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Ailens Amongst us

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posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 10:17 AM
I have often wondered when i am having a cup of coffee and do a spot of people watching on a busy crowded afternoon, how easy it would be if an ailen wanting to observe our society would disgusie themselves and mingle with the crowds. How many of us have spoken to someone you bumped into and later thought, well that was odd? What about the person on the bus or train you spotted and thought was a bit different, distant? And i dont mean the junkies, street gangs, hoodies and the ill.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 10:59 AM
yea its wierd i bumped into some guy on my way to a store and he asked me where would be the best place to watch people work i didnt answer him cuz i just dont talk to people but i wouldnt of answered him even if i would talk to people cuz he was really strange

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 12:16 PM
There's quite a bit of literature/stories of people having strange experiences in brought daylight and public places.Look and you shall find.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 12:22 PM
i should go outside a lil more to see what kind of creepy people/aliens are out there

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 02:41 PM
i just saw a wierd old woman at a store... looked like a alien to me

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 04:58 PM
Been watching MIB lately?

Depends on a lot of factors. Reading JB1's Alien Evolution thread would give a few hints about how easy it may or may not be.

Personally, I feel the number one way they'd e a problem in (other than physiology, human interaction, customs, culture) would be odor. I'd imagine something otherworldy would smell otherworldy, and not very natural at all. You'd assume something odd, but a buff business man in a ski mask that smells rotten is a little weird.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 05:15 PM
i personally dont believe any aliens "hide" in human bodies or the "appearance of a human body"

my reasoning is this

Why would some alien want to become part of our world?

Do they like suffering...Do they enjoy rascism and prejudice...
Do they like having to work 10hours a day?

honestly; i dont think its happening
i think if aliens watch us which im pretty sure they do *being ive seen ufos that run away from military and fly into Outer space*
if they watch us it is from "Up there" with advanced optical technology and possibly even acoustic devices and the like
very sensative technology

but in all seriousness
I do not believe that aliens are stupid enough to take on human form and 'be one of us to study us'
the reason its stupid is well....It Is Stupid to want to be a earthling on earth
just look how stupid an violent we are

i dont like being here and i was born here!!!

If alien does really live in human form, they are the dumbest alien in this sector of the galaxy
no doubt

alot of people have neat way of ending their post
i will try this new way

Beam me up scotty

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Amorymeltzer
Been watching MIB lately?

Depends on a lot of factors. Reading JB1's Alien Evolution thread would give a few hints about how easy it may or may not be.

Personally, I feel the number one way they'd e a problem in (other than physiology, human interaction, customs, culture) would be odor. I'd imagine something otherworldy would smell otherworldy, and not very natural at all. You'd assume something odd, but a buff business man in a ski mask that smells rotten is a little weird.

Are you serious? Because if you are, I have meet people before who smelled a little odd. And apparently, I am the only one who notices. It is a very foul smell, not a normal body oder. Now I do know peolpe who seem to sweat amonia, but this is a different smell alltogether. Guess I'll read that link.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
i personally dont believe any aliens "hide" in human bodies or the "appearance of a human body"

my reasoning is this

Why would some alien want to become part of our world?

Do they like suffering...Do they enjoy rascism and prejudice...
Do they like having to work 10hours a day?

but in all seriousness
I do not believe that aliens are stupid enough to take on human form and 'be one of us to study us'
the reason its stupid is well....It Is Stupid to want to be a earthling

Your looking at this as if they WERE human, and they're not.
They don't have to work.
They go through predjudice and racism because they do not have that where they are from, and it helps them to understand us.

Trying to be us, is the best way to understand us.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 10:07 PM
Need to look at Robert Dean retired Lets see if i can put a link to his page:

in his own words was the alien who bothered the generals because they looked just like us!


posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by darkelf

Originally posted by Amorymeltzer
Been watching MIB lately?

Depends on a lot of factors. Reading JB1's Alien Evolution thread would give a few hints about how easy it may or may not be.

Personally, I feel the number one way they'd e a problem in (other than physiology, human interaction, customs, culture) would be odor. I'd imagine something otherworldy would smell otherworldy, and not very natural at all. You'd assume something odd, but a buff business man in a ski mask that smells rotten is a little weird.

