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Cell Phones NE1?

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posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 02:39 AM
Hey how yall doin'? So apparently I came out of a coma after 2 years and went outside for once in my life. Yea, uhh WTF is with the Cell Phone towers? I live in the boon-dock wilderness of Minnesota and my township has 1 EVERY SQ. MI.

Now I did my research and you know these bad boys...

Ya, well 2 of these can supply the entire cell phone usage of Manhattan Island. And with the triangle formation they are set up...

They can pinpoint any one person. And with these towers ALL OVER THE GLOBE NOW. Corperations can keep personal data on you and ACTUALLY track people through cell phone usage.

Now pay attention, these towers use transmitted microwave frequecies to send and recieve calls. The microwave freq. is FRIGHTENLY close to ones which can manipulate, destroy, even finely tune brain patterns. as these PATENTED CIA tools found here...

Have you ever heard of MKULTRA no? Well, don't take it from me...lets have the dictionary explain...

If you have done your homework so far, you are probably scared to death about know, or in complete denial... So how has this happened? Well, CIA are directly involved P.S. They assassinated Kennedy for opening his mouth.

The evidence stands, but why control us? Power, Greed, Satanic Ideals, Or is it for the best of the American people. Many theories stand. The evidence is there, the question isn't IS IT or ISN'T IT? It is WHY?

Post comments or findings here...its a deep puddle, do you choose to go down the rabbit hole??

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 02:59 AM
Hmm? I don't see what your saying?
It was a cell phone that shot JFK?

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by Nventual
Hmm? I don't see what your saying?
It was a cell phone that shot JFK?

I hope your kidding? Or maybe im misunderstood, no read some stuff on the the sites. JFK tried opening his mouth about the mind control ELF program and he got shot threefold..Oswald was CIA, but the lethal bullet was shot by different CIA, it goes deep, but all evidence is on the highway, information super-highway that is...

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 03:48 AM
Yes, it was a joke. I was just wondering if this was about Mobile Phones or JFK.

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Nventual
Yes, it was a joke. I was just wondering if this was about Mobile Phones or JFK.

No, the JFK incident just underlines the secrecy of the MKUltra Programs, Majesty 12, and the interlocking structure of CIA which, now every president since Nixon, 1970, has been a secret member of.

I am only trying to state the REALITY of mind control activities. All I am trying to figure out is WHY they want to brainwash America, hell, you are being manipulated right now...T.V. screens and Computer moniters purposely put out electromagnetic waves set up at the right freq. 2-20 hz which stimulate the brain causing one to get a pleasant feeling and makes one's brain take in more and more information. This plus the subliminal messaging used in commercials, movies, shows, etc. Can very effectively produce results in commerce.

See, this isn't just Cell Phones or JFK, it is a whole web of control I am trying to get people to see. Most are just not ready and just blow this off as some crackpot conspiracy. Yet, all the evidence lays there. System of a Down, one of the most internationally known rock bands, pretty facking mainstream if you ask me..EVEN THEY ARE WARNING AMERICANS ABOUT GLOBAL CONTROL.

"Marching forward hipocratic and HYPNOTIC COMPUTERS...We all live in a FACSIST NATION" -B.Y.O.B.

"The kind of **** you get on your T.V, ITS ON YOUR T.V, TURN OFF YOUR T.V! Can you say brainwashing? B-R-A-I-N-W-A-S-H-I-N-G." - Violent Pornography

"We're the regulators that de-regulate. We're the animators that de-animate. We're the propagators of ALL GENOCIDE, burning through the world's resources, then we turn and hide" -Cigaro

"You and me, we'll all go down in history. With a sad Statue of Liberty and a generation that didn't agree; Generation...What is in us that turns a deaf ear to the cries of HUMAN SUFFERING! Suffering, suffering now." -Sad Statue

"I'll wait here. You're crazy. Those vicious streets are filled with strays. You should've never gone to Hollywood. They find you. Two-time you. Say you're the best they've ever seen. You should've never TRUSTED Hollywood. I wrote you...They take you and make you. They look at you in disgusting ways. You should've never trusted Hollywood. I was standing on the wall, feeling ten feet tall. All you maggots smoking fags on Santa Monica Blvd. This is MY front page. This is MY new age. All you *****es put your hands in the air And wave them like you just don't care! Phony people come to pray...Look at all of them beg to stay...Phony people come to pray. YOU SHOULD'VE NEVER TRUSTED HOLLYWOOD!" -Lost in Hollywood.

[edit on 24-6-2005 by PsychevolvedApe]

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 11:56 AM
There are 2 reasons I still don't own a cell phone - one of them is the tracking capabilities they have.

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by godservant
There are 2 reasons I still don't own a cell phone - one of them is the tracking capabilities they have.

