posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 07:41 PM
i said somewhere else before if these "rods" are indeed living things which "move to fast to be seen with naked eye"
they cannot be classified as "insects" by modern biology...
Biology classifies creatures based on "Similarities" and these things are similar *in appearance* to nothing we know of that is documented
insects have a Head, Thorax, and Abdomen
the Rods do not appear to have any of these characteristics implying they are not insects at all, rather Something else entirely
they would probably create a Class of animal for this particular thing...if we can ever catch one and study it
idea to catch one :::: Use a camera to look around for one; then when the camera reveals one in front of you try to put a plastic bag around it or
something *to catch it*
then perhaps take the creature in the bag; to a local university and have tests and such ran on it; make sure to show them it is visable in the camera
.... and keep your eye on it DO NOT LET IT GET AWAY
we could forever alter biology books with this new addition to the animal kingdom ; it indeed it pans out eventually
i do not think this is a hoax; but the possibility of it being a misidentified optical illusion is possible
i would love to know whats going on with this particular phenomena
cant wait till someone figures it all out