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CNN may have lied about WTC Building 7

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posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 05:00 AM
pics of WTC 7 damage. I don't know what the page these came from said, but here are pics again of WTC 7 damage.

[edit on 24-6-2005 by Zaphod58]

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
It's not that hard. I never mentioned WTC 7. I mentioned WTC 1 & 2. WTC 7 DID take damage during the collapse, I've seen and posted links to pics of it. As far as the sprinkler in WTC 1 & 2 a 767 travelling at 500mph, slamming into the building, throwing debris throughout several floors and NOT damaging the sprinkler system would be pretty impressive. Especially considering the car bomb in the basement in 93 took out the sprinklers in the building.

1993 - that was just under a decade before hand.....Its the law to have fire sprinklers.......Please don't tell me they didn't repair the fire sprinklers.........Someone is living in a clear case of denial.

Please tell me what would you conclude as proof the government or FEMA was involved?


Why would firefighters describe the buildings come down like "detonations". and I quote: "It was as if they were designed to take down a building......"


[edit on 24/6/05 by Hunting Veritas]

[edit on 24/6/05 by Hunting Veritas]

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 05:25 AM
Where did I say they hadn't repaired it since 1993? Nowhere. I said that the impact of the plane almost definately damaged the sprinkler system with all the debris flying through several floors. I COMPARED it to the 1993 bombing I didn't say they hadn't repaired it since then.

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
Where did I say they hadn't repaired it since 1993? Nowhere. I said that the impact of the plane almost definately damaged the sprinkler system with all the debris flying through several floors. I COMPARED it to the 1993 bombing I didn't say they hadn't repaired it since then.

Fair enough.

So come on then, what would conclude that someone was behind 9/11 other than what the TV said.......There had to be others we don't know about as alot of the "suposed" hi-jackers have been found alive and I believe one of them actually works for a airline company.

Even the BBC published a story on it.....

Hijack 'suspect' alive in Morocco

A Saudi-Arabian aircraft pilot who was named as one of five suspects on board one of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Centre, has turned up alive and well in Morocco.

See the US government lied from day 1! Case closed. If they had the names wrong why not say they were wrong instead it got swept under the rug just like all the other "inconsitancies".

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 05:46 AM
I don't have any idea who was behind it. But mistaking ONE name of a supposed hijacker doesn't prove anything either. How many times has a murder suspect been arrested only later to be released and someone else arrested. How do we know one of the hijackers wasn't using an alias? I KNOW how easy it was then to hijack a plane. I used to work security, so I know the rules about taking things on a plane and how easy it would have been to get into a cockpit. It wouldn't take much at all and the story put forth by the government is very very plausible. I'm sure that the hijackers had several ids they could have picked from. It wouldn't be hard to get fake ids from either an outside source, or even here in the US.

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
I don't have any idea who was behind it. But mistaking ONE name of a supposed hijacker doesn't prove anything either. How many times has a murder suspect been arrested only later to be released and someone else arrested. How do we know one of the hijackers wasn't using an alias? I KNOW how easy it was then to hijack a plane. I used to work security, so I know the rules about taking things on a plane and how easy it would have been to get into a cockpit. It wouldn't take much at all and the story put forth by the government is very very plausible. I'm sure that the hijackers had several ids they could have picked from. It wouldn't be hard to get fake ids from either an outside source, or even here in the US.

One hi-jacker's mistaken identity but I draw the line at more than 2.

Father insists alleged leader is still alive

The father of Mohammed Atta, the alleged ringleader of the September 11 attacks, said in an interview published yesterday that his son was still alive.
"He is hiding in a secret place so as not to be murdered by the US secret services," Mohammed el-Amir Atta, 66, told the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag.


As I saw the picture of my son," he said, "I knew that he hadn't done it. My son called me the day after the attacks on September 12 at around midday. We spoke for two minutes about this and that.

thats 2 wrong, including the "suposed" ringleader. Now if someone this bad was running around surely he should have been picked up by special agents before the attacks happened. There was plenty of warnings.

Hijack 'suspects' alive and well

Another of the men named by the FBI as a hijacker in the suicide attacks on Washington and New York has turned up alive and well.

