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Fish with legs and a horn caught in Seattle

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posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 03:33 PM
No, not a werewolf, lol, it wasnt the fullmoon, and generally, even under the full moon, the only creatures in seattle that come out a night are junkies and rave burnouts.

This critter I saw was smaller than human size, like i said, about the size of a pit bull or other mid sized dog. A long, anteater like head, and the markings were grey and white stripped. the tail was long and busy, like a skunk, but it was way too big to be a skunk, and the markings were different. its back was humped, with its rump being the highest, and it walked with a lumber, like a bear.

I have been looking for pictures of it on the net, havent found anything to match thus far, in the local wildlife of seattle. My next bet is to look for animals from around the world. Maybe some sort of wierd creature from Australia or elsewhere that escaped from a zoo or exibit. It didnt appear threatening, just strange.

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 03:47 PM



posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 11:12 PM
Skadi_the_Evil_Elf perhaps what you describe as having an anteater like face is in fact an anteater. They do meat all the descriptions you gave. You may want to check with your local zoo's and wildlife centers to see if any are missing.

posted on Aug, 20 2003 @ 02:27 AM
u no what a danm weird fish is.. a sturgeon. i dont got a picture but they can grow well passed 10 ft. if caught i phew dozen in my life, lost more...the fishing rod we use is about the size of the fish..and of course thoses are mostley found in the northwest....(columbia river[bonnivile danm]) there is this one famous picture of about a 6ft yellow sturgeon...never seen a yellow only gray...and something nice about them is they have 5 rows of jagged spike going up and down there body....nuce huh?

posted on Aug, 20 2003 @ 06:09 AM
Yeah, i'm gonna have to say that that is one of the wierdest #ing things i've ever seen. and besides, who's ever heard of a spotted ratfish?


posted on Aug, 20 2003 @ 01:18 PM

u no what a danm weird fish is.. a sturgeon. i dont got a picture but they can grow well passed 10 ft. if caught i phew dozen in my life, lost more...the fishing rod we use is about the size of the fish..and of course thoses are mostley found in the northwest....(columbia river[bonnivile danm]) there is this one famous picture of about a 6ft yellow sturgeon...never seen a yellow only gray...and something nice about them is they have 5 rows of jagged spike going up and down there body....nuce huh?

If you like sturgeons then you'll love this.
Also I believe this post does have a pic of that 6ft yellow one you spoke of.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 05:18 PM
I believe it. I caught a fish that fit that desciption when I was 13. I was fishing from the rocks at the Norfolk Naval Air Station in Virginia. When I pulled it up, my mother told me to cut the line because it was the Devil. This is the first that I've heard of anyone else catching one of those things since. I'll be 41 in February.

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