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Your Reasons For Hating Bush!

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posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 10:38 AM
Quite a few......well most of ATS has something to say about Mr Bush.

Why is it that so many people hate him?

Fair enough you can moan over the war, but there must be more reasons then that!

So let me know why you all think hes such a bad man.......


posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 10:44 AM
Umm... this has been asked and answered several times. Here are a couple. Feel free to read them

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 06:09 PM
Let me count the ways.....
He is a war monger.
He is still working on the demolition of Separation of Church and State
He Lies
He is very unintelligent.
He is George Seniors Son
He took this country from being in the black to being in the RED....
he has the brain the size of a walnut

I could go on but it will only make my brain steam

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 08:11 PM
My top 5 reasons to hate bush

1. He lies and tell more lies and more lies
2. He could care less about the American people, as long as his corporate buddies can rip off of the american people then he is happy.
3. clealy he wants to invade iraq long before 9/11, 9/11 just give him a excuse to do it.
4. He could care less about our soldiers, as long as his corporate buddies gains, a few thousand soldiers dead is worth the cost.
5. He use his reiligon to brainwash american's to vote for him.

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 09:42 PM
Isn't lying and getting thousands of people killed and maimed over lies reason enough to hate the man? Everybody hates Charles Manson and considers him a murderer yet he didn't kill anybody himself. He ordered others to kill. One is rich and powerful, the other not. Thats the only difference.

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 10:34 PM

'Nuff said.


posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 10:59 PM
My oh my the trolls have shown up in force on this thread. Well, I guess I'll begin. I am a Bush supporter. Flame away trolls!

Here are my responses to some of the idiotic statements already:

Let me count the ways.....
"He is a war monger."
- Fair enough. This is opinion that can't be argued with. I do not think he is a warmonger, personally that is. This is opinion. I'll leave it at that.

"He is still working on the demolition of Separation of Church and State."
- Once again, opinion. I'll leave it at that.

"He Lies."
- Don't all politicians? It's part of the game, get over it. And plus, don't we all?

"He is very unintelligent."
- Actually, he has an IQ around 140 and scored a 1400 + on his SAT. I'd say he is quite intelligent, however he is a bad public speaker. Even he has said that. lol.

"He is George Seniors Son."
- Well, obviously.

"He took this country from being in the black to being in the RED...."
- At least this one is tangible. Jeez. Finally a legit one. True, he did, but that happens in times of war. Look at history.

"he has the brain the size of a walnut."
- Once again, he scored higher than Al Gore and John Kerry on his SATs, and has an IQ between 130 - 140. Quite high actually. In physical size, however, I'd say his brain is probably equivalent to that more of a standard human brain rather than a walnut. This quote has nothing more than blatant flames written all over it.

"One word, internets"
- Actually, the government is working on creating a multi-net, which will be used by the military. The internet itself was created by the military, so this isn't suprising. Also, there are multiple levels to the internet, which could be argued as multiple levels of "net" itself. Kthxbye.

Well, 'til the next round of trolls show up, this is wD, signing out.


posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 01:03 AM
Hate is too strong a term. I like to say I hate him just to see the veins in my Republican co-worker's necks pop out. Though really, deep down, I really couldn't care less.

Though I am "disatisfied" with him. Why, you ask? The same reason I can't respect any conservative: They believe their beliefs should be forcibly pushed upon people, which runs contrary to what our founding fathers believed in.

Case in point. I am pro-life. My future Wife and/or daughter would *never* be able to get an abortion...and if they did, there would be divorce papers or disowning involved. Seriously.

However, I don't believe that *my* beliefs should be pushed on the entire country. Though I am pro-life, I support the right to choose. I firmly believe that people who force their beliefs (Religous and/or political) on strangers are small-minded weaklings who are either extremely egotistical or have such an unfathomably low self-esteem that they need to exert their imagined power over everyone they can.

Simply put: What works for you doesn't work for everyone else in the world as well.

That's why I dislike Bush and nearly every Conservative I've ever met. I don't believe in forcing people to live a different life or subscribe to a different set of rules simply because the majority lawmakers have deemed it "Moral".

Of course, I'm not saying it's ok for Muslims to behead their women for cheating or for Liberals to go after the right to bear arms either. It's called common sense. You let everyone do want the hell they want to, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

Pot? Sure. Blowing up animals for fun? As long as you eat them or give the meat to someone who will. Putting the ten commandments on your classroom door? No problem. Refusing to enter said classroom because of it? Fine by me.