The identities of four of the 19 suspects accused of having carried out the attacks are now in doubt.

Thats another one.

Saudi Suspects in U.S. Attacks Were Not in the U.S

U.S. officials in Riyadh offered Abdul Rahman Said al-Omari an official apology in the presence of Saudi interior ministry officials for including his name among the list of suspects in the U.S. terrorist attacks, news agencies reported Monday.

Omari, a pilot with Saudi Airlines, told the Saudi daily Al-Watan that he was amazed to see his name on the FBI's list of suspects allegedly involved in the attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center Tuesday, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported.

Omari said he returned to Saudi Arabia in early September after undergoing training for one year in the United States, AFP added.

Meanwhile, the mother of another Saudi man, also suspected in the September 11th attacks, said Monday that her son has been in Chechnya for two years with a relief committee operating in the tiny war-torn Muslim republic.

FBI Denies Mix-Up Of 9/11 Terrorists

And now the FBI denies making a mixup of the names...............

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 08:28 AM
On a side note, pay attention next time Bush or just anyone pretty much in the Government give a speech, you'll probably notice "terror, terrorists, terror, the terrorists, terror attacks, 9/11, terror, the terrorists, 9/11, terror attacks, terror, terrorists, terror, terror, 9/11, the enemies, terror, anti-terror, terror, the terrorists terror."

Can ya say Brainwashing? Brainwashing!

it doesn't prove anything, but it's just funny and it just really seems like they want terrorists STUCK IN YOUR MIND ALL THE TIME, DON'T SLEEP TERROR TERROR TERRORIST TERROR!

[edit on 24-6-2005 by NoJustice]

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by NoJustice
On a side note, pay attention next time Bush or just anyone pretty much in the Government give a speech, you'll probably notice "terror, terrorists, terror, the terrorists, terror attacks, 9/11, terror, the terrorists, 9/11, terror attacks, terror, terrorists, terror, terror, 9/11, the enemies, terror, anti-terror, terror, the terrorists terror."

Can ya say Brainwashing? Brainwashing!

it doesn't prove anything, but it's just funny and it just really seems like they want terrorists STUCK IN YOUR MIND ALL THE TIME, DON'T SLEEP TERROR TERROR TERRORIST TERROR!

Nothing to add other than total support for that comment.

Hell, flag-burning law just passed the house, on it's way up the ladder - I would not be suprised one bit if some some speech lecture of Bushco were given about "needing" this law because of terrorists.

Side note of that law, it won't pass (if) until after this July 4 - looks like next July 4 I'll be going to jail, as every July 4 of Bush in charge the flag has been hung outside upside down, then burned at midnight. Don't go with "un-patriotic" - this IS my patriositsm because the powers that be are destroying my country, my destroying the flag is direct reflection of such deeds.

(to kill de-railment of this thread, perhaps bes if any comments about my burning are taken to, with qoute of this, that thread ........... .............. here it is just my analogy of what I see very possible as attempted "terrorist correlation")


edit = added de-rail comment

[edit on 24-6-2005 by Misfit]

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas

So the building(s) sprinkler system in WTC 1, 2 & 7 just convieniently stopped working on that day......Especially 7 which did not get hit by a plane or debris.......There is no need for WTC 7's sprinkler system not to work........

Other than the fact that the collapse of the towers wiped out the water mains and electrical power.

They had to pull one of the old fireboats out of retirement to pump water to fight the fires in the area.

En route, the Fire Department radioed a request that we drop our passengers as quickly as possible and tie up adjacent to the site to provide pumping capacity since hydrants were not working.

[edit on 24-6-2005 by HowardRoark]

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 10:36 AM

WTC Basement Blast And Injured Burn Victim Blows 'Official 9/11 Story' Sky High; Eye Witness Testimony Is Conclusive That North Tower Collapsed From Controlled Demolition

WTC janitor pulls burn victim to safety after basement explosion rocks north tower seconds before jetliner hit top floors. Also, two other men trapped and drowning in a basement elevator shaft, were also pulled to safety from underground explosion..
June 24, 2005

What happened to William Rodriguez the morning of 9/11 is a miracle. What happened to his story after-the-fact is a tragedy.

