posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by HowardRoark
I am quite certain no one [or at least very few people] believed what happened in Nazi Germany would take place. I do not believe it is 'rampant
paranoia' to educate yourself to even the remote possibility history 'might' repeat itself. Since it has been known to do so on some ultra rare
occasions. You see, anything can be met with sarcasm and discounted with innuendo.
The fact remains, there are these 800+ fully operational camps, there are these rail cars with leg shackles welded into them, they have polled us
troops, as to weather/if they would fire on us citizens by quorum, and there are Operations Rex 84, Operation Cable Splicer and Operation Garden Plot
governmental documents in existence. 911 was clearly staged by government. To be aware, instead of being asleep, is certainly preferable to becoming
the next Nazi victims of the fourth reich in WW III.
One thing is sure. They intend to use each and every one of these items at some point, and they will be used for humans as those turnstiles clearly
indicate. Who, what, when, where and how are all better left to some 'rampant paranoid' to decide.
History repeats itself.
I'm from the government, I'm here to help you.