You know what the problem is? People with very small brains who get angry and bent out of shape when someone refuses to share their belief.

/two cents

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Rhiannon1968
Let me count the ways.....
He is a war monger.
He is still working on the demolition of Separation of Church and State
He Lies
He is very unintelligent.
He is George Seniors Son
He took this country from being in the black to being in the RED....
he has the brain the size of a walnut

I could go on but it will only make my brain steam

How could those things make your brain steam when apparantly it is on auto pilot and not really working itself??

I find those comments of yours to be last years buzz words during the election, when are you going to start thinking for yourself? Or is that too much work for you?

ok, so why do I hate bush? I don't 'hate' anyone...

I dislike his close ties with paul wolfowitz, ridge, and rumsfeld, I don't like the possibility that his father is half dictating or telling him how to run things, and I don't like the fact that he backed away from abolishing the irs and how he's not fighting hard enough to privitize social security so congress can stop overspending and stealing people's money. If anybody ever listens to anything i say, congress and the senate are draining the funds, not bush.

[edit on 20-7-2005 by TrueLies]

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 10:26 AM
I don't hate him, but here are my reasons why he isn't fit:

He lies about being a Christian. He's not. Think Skull and Bones.
Illegal, unconstitutional wars.
NWO shill
Closet liberal

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 06:48 AM
Why do I hate Bush:

1. He's a lier and a cheat.

2. He's corrupt.

3. He embarrases the USA in front of thw WORLD

4. He a hipicrate

5. he cheated on the election in 2000

6. He's an Arrogent SOB!

Does that help?


posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 08:22 AM
(pretending to be a Democrat)

I hate Bush because he kicked our butts in 2 straight elections, and exposed the weakness of my party.

I also hate the fact that he lowered taxes on everyone, including the rich. Don't you know that the only fair way to lower taxes is to only lower taxes on people that don't pay taxes?

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 03:02 PM
Hi Bush Bot! I think that post gives you what, 10 minutes towards your 4-7 hours of Bush Worship?


When I was young I couldn't wait to be 16 and drive, now? I want to be 8 again since Bush&Co charge more then 300% on gas. Less then a dollar to make, charge more then 3 dollars...

Up to him I will be drafted when I turn 18 to fight in Iran, or Syria, or North Korea, or Canada, or Mexico, or anywhere else with oil.

Was told that OBL was going to attack with airplanes by the FBI, so after 9/11 happens who does he blame? The FBI...

He is just plain evil, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, so forth.

Did coke, drank like a fish, and smoked tons of pot, what a great role model! Why do you think he can't go to football games? He sees those white lines on the feild and goes nuts trying to sniff up the 50 yard line.

Turned the Black Economy of CLinton into the Red Economy of Republicans. I am on my third job after first one went over seas, second one was cut because of the Bush Economy, and third is until an illegal alien gets here.

The deficit... CLinton had a Budget, a Surplus, Bush has spent more money then the every skinny blonde girl in Hollywood has on coke...

But why do Bush Bots worship Bush?

"WORSHIP!!!!!!! Because GOP News told me to, he is God, no the Son of God, no God, who cares! As long as I go to Burch and worship the Golden Statue we got to replace that, uh, you know, that dead guy on a stick, who cares what his name was he wasn't BUSH!!!!!! WORSHIP!!!!!"

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 03:48 AM
Political Figures
Discussion of politicians and political pundits

General Ideological Topics
Discuss the merits of liberal, conservative, libertarian, etc. political ideologies and politicians.


Any chance this can be put in the right section?


My main problem with Bush, is the fact he should have never been in power in the first place. He and his Government have abused the Country, time and time again, by their use of terrorist events [even if not done by them] to sway public opinion in their favour...

They lie to their own peoples faces.

The list could go on...