Are you serious? Because if you are, I have meet people before who smelled a little odd. And apparently, I am the only one who notices. It is a very foul smell, not a normal body oder. Now I do know peolpe who seem to sweat amonia, but this is a different smell alltogether. Guess I'll read that link.

Interesting. As far as I know, no human should smell like they're sweating ammonia. I recall hearing somewhere that some aliens have a particular ammonia smell to them though... Interesting...

[edit on 25-6-2005 by CloudlessKnight]

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 10:24 PM
hmm ammonia huh? well I'm glad i smeel like farts because they will keep either keep away or try to clean me


posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 10:54 PM

Are you serious? Because if you are, I have meet people before who smelled a little odd. And apparently, I am the only one who notices. It is a very foul smell, not a normal body oder. Now I do know peolpe who seem to sweat amonia, but this is a different smell alltogether. Guess I'll read that link.

We commonly refer to that group of odd-smelling people as "The French."

On a more serious note, my brother has always said that "anyone who does not believe in aliens, is an alien themself!" Maybe he's right...

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 12:30 AM
Here's a story from another board which was send to ufologist Dr. Michael Salla.It's just to show you that apparently there are accounts of "aliens amongst us".

Dear Dr Salla,

I first became aware of your site through, and in particular a letter in response to Mr.Dan
Bursch which you described stages that contactees have with the beings refered to as the Nordics. I have had a contactee experience myself, and it was reasuring to me that you seem to to be so aware of the Nordic connection, which is largely overlooked on the internet on the whole.

I was originally inspired by a Timothy Good 'Radio One' interview, in which he describes a telepathic
contact experience that he had in the late sixties. I decided to try a similar experiment myself in 1991. I was waiting for a train in Charing Cross railway station in London, and I thought it may be a good time to try and contact these beings who are said to live among us incognito.

I asked the question in my mind "If there are any beings from elsewhere, witin the vicinity of Charing
Cross station could you please come and prove it?". After concentrating for around half an hour, I boarded my train and thought nothing more of it. I noticed that the carriage was full being the height of rush hour. I felt that it was strange that no one standing was interested in sitting down in the available seat directly opposite me by the window.

Just before the train departed a man entered the train from my left and immediadetly sat in the seat in front of me. I noticed that he was dressed in a tan coloured suit and tie with a matching attache case. He was around six foot three, had short blonde hair brushed back, blue eyes and had a swedish appearence. Although I had made no connection that he was one of these beings at this time, I noticed that he was acting strangely by observing the other people on the train. He even at times turned around to look at the other people seated behind.

He then leant forward and started to observe his own hands, which I also felt was unusual. It was at this point that it occured to me that he may be one of these "Beings". So I asked the question "If you are a being from elsewhere, please place your right index finger on the right side of your nose?".

As soon as I had telepathically asked the question, he responded by doing just that. Very slowly and
carefully placing his finger on his nose, holding it there for some time, before lowering it. I asked if he could do various other gestures to confirm if he was from elsewhere, but he did not respond to this. The only other time that he responded in exactly the same way, was when I asked if he "Was one of the beings responsible for the crop circle phenomenon?".

As the journey approached it's end, I was thinking that "I am not convinced that you are from elsewhere, as you could have been placing your finger on your nose by coincidence". He immediately responded to this with apparent frustration. This reaction in itself seemed far more convincing than the initial experiment. I then asked the question again in my mind, "If you are from elsewhere then please tap on your attache case three times?". With both hands on his attache case, he slightly shook his head, and then started to tap with both hands firmly, once... twice... three times.He paused for a moment, tapped again once... twice... three times. Then once again paused, then tapped once... twice... three times finally. Three sets of three in total. He then turned and stared directly at me.

Up until this point I had not established direct eye contact with him, but had little choice but to stare
back at this point. As I did so I noticed that his face was assymetrically perfect, his eyes slightly
slanted and pale blue with flecks of violet in the irises. His cheek bones were high set. I began to
realize the enormity of the experience for the first time as I stared into the man's eyes. I was thinking
about trying to speak verbally with him, but then after about twenty seconds my train arrived at the
stop. Due to being somewhat stunned by the experience, I broke the stare and continued to gather my port folio and depart from the train. I remember hearing him behind me sounding frustrated again.

