posted on May, 4 2008 @ 09:15 PM
Heh, I remember a similarly-aged local guy here a few years back in a similar situation. He was out in the woods hunting and he saw a cougar, and it
managed to circle around and jump him from behind. The old guy grabbed the cougar's jaw, and the animal couldn't do anything but chew on it, and
with his other hand he whipped out a knife and took out the cougar. (he had lost hold of his gun when he was jumped) The only injury he suffered was
a mangled hand.
He did say something interesting, that when he was in the midst of the combat, he remembered his father, also a hunter, who had told him once that you
can control an animal by doing that, grabbing its jaw and holding it. He described the way he did it in the story I read, but I can't remember
exactly how.