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A Couple of Ideas...

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posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 06:21 PM
I'm sure in the years ATS has been up and running these have been covered. I've even mentioned one of them a couple of times myself, and I've seen a couple of other members mention similar things as well. I've never seen any replies, either for or against the ideas though, so I figured I'd toss them up here and let them fall where they may.

1) Thread-Specific "Articles" or a Thread Reading Room. This is the suggestion I've made/seen a couple of times without any real response. Quite often a member will post something that is more of a news story, or something they've researched and have written a little expose on. These aren't necessarily items that need to have replies, and because of that they get lost in the boards over time.

What I'm proposing is a system where members can submit their work as an "article" a la ATSNN, and other members can vote on whether it gets accepted or not. If it does, then it gets thrown into this reading room, where it won't get bumped down (at least no where near as fast anyways.)

2) Thread-Specific Research Projects. I know we have a research forum already installed, but I was thinking of something a little more open (I know it's not difficult to get into the research forum, but...) and a little more obvious. Something for "smaller" research projects, like finding data correllations between cattle mutilations and hair product releases, or something. And by having it dedicated to a specific thread, it keeps managing the different subjects it a little easier to do. Have them managed by the members themselves, each member can start a new project when they want and other members (or the councilors) keep an eye out for spam or trolls.

I don't know how much work either of those would be, but I don't think it would be too much--most of the code (I'm assuming) is already done, it's just a matter of tweaking it as needed.

Do these seem plausible or useful at all?

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 06:37 PM
Great Ideas Mcory ! I am currently researching and have been wanting to post my stuff up but am too conserned that it will just get lost in the pages. I love the idea of a "Thread Reading Room".

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 07:27 PM
Well, for what it's worth, don't let that stop you from posting them. It's not exactly fun to watch your posts just slide on down list, but they still need to come in. Post them anyways; you can always save them yourself and put them on your blog if you get/have one.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 07:47 PM
True.......I think you have good ideas though. Keep them coming. I'm sure someone will notice them and maybe even listen!

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 07:53 PM
Thank you for your comments. We are always looking for ways to improve ATS and make it as user-friendly as possible.

Indeed we have received similar comments such as yours, and I believe we have tackled it pretty well.

With regards your Thread-specific articles (point one), these researched articles would ideally be placed in the Research Forum. At the request to a moderator or admin, we would look over the work and perhaps consider it worthwhile being placed in the Research forum where some of ATS's gems reside. These certainly don't falter to the bottom of the abyss and are among the most heavily accessed files we have online.

With regards Thread-specific research projects (point two), again, could potentially be placed in the Research forum. However, you will note topped threads in most forums indicating "the best of the best".

Infinite for example, has created a topped thread in the "New World Order" forum listing appropriately relevant links worthy of a read. This can be seen at

Amantine has similarly done the same in the "Science & Technology" forum at ...

[edit on 20-6-2005 by SimonGray]

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by SimonGray
With regards your Thread-specific articles (point one), these researched articles would ideally be placed in the Research Forum. At the request to a moderator or admin, we would look over the work and perhaps consider it worthwhile being placed in the Research forum where some of ATS's gems reside. These certainly don't falter to the bottom of the abyss and are among the most heavily accessed files we have online.

Ah, that is something that never even crossed my mind. Perhaps I misunderstood the point of the research forum, but I was under the impression that those were primarily projects for groups and where extra help was desired. I didn't even think about individuals having their own articles posted in there.

With regards Thread-specific research projects (point two), again, could potentially be placed in the Research forum. However, you will note topped threads in most forums indicating "the best of the best". Infinite for example, has created topped threads in subject-specific forums listing threads that are certainly worth a read.

Yes, I have noticed those; again, that's an application I never thought of as a solution. Although those aren't exactly the "interfaces" I had in mind, those would be more than sufficient. But at the same time, regarding the topped threads, those do get rather cumbersome at times--the Board Q & B forum is a great example: half of the postings on the front page are stickied. Might there be a better way to organize those to where they're easily noticed and yet not taking up so much "real estate"?

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by MCory1
... regarding the topped threads, those do get rather cumbersome at times--the Board Q & B forum is a great example: half of the postings on the front page are stickied.

You may notice the topped threads in BQ&B recently dropped from about a dozen to about 5 or 6 important ones. These have been consolidated to become more manageable and approachable. This is a regular occurance, but obviously it is necessary to have a certain amount of topped threads for new visitors.

Most sub-forums and the topped threads are kept to a minimum to reduce the daunting/intimidation factor.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 10:49 PM
Great ideas MCory1...and many thanks for sharing them with us.

I see 'The Man' himself - SimonGray - has replied to I'll just acknowledge your valued input the only way I can: Give you an 'Applaud', which comes with a bonus 250 ATS Points.

Thanks again for your input.


posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 11:03 PM
This thread has been linked to ATS Council projects for review.

Thank you for your time and your interest in making ATS better.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by SimonGray
you will note topped threads in most forums indicating "the best of the best".

Infinite for example, has created a topped thread in the "New World Order" forum listing appropriately relevant links worthy of a read. This can be seen at

Amantine has similarly done the same in the "Science & Technology" forum at ...

I would like to add these excellent thread collections ("guides") to some of the ATS forums :

A Guide to threads in the weaponry forum. (new members please read) (by blue cell)

FSME: Aircraft Projects - Forum Library [updated 11-24-2004] (by intelgurl)

FSME: Space Exploration ? Forum Library (by cmdrkeenkid)

ATS index thread on Area 51 (by infinite)

Secret Societies Index Thread (by infinite)

Forum Reference Index AND Thread for Discussing anything related to 9/11, Pentagon, etc. (by Seekerof)

FSME - ATS threads on NWO (by infinite)

FSME - ATS threads on NWO (2) (by infinite)

*Welcome to the ATS Crypto forum!* (by ProudAmerican)

Reference For John Titor Threads (by dbates)

ATS reference for ST Malachy Discussions (by Nygdan)

I might have missed some good ones (sorry for that, please add them). And remember, these are not complete lists and some might not have been updated for a while...


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