Once I returned home I decided to make a detailed drawing of the man in portrait and profile. I also
wrote down on the sheet of paper as many details as possible of the experience. Within moments of doing this I began to realise that the paper that I had had moments before, was gone. I searched around me but found nothing, I started to search all around the house even though I had no recollection of leaving the seat. To this day I have not found the paper. It is worth noting that I am a portrait artist, and the likeness was very close.

A few months later in what I believe is a related experience, I saw a craft. One evening I needed a tool from my garage. At the tool box I noticed something moving in the corner of my eye in the evening sky. I first thought that it may have been a bat, so I walked outside the garage to have a better look. Low in the sky I witnessed a large oval shaped object, around one hundred feet across. It was moving like an insect, and this in fact was the only thing I had ever seen that I could compare it to. The object had an upper section in blue a row of circular windows across the middle. The lower half was an orange colour, and I could clearly see a red pulsating light attached to its underside. The craft was translucent, it had a brightness to it and was semi transparent. After a few seconds it moved at an incredible speed across to my left field of view, I would say that it appeared to be about half a mile away. It suddenly stopped dead, and then became brighter in contrast. It became solid, and then continued to become brighter until there was a flash of light and it had dissapeared. It basically
appeared to show characteristics of an interdimensional craft.

After these experiences I have had a great number of psychic phenomenon, including other sightings. Overall it left a deeply profound spiritual impression upon me. I was interested to read you felt that contact with these Nordic beings involved actually boarding their craft. I have yet to experience this. I have heard a few other related stories including, a man that claimed to have been in the SBS having a similar encounter on a London tube. Also I remember hearing Bob Oeschler refering to a document from 'The Gaurdian', in which it said that "The blondes are trying to establish contact with artists", which was naturally of interest to me.

I do not know if any of this material is of use to you, but I agree that this aspect of the U.F.O.
phenomenon is being perhaps deliberately overlooked. So I share this with you for what it is worth.

Love and peace,
David Hughes

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
i personally dont believe any aliens "hide" in human bodies or the "appearance of a human body"

my reasoning is this

Why would some alien want to become part of our world?

Do they like suffering...Do they enjoy rascism and prejudice...
Do they like having to work 10hours a day?

honestly; i dont think its happening
i think if aliens watch us which im pretty sure they do *being ive seen ufos that run away from military and fly into Outer space*
if they watch us it is from "Up there" with advanced optical technology and possibly even acoustic devices and the like
very sensative technology

but in all seriousness
I do not believe that aliens are stupid enough to take on human form and 'be one of us to study us'
the reason its stupid is well....It Is Stupid to want to be a earthling on earth
just look how stupid an violent we are

i dont like being here and i was born here!!!

If alien does really live in human form, they are the dumbest alien in this sector of the galaxy
no doubt

alot of people have neat way of ending their post
i will try this new way

Beam me up scotty

Could you possibly have a more negative comment about the earth. If all you see in the world is hatred and suffering then I feel bad for you.

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 05:56 AM
i think that they are here... maybe they dont have all this advenced stuff and cant see us from their planet and they have to come down here to watch us... maybe their flying saucers are way too far to get a good look so they have to come down here... ive seen some wierd people... people who asked me where they can watch other people work... people who smell really bad... people who just dont fit in... uh

[edit on 26-6-2005 by russiankid]

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 06:31 AM
Of course there are Aliens among us, just not from outer space

One could say devils and angels without any evidence, just reports by someone and analogous to dreams and weird viewing.

Some evn say that our DNA shows such interference, which is again false and unsupported by anything except reports. No science, no reality, norational analysis.

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by Ark-Angel
Need to look at Robert Dean retired Lets see if i can put a link to his page:

in his own words was the alien who bothered the generals because they looked just like us!


If you were a high-ranking officer in the military, would you appreciate ETs who b.t.w. are practically indistinguishable from ourselves, roam around freely in our society or even within our military-industrial complex? My guess is that some officials went ape$hit at the thought alone.

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by russiankid
i just saw a wierd old woman at a store... looked like a alien to me

I would not be surprised if you were mentally ill.

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by Mad Man Lotar

Originally posted by russiankid
i just saw a wierd old woman at a store... looked like a alien to me

I would not be surprised if you were mentally ill.

Or just a kid!!!

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