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 04:44 AM
We hate Bush because:

- he's a secret member of an illuminati sub-group called Skull & Bones
- he rigged the florida election with the help of his brother jeb
- he rigged the latest election whilst his political rival Kerry was actually distantly related to him in one of the links in his family tree and also a member of his organisation Skull & Bones
- he's a hypocrite when he passes anti drug laws including his latest war on drugs using SWAT teams at raves in the last few months, when he himself has been a coc aine addict, alcoholic and arrested for drink driving twice.
- He abandoned the National Guard then goes and sends thousands of soldiers to die for a fake war he setup with his Oil supplying friends.
- He's doing the work of the illuminati (including planning a Single World Police State involving four sub continental areas, using the war on terrorism and enabling of democracy as a front) and would rather choose fooling the world than the threat of death by them (illuminati).
- his Dad tells him all the CIA intelligence, which George Bush as president and a non-member is not supposed to know.
- his Grandfather supplied weapons and money to the Nazis.
- George helped plan the Afghanistan takeover (also earning his CIA millions through the poppy (opium/heroine global industry), just like the CIA did in the Vietnam war to takeover the notorious Burmese triangle drug trade, Iraq Takeover, (also earning him oil, building contracts, arms) and NYC attacks (excuse to attack and takeover the world through the one word of 'anti-terrorism'.

[edit on 20-10-2005 by sugeshotcha]

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
(pretending to be a Democrat)

I hate Bush because he kicked our butts in 2 straight elections, and exposed the weakness of my party.

BS, My dislike of Bush has to do with his politics and his lieing!

BTW: My favorite President happens to be Ronald Regan (A conservitive Republican)

What's a matter? Did that last comment embarrase you? It sucks to be wrong, doesn't it?


posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:54 PM
@ ghost

You quote me and respond to my quote, yet I have no idea what you are talking about?

How exactly am I wrong?

Why would your choice of Ronald Reagan being your favorite president embarrass me? Ronald Reagan is my favorite president too!

(Pretending to be a Democrat again)

But most of all I hate President Bush because as stupid as we all think he is, he still defeats us democrats.

He's stupid but we're defeated? I just hate that.

[edit on 20-10-2005 by Carseller4]

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
(Pretending to be a Democrat again)

But most of all I hate President Bush because as stupid as we all think he is, he still defeats us democrats.

He's stupid but we're defeated? I just hate that.

[edit on 20-10-2005 by Carseller4]

Nobody is saying Kerry or Gore were not worse than Bush, nobody is saying either of them were smart so you do not have a point in this thread.

The guy who started it, is trying to find out what the problem with Bush is and your pointless statements will only help to cause up more idiotic "Liberal V Conservative"/"Democrat V Republican" arguments once more...

I doubt even 1/10th of the population hate Bush because he beat them but rather his actions while in office. A lot of people [World Over] do not like being lied too.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 03:41 AM
Politicians have this tendancy to let you down. It comes with the territory - they give all these promises and pledges and it is inevitable that they will go down a path that doesn't please all their supports.

However, Bush is something else entirely. If he was just a rabid right-winger with more concern for money and power than the environment or the ordinary (ie. non-millionaire) man, that would be enough for him to press all my political buttons. No, he is much worse than that. He is incompetant.

Politicians (and especially American Presidents) have taken a very similar path to Bush in the past. Arrogant empire-building, illegal military ventures in foreign lands, torture of innocent people, tax concessions for the wealthy, supporting powerful lobby groups over the interests of the common man, exacerbating the gap between rich and poor etc. None of it is exactly new - and much of it has been standard US policy for years.

However, what makes Bush so deserving of my contempt is that there is practically nothing the administration has done of any good. Bush is a liability, is dangerous and perhaps most damning of all, he is incompetant - or at the very least his administration is incompetant. As Katerina illustrated this is an administration that lives and breathes on cronyism and incompetance.

I guess you accept politicians to let you down time and time again. What you want from them at the very least is a sense that they have your country's best interests at heart and that they will not be foolish and endanger your country at whim. Bush's actions have endangered us all through his gross incompetence. His domestic and foreign policies are both huge failures (indeed on a pure economic level he's seen the public deficit go from a healthy black to the biggest deficit ever in the history of the US - and it is only going to get bigger and bigger).

Do I hate him? No. Do I pray for the day that he isn't president? Yes. He is much much more dangerous than even a Margaret Thatcher (whom I dislike intensely) or a Ronald Reagan. His actions in Iraq, not to say Afganistan & Alaska have put the short-term interests of oil lobby groups above and beyond the interests of the American people - if not the world.

And I haven't even started on 9/11 yet.

Nor his stupidity in creating another Vietnam in Iraq.

There are too many reasons to hate George Bush. But I don't. I just want him gone. 2008 can't come quickly enough, although I fear that another Bush (Jeb) or Cheney will be the Republican candidate then. What ever happened to moderate Republicans wanting to keep the status quo?

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 04:05 AM
What's a hipicrate? Someone help me out...

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