember this?


posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 06:18 PM
ill look for it and if i find anything ill drop a line in here for ya

but from what i remember; "underground cities" were built during the 1950s and early 1960s here in america *quite a few actually*

but if i recall correctly they never really were "completed" either that or they were just not desireable

they are probably similar to empty bunkers and the sort

ill have to look into it further for you

its a fun subject

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 06:27 PM
here are some prehistoric underground villages

very interesting indeed
from the prehistoric - era *very old*

heres some pics *i think these are found in present day Turkey*

i will continue looking for "Modern" underground cities....may take awhile im having a rough time 'google' can suck sometimes you can see; pre-historic man was obviously quite advanced

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 06:33 PM
well ... according to this
place... alot of cities have "underground" sections that make everything accessable from underground

they even call them underground cities

and it gives a list of known modern cities
ill paraphrase some of it for ya

"An underground city is a network of underground tunnels that connect buildings, usually in the downtown area of a city. These may include office blocks, shopping malls, train and metro stations, theatres, and other attractions. An underground city can usually be accessed through the public space of any of the buildings connecting to it, and sometimes has separate entries as well. Download high resolution version (847x318, 51 KB)Bonaventure metro station, an important link in Montreals Ville souterraine, with directional panels to buildings reachable by the underground city. ... Download high resolution version (847x318, 51 KB)Bonaventure metro station, an important link in Montreals Ville souterraine, with directional panels to buildings reachable by the underground city. ... An underground pedestrian tunnel between buildings at MIT. Note the utility pipes running along the ceiling. ... For the traditional meaning of the word mall, see mall. ... Passengers bustle around the typical grand edifice of Londons Broad Street Station in 1865. ... A metro station is a train station for a metro. ... Theatre is that branch of the performing arts concerned with acting out stories in front of an audience using combinations of speech, gesture, music, dance, sound and spectacle — indeed any one or more elements of the other performing arts. ...

Underground cities are especially important in cities with cold climates, as they permit the downtown core to be enjoyed year round without regard to the weather.

Underground cities are similar in nature to skyway systems and may include some buildings linked by skyways or above-ground corridors rather than underground. A skyway is a path that is traversed without touching the ground. ... "

there is alot of photos and plenty more to read on that website i listed

also of interest :: there is a very long list of hundreds of underground cities on that webpage i listed *modern ones*
from all known nations who have these networks under certain cities

if you want more info , a good place to start would be google or

edit::added a pic of Bonaventure metro station, an important link in Montreals Ville souterraine

[edit on 25-6-2005 by muzzleflash]

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