I have been reading and hearing everyone talking about America the democracy, and thought I would tell you all the truth. America is a Republic.
P.S. Do not worry I have permission to reproduce this story, so there is no copyright vioalation.
By: Gordon Bishop
I�m tired of Democrats telling me they believe in "democracy" and that America is a "democracy."
Liberals constantly use the word "democracy" because they want voters and taxpayers to believe that, as Democrats, they are the chosen ones.
Democrats "equal" democracy, so they claim.
There is absolutely no basis for the Democrats calling America a "democracy," except for the association between the words Democrat and
It sounds good.
Historically, democracy leads to anarchy, which is "mob rule," according to the Greek philosopher Plato (read Plato�s "The Republic").
But America was not founded as a democracy. It was created as a constitutional Republic the "rule of law."
The word "democracy" was never used by the founders in writing the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, or the Bill of
The cornerstone of our nation�s founding as "free and Independent States" is specifically written in the Declaration of Independence for the
"Representatives of the United States of America."
There�s nothing in the Declaration of Independence about "democracy."
The Constitution is even more emphatic about the kind of government the United States of America must be to remain free and independent.
Here it is: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government." - Article IV. Section 4 of the U.S.
When we salute our American flag, we do not say "democracy," we say:
"I pledge the allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, under God,
with liberty and justice for all."
Democrats (liberals) like to blur the distinction between a Republic and a democracy. They want voters to think "Democrat-democracy" - not
You see, an official Republic gives a Republican constitutional credibility.
Democrats, aided and abetted by the liberal media and the courts, prefer Democrat and "democracy" propaganda over historical fact.
And so the public somehow thinks that America is a "democracy," not a Republic.
The Democrats propaganda machine, like Hitler�s propaganda machine, recognizes that the bigger the lie, the louder the lie and the longer the lie is
told, people will generally believe it.
The reason Democrats can get away with this is because the media goes along with it and history has been dumbed-down by the politically-correct
Democrats to the point where "democracy" is drummed into our public educational system. Almost all of America�s colleges and universities are
"liberal arts" schools.
However, the reason for America�s existence and success can be traced to its founding as a Republic - not to liberalism.
You may be thinking that I�m making much too much of the "democracy" and Republic issue.
Not so. We are a Constitutional Republic!
But liberals, over the past 40 years, have diluted and polluted our U.S. Constitution - the foundation of our Republic. The Constitution has been
dumbed-down and down-sized for the benefit of liberals - not the citizens of our great Republic.
The Second Amendment protecting the citizens� "right to bear arms" is practically worthless, and the 16th Amendment - the federal income tax - is
constitutionally "illegal."
If this were a Constitutional Republic - a Republic governed by the "rule of law" - the Second Amendment would still be intact, and the 16th
Amendment would not exist.
Under liberalization, American citizens are losing their rights and taxpayers are getting the shaft.
Unfortunately, Republicans have been brainwashed by the liberal media and courts into thinking more and more like Democrats since the 1960s, instead
of as Constitutional Republicans enforcing the "rule of law."
Even Republican President George W. Bush talks about making Iraq and other Mideast Arab counties "democracies." Wrong. They should be reformed into
Constitutional Republics, just as the United States was after the American Revolution.
Because of "Democracy,"America�s ideals, principles, morals, values and standards have been trashed by liberalism during the 20th Century.
Until that changes, liberalism will ultimately destroy America.
Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."