posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 10:51 AM
I forgot to mention that the Khemetians called certain men gods. This practice carried over to the Rastafarian culture, as well as the Nation of
Islam. Here's an interesting take on the Jah subject. Not my own words just so you know.
["Ras Tafari as I said before has its roots in the Ethiopian Coptic church. The nation of Ethiopia is the modern day Kush. The Habiru who are
the people spoken of in the old testiment and the followers of YHVH, or Yah-Kub are originally a group from Kush. If anyone is familiar with
some of my and other posters prior posts on the origin of wh1t people you will know that the the wh1ts are the descendants of a group of these
Habiru(hebrew) Ku#es who followed the strictest of marriage and birth laws of their tribal leader/god YHVH. Evidence of this can be seen by the
similarity between the charectoristics of most modern day Ethiopians and wh1ts. Ie Nose, hair, bone structure etc. Not to mention that the most recent
genetic experiments and inquirys link them to the people of this region.
The Rasta follow the culture of Yah(Jah), but I often wonder if they are aware of what he has done to bring about the current groups of races and our
current world situation. The cultural practices they follow can be positive, Ie the nutritional practice, and back to natural living bit. The question
is are they following Yah-Kub, or are they following the principle expressed by the term Yah, which is the genrative principle, or the phallic
principle. Yah by itself is the phallic principle of generative power. I have yet to meet a brother knowledgeable enough in this culture to discuss
wether it is Yah alone they follow or if it is Yah-Kub or YHVH(Yah Hova).
Either one wouldnt suprise me, as a large majority of the world worships YHVH in one form or the other.
Many of them who adamently follow the Maroon and rebel slave culture definitely dont have much love for YT.
The Fard Muhammed bit in the NOI is very perplexing to most. Farrakhan, I dont know about, some of his actions seem a bit off to me. But Elijah, was
on the money.
Fard Muhammed, is said to be God in Person. This is tantamount to saying God in the Flesh, or God in the Person of. When they Say "God in the Person
of" it is saying that this "person" is representing the power and principle of God. THey are not saying that this is the All in All god, but simply
a messenger or example of the principle. As a matter of fact is you read message to the black man, it clearly states that god is the original b1ack
man. Fard is called God in the person because he was chosen to bring the message over to b1ack folk here in the US, and was the founder of the
movement here. The practice of calling one God in the Person is an ancient one and is in line with the God King titles of Khmt(Egypt), Kush,
and the like. One would attain this level of existence in which they were given this title. They in essence would be one among the "We" that is god,
a representative or example of the force and will of god on earth. This goes for Haile Selassie as well.
Among the original people, who as a whole are the God force on earth, there would be one, or one group that would embody the principle moreso than the
others. This one, or ones in the group are given this title as the leaders of the group, and serve as an example for all others who want to attain
this level or degree of "Godhood". Those who attain this are thus included in the "We" and "Us" that is referred to in scriptures. Our
educational system, or mystery schools were designed for the purpose of Raising "man" to "Godhood". Thus the symbolism of resurrection, or
bringing the dead to life. This is the principle that is expressed in the Masonic ritual as well. The masonic ritual being a form of this ancient
practice of Raising men, morally, mentally, and spiritually.
Fard was raised in this way. He went through the necessary training and degrees of the remnants of the original mystery schools, and brought this info
and teaching of Raising the original people of this region to the US.
The term God as applying to something other than "raised" men is a very recent practice, and before certain priesthoods started teaching that
"God" exists somewhere in heaven, the term always applied to men and women on the Higher or elevated plain of existence. Fard is given the respect
in the NOI of being the first among the b1acks of america, and of founding the NOI. His being mixed was a tactic to get the information of here
Fard is/was an example for the potential that all the original people have to achieve their long lost state of Godliness. This is the same principle
that applied to the Xstian Jesus. They are examples of a potential state of being that all can attain if they struggle hard enough."]