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Fifth quake in week hits off California coast

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posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 10:33 AM
Yet another magnitude 5.0 earthquake off the coast of California, the fifth in a week. There are many thinking this could be a sign of a much larger quake on the way.. is it speculation or paranoia?

News.Yahoo.Com Full article link

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A magnitude 5 earthquake struck off Northern California's coast on Sunday, the fifth moderate or strong tremor to hit the state in a week.

"It was just another aftershock 125 miles off the coast. Nobody that I'm aware of felt it," John Minsch, a geophysicist at the USGS National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colorado, told Reuters.

The quake struck at 2:27 a.m. PDT (0927 GMT) and its epicenter was 282 miles northwest of San Francisco, the USGS said.

The strongest of the recent California quakes had a magnitude of 7.2 and hit just north of Sunday's epicenter on Tuesday. It was followed by a quake of magnitude 6.6 on Thursday in the same area

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Could this week long series of earthquakes be a signal of something far worse in the near future?

USA Full Article Link

Posted 6/17/2005 9:11 PM Updated 6/18/2005 2:54 PM

Quakes don't necessarily portend big one

LOS ANGELES (AP) — After four significant earthquakes in less than a week, Californians are getting jittery, with some stocking up on water, food, cash and even insurance. But seismologists say clusters of quakes are not unheard of and do not necessarily mean the Big One is coming.

After several years of relative seismic calm, the recent quakes are a not-so-gentle reminder that the ground here is never as solid as it seems.

The shaking began Sunday morning with a magnitude-5.2 temblor in the Anza area of Riverside County, about 90 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles. That was followed by a magnitude-7.2 quake Tuesday night under the Pacific Ocean off Eureka — an unrelated incident that prompted a tsunami warning.

Thursday brought two quakes that were 10 hours and about 700 miles apart: one of magnitude 4.9 in San Bernardino County and another late that night of magnitude 6.6, also centered off the Northern California coast.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Does anyone believe there is some kind of geological activity out of the norm going on off of the coast of California?

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[edit on 19-6-2005 by UM_Gazz]

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 10:36 AM
Well, it's "out of the norm", but has happened before. What we're seeing right now mimics very closely the activity of 1980 which began with a 7.2 in the same place as the first one this time.

If everything holds true - we're looking at a good chance of a 6.3 or greater east of a line connecting L.A./San Diego. When? Who knows! Anytime in the next 4 months.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 10:43 AM
The San Andreas fault is going to blow apart and we'll get the "big one."

Or at least we'll get a new wave of "big one" made-for-tv disaster movies.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by Valhall
Well, it's "out of the norm", but has happened before. What we're seeing right now mimics very closely the activity of 1980 which began with a 7.2 in the same place as the first one this time.

If everything holds true - we're looking at a good chance of a 6.3 or greater east of a line connecting L.A./San Diego. When? Who knows! Anytime in the next 4 months.

Valhall, It is rare for you to be wrong... This is one time I hope you are!

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 11:41 AM
Well, the fault was inordinately quiet for some time, a few months ago. The whole time Sumatra was buggin' out, N. California was surprisingly quiet. Too quiet, IMO.

I honestly thought we'd see a big one earlier than we have. I noticed the quakes near Easter Island continue, which makes me think it's a disturbance along the entire pacific ridge. There has been a lot of magmatic activity under the US and other hot spots around the globe, not to mention a good deal of volcanic activity above the surface.

On top of that we've got the full moon coming up, and a distant planet swinging by in 'close' proximity. Maybe those have something to do with it?

In any case, people know that the region is unstable, and some still choose to live there in defiance of good sense. If the West coast slips into the ocean, and millions of people die because they couldn't resist the lure of beach front property, whose fault is it?

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 11:47 AM
I noticed that too Wierd. For several months Sumantra was still having 4 and 5 point quakes and it has been quiet and now California and Alaska seem to be having much more activity.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 11:48 AM
This is certainly not sometime I am that knowlegable about but is it really feasable that with a very a large quake a large part of CA can actually slip into the ocean? I am sure such a quake will level the state (or at least parts of it) but is the land set up in such a way that it can just break off and fall in the water. Just curious, thanks.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 12:06 PM
Gawd, you'd think that nobody in California has ever experienced an earthquake before. The media is just trying to scare the crap out of us, either for ratings or just to see if they can. They keep running reports with a pro-bigone tone, pitting ignorant citizens who say they are scared against geologists who say that only 5% of all quakes are classified as "foreshocks" to a larger one, and that the chances of that being the case decrease rapidly with a brief period of time.

It's getting so bad that KFI radio actually did a story about a 1.? earthquake in Yucaipa.

Now the way the scale works, that's NOTHING, ok. I live right next to Yucaipa- the 4.6 or whatever we got didn't even knock over anything in my house- no even an empty beer bottle. Well each number represents a factor of ten. A quake 1000 times weaker than the one that failed to tip my beer over made the news! Talk about hysteria.

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