In the interest of showing you all that your ideas have been taken under consideration, and that members should continue to push the council for the
changes they desire, I would like to report on the progress made on the ideas so far:
MCory1: The "minor applause" idea was defeated in a short debate in the council because the council believes that it would be a redundancy to the
WATS vote which members already wield. However I am in the process of compiling an improvement suggestions proposal which will include several minor
changes requiested by members which if voted into action, will ask SkepticOverlord to add several features. Among the requests in this "bill" will
be an automatic U2U notification when a member recieves a WATS vote.
Inspiring Youth: Because there is a valid reason for the cost of RATS access, the council cannot move to reduce this cost until alternative means of
access control are suggested. I personally believe that any alternative system will be just as heavily criticized as the current cost- for example we
might require a member to have x number of posts, or to go through an application process, or whatever else- and while members who are low on points
would benefit, many others might be inconvenienced even more.
I am willing to act unilaterally to help members get into RATS if they have something that really belongs in RATS however. I can use the applause
function to help members get the required points- as long as they actually have something to say in RATS. (I'd probably get in trouble if I helped
somebody get in and they ended up being a troll, or if I let a bunch of people in who never post, so I am going to very careful about who I help in
this way)
So here is my offer- I can reduce the initial buy-in price of RATS by 20% by giving you 4 applause- a onetime gift of 1,000 points. To be eligible, a
member should have been here for at least 6 months, not already have 5,000 points, and send me an email at
[email protected] including a
link to a thread or reply of his that he is proud of, to show his quality. If any member dishonors this program by causing problems in RATS, I will
stop helping people in this way.
I know that's not exactly handing it to you on a silver platter, but the powers that be have decided that it's not supposed to be handed over that
way and I can't just ignore their decision. I will help as much as I can though.
About the RSS Idea MCory1 gave- to be brutually honest I have never paid much attention to that area and I don't fully understand what you are
proposing- and nobody has volunteered to explain it to me, although I did post it in the council forum. Perhaps you could submit it through the
suggestions button at the top of the page- councilors have access to that forum- it would be a great way for you to explain your idea directly to the
council as well as to the mods and SO.
About a spellchecker- I'll put that in the proposal I'm cooking up. It would be a wonderful advantage for our members.
That being said, I've always had bad luck with server-side spellchecking programs. There are client-side ones that you can install which will display
a button on your browser window and allow you to quickly not only spell-check but check word definitions, and they can be downloaded for free. They
also have features the server-side ones don't. You can teach them new words and tell them to always ignore certain things. I will see if we can start
and sticky a "utilities thread" in the board questions forum that includes links to free downloads of things like spellcheckers, word counters,
Then about editing custom titles- I'm sorry but it looks like it's just way too small of a problem to justify the change, and it is a small status
symbol of sorts for active members. Afterall, it only costs 500 points for the first line, and racking up points is relatively easy- here is the point
You get an average of 10 points for posting something, and an average of 15 points if somebody replies in a thread you started. A low to medium
activity member (averaging 3 posts a day and 1 thread of his own every week would be my definition of that- it would probably take you about 30-40
minutes each time you signed on, which is nothing compared to what a lot of people spend here) but a member who was about that active could afford to
completely revamp his miniprofile with new colors and a new title for 1,000 points on a monthly basis, or even every couple of weeks if he was the
type who gets many replies and the occasional applause.
I am going into this at such length because it feels bad for me as a council staffer to tell somebody we're not going to act on their idea, but these
things really are perks for activity and the whole point of our point system- we give you a miniprofile to show everybody who you are, and when
you're active we give you points so that you can tweak that profile and be a bit of a character if you want. The point really isn't just to rack up
a huge cache of points to make you look impressive. The longer a member is here, the more I think they stop paying attention to points. You get to
know the key players in the community and appreciate their quality and character. Being smart, funny, constructive, etc is far more important than
racking up points.
Now come on, keep bossing me around. the council needs a good kick in the chops to get things moving, and it's going to take an agenda full of good
ideas to do that.