posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 04:11 PM
"He sailed over the whole Mediterranean sea for to come unto Fez, where the Arabians had directed him. And it is a great shame unto us, that wise
men, so far remote the one from the other, should not only be of one opinion, hating all contentious writings, but also be so willing and ready under
the seal of secrecy to impart their secrets to others.
Every year the Arabians and Africans do send one to another, inquiring one of another out of their arts, if happily they had found out some better
things, or if experience had weakened their reasons. Yearly there came something to light, whereby the mathematica, physic, and magic (for in those
are they of Fez most skilful) were amended. As there is nowadays in Germany no want of learned men, magicians, cabalists, physicians, and
philosophers, were there but more love and kindness among them, or that the most part of them would not keep their secrets close only to themselves.
At Fez he did get acquaintance with those which are commonly called the Elementary Inhabitants, who revealed unto him many of their secrets. As we
Germans likewise might gather together many things, if there were the like unity, and desire of searching out secrets amongst us."
You can read the whole thing at:
my thanks to everyone that contributed their info and speculation