The second one is "brain hacking" or "mind-control" capabilities they (hiddenly) have...

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 02:53 PM
Why so many cell phone towers?

Becuase without the towers you can't get cell phone service. Why is it ominous or sinister?

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 03:22 PM
I worked with LA Cellular back before ATT and Cingular assimilated them. We were designing the data warehouse to support the E-911 initiative here in Cali. They did not have any real time capability at that time. They could however parse the logs to look at a signal. The law I think reads that the police have to obtain court order to track someone via the E-911 system unless it's a user emergency e.g. you are having a heart attack and dial 911. They can now pinpoint your location to send the paramedics out.... Is that bad..??

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 03:55 PM
I already know that mobile phones can be used to track you, jeez I even have carried ones with GPS. I don't care.. at the moment, I don't care about the RFID cards, at the moment. I'll start caring when the wrong hands can manipulate the tech so it affects us severely, or when the government starts becoming REALLY stupid.. Something bad is going to come of all of this, I know it.. That worries me.
But I will enjoy the tech until it does and when it does all go to hell I'll worry about it and do something then.

I know how modern etchnology can be used against people, I do it sometimes when I want to get into someones life, know their every move, thought, desire... and I'm not even talented or that knowledgeable compared to some people.

I also know how the new TETRA system in the UK (Airwave) which has now got national coverage pulses or something at a brainwave frequency, though it transmits around the 400mhz band. People complain from headcahes, since it's introduction I think that people, including me have become pacified or it may be a conincidence - who knows.
It's funny how a few years ago people blockaded supply lines for petrol and there was a national emergancy because of public revolt, only now petrol is at an all time high and no-one batters an eyelid. SOmethings changed somehow... maybe our spirit is weakend becasue of terrorists, maybe it's something in the air, I don't know... Something HAS changed though, conspiracy or not.

Anyway, cell phone towers, you need alot for good coverage because they use a high frequency, and with the introducyion of services like 3G you need good widespread coverage to provide all services reliably.

I'd worry more abotu the ID cards with RFID, though they can be read at shortish range, they could only realisticly 'track' you when you are in populated areas entering premises and such.
That's all you really need though.. It's a good idea, until it's misused.

Like people have said to me :

'Whats the problem? If you've done nothing wrong, what have you got to worry about?'


1) Who decides what is 'wrong' and what will 'wrong' become?
2) What about if external negative influences, (i.e. hackers, terrorists, messed up AI, etc) get control?

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 08:07 PM

as posted by AgentSmith
1) Who decides what is 'wrong' and what will 'wrong' become?

That is an age old philosophical question, AgentSmith, and one that has been put to rest. The fact of the matter is that if you are not breaking the defined social and moral laws that have been set in place [which is different for each society], then obviously you have no reason to be worried. As such, "who" and "what," as with "wrong", are defined, are they not?


[edit on 24-6-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 09:38 PM
--"They're going to kill me, the brain wave people. They're assassins," Abrams said, according to the reports. "No matter what happens at the trial, I'll have to deal with them in the end."

Southcoast Early Childhood Learning Center, Costa Mesa, California, Steven Allen Abrams, 39
plowed his Cadillac into a crowd of children outside a day care center, killing two toddlers and injuring five other people.

Abrams began to believe that "somebody had brain wave technology that could control somebody's thoughts and behavior."

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof

as posted by AgentSmith
1) Who decides what is 'wrong' and what will 'wrong' become?

That is an age old philosophical question, AgentSmith, and one that has been put to rest. The fact of the matter is that if you are not breaking the defined social and moral laws that have been set in place [which is different for each society], then obviously you have no reason to be worried. As such, "who" and "what," as with "wrong", are defined, are they not?


[edit on 24-6-2005 by Seekerof]

But what comes to mind for me is a situation a bit like what there was in demolition man, they took it to a bit of an extreme but it's not impossible. In the movie everyone has RFID chips in their hands and all movements are tracked and everything monitored.
They arn't allowed to do anything which could be 'bad' like:

1) Have sex (might transmit a disease)
2) Eat meat
3) Drink Alcohol
4) Have salt
5) Swear

etc, etc..

Now if anyone here wants to live in a restricted, nanny society like that then I'm real happy for you, but it's my life and I'll do what I chose with it as long as no harm comes to anyone else.
Look at ridicolous things like them wanting to ban pointy knives for instance, it's getting stupid now.

Just look at what happened to Nazi Germany, when Hitler came into power what their government decided was 'right' and 'wrong' and how they enforced it.
Not saying our government is like that, but things can change....
And if it did happen, imagine how easy it would be with all the technology in place.

[edit on 25-6-2005 by AgentSmith]

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