But with miracles and tragedies comes truth. And truth is exactly what Rodriguez brings to the whole mystery surrounding 9/11.

Declared a hero for saving numerous lives at Ground Zero, he was the janitor on duty the morning of 9/11 who heard and felt explosions rock the basement sub-levels of the north tower just seconds before the jetliner struck the top floors.

He not only claims he felt explosions coming from below the first sub-level while working in the basement, he says the walls were cracking around him and he pulled a man to safety by the name of Felipe David, who was severely burned from the basement explosions.

All these events occurred only seconds before and during the jetliner strike above. And through it all, he now asks a simple question everybody should be asking? How could a jetliner hit 90 floors above and burn a man’s arms and face to a crisp in the basement below within seconds of impact?

Rodriguez claims this was impossible and clearly demonstrates a controlled demolition brought down the WTC, saying "Let’s see them (the government) try to wiggle out of this one."

Just out of curiosity if you was to have planes fly into the top and then blow the 47 core columns at the bottom........would towers 1 & 2 not come down like a controlled demolition. Also I can see where the pancake theory come from, if you were to just blow the internal core columns, the buildings will implode on itself.

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 10:43 AM
I recently learned (maybe), that Building 7 was wired as there were a few secret government agencies 'NSA' operating out of that location and should there be a catastrophy the building coud be detonated in order to destroy NSA files or delay looting of them.

EDIT: Sorry, I now see after reading later comments from members,
the above and more has already been posted.


[edit on 26-6-2005 by Dallas]

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas
Just out of curiosity if you was to have planes fly into the top and then blow the 47 core columns at the bottom........would towers 1 & 2 not come down like a controlled demolition. Also I can see where the pancake theory come from, if you were to just blow the internal core columns, the buildings will implode on itself.

What you see in videos of the fall, is exactly the way it would appear during a controlled demolition. If you are state-side, you can catch these demolition series' regularly, Science Channel, Learning Channel, etc. Watch especially for anything from the Loizeaux Family, they are like the gods of explosive demolition, heh.

Likewise, you can go here to see some other buildings being felled. You will then see why many on this site and abroad make a call that the felling of WTC was an implosion perfection - yet, it is still adamantly, without rationalization, being dubbed as a natural damaged building fell....oh, ya, twice exactly the same. Sure, why not. I'de like 175 acres of prize swamp land with that please, yes and a side of Freedom Fries. Jeez.



posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 11:05 AM
Well I'm not in the states but I've got History and Discovery channel. I watched a documentry on Implosions and straight away knew that WTC was a controlled demolition.

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 11:06 AM
Look at this.

Look familier? Yup, looks like the top of WTC.

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Nventual
Well I'm not in the states but I've got History and Discovery channel. I watched a documentry on Implosions and straight away knew that WTC was a controlled demolition.

This is great. you watch a T.V. show and that right away makes you and expert on strucutral failure.

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 05:15 PM

Quoted from above post
Declared a hero for saving numerous lives at Ground Zero, he was the janitor on duty the morning of 9/11 who heard and felt explosions rock the basement sub-levels of the north tower just seconds before the jetliner struck the top floors.

Ummmm......Howard would you care to explain how this guy heard and felt explosions before the plane hit the first tower and not forgetting it was at the basement???

I find it hard to believe that a plane that hasn't hit the top of the building is causing the building to just start exploding from the bottom. hmmmm.....

Just out of curiosity do you think that the US government was involved in the attacks.....even though they have lied to you since day 1?

[edit on 26/6/05 by Hunting Veritas]

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark

Originally posted by Nventual
Well I'm not in the states but I've got History and Discovery channel. I watched a documentry on Implosions and straight away knew that WTC was a controlled demolition.

This is great. you watch a T.V. show and that right away makes you and expert on strucutral failure.

No, what I ment was, "I'm not in the states, but other countires still get those channels, like myself, and when I saw it I thought to myslef 'that looks like how the wtc came down'. So if I had've said to you in the first post that I "thought WTC looked like a controlled implosion" then it would've made more sence.
It was 2 in the morning when I wrote that, now I've got sleep and I see the mistakes I made.

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