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My "Dulce" Informer Lost His Nerve

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posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 11:45 PM
I have been in contact with a guy who claims to have worked at the Dulce, NM facility. We got in touch after he asked me to delete a post on another forum that we have both been members on for years (lots of ex-military members and very professionally run).

I deleted the thread and he told me that he had worked at Dulce and it was no myth, he said his life was a misery while working there, quote:
I've been there, seriously, and for the next few years of my life everything was continually dangled in front of my eyes and my life affected in such a way that it always seemed like someone had their fingers in everything, but always seemed like it could be denied too.

Dulce is real.

I have another witness that was with me, he is in Denver. He knows what I saw, and what happened. send me your email address, (deleted), I'll give you a quick synopsis of why you dont want to go to Dulce.

I have not heard from him since.................

Damn, I really thought I was on to something here.

[edit on 18-6-2005 by Winchester Ranger T]

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 07:51 PM
I thought we had rules against one line posts that do not add to the substance of the discussion. Oh well.

Anyway, they say timing is everything, and sure enough, the guy responded to me lat night, I have edited information that I thought may identify him, here's the bulk of his communication:


I was never 'stationed' or worked at Dulce, I went on
a fact-finding expedition of sorts... it was strange.

I was first in xxxxxxxxxx when I read about Dulce,
and it was a msg that made its way onto a
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx system that I ran.
Anyways almost immediately after having this posting
show up on a news forum, about what has happened
there, where it is etc, I miiediately starting getting
inquiries as to what my xxx was for, why I ran it,
etc, from people who would log on, but I had no way to
verify who they were. It was all over modems in those
days. Very strange to have people I didnt know asking
me about my after'hours' activities, beyond work.

The next day - and I still dont know how it happened -
the msg dissapeared. My sytem could archive msgs from
way back, and I ran a tape back up every night, and
even after restoring everything from the day before,
this msg was gone.

When I returned to the states about 6 months later, I
remembered the directions to the place, and was
frankly sick of my wife giving me a hard time at the
time. I called my cousin and said ' let's go hunt
UFOs'... hahah

That was code for lets go out in the woods and drink
and shoot and whatnot. He asked where I wanted to go,
I mentioned that I had 'heard' of a place in NM, we
should drive there. It was about x hours from xxxxxx,
at the most.

We took off on a Friday afternoon, drove down the best
I could remember by the directions - and found the
place. We got there in the dark and thats a whole
nother story as to how we set up the tent, and then
realized we set up the outhouse and didnt bring the
tent, and the mountain lion we heard growl at us, even
though we never saw it or any indication that there
was ever an animal there. We drove further up the
'trail' that we had made our way back on and slept in
the car, to wake in the morning surrounded by elk #

anyways throughout the night, we saw plenty of lights,
and we were at least 50 miles from any town. They were
on the ridge, also about 20 feet below where the ridge
was, where there shouldnt have been a road, and at the
bottom of the ridge, again where there wasnt a road.
The next day we went hiking and found that there were
no roads anywhere that we saw lights. We drank some
beer, actually all the beer, shot the bottles all to
hell, and wandered around looking for something else
to shoot. we climbed up some rocky cliff face to see
off in the distance some shiny metallic objects, and
walking across the cliffs we made our way up to the

When we finally got over to this depressed area in
between where all the cliffs were, right in the middle
were some big box-like metal boxes. keep in mind we
are no where near any kind of civilization at all.

when we got closer we realized there were cement pads
about 5x8-5x10' and the metal boxes were air
conditioning duct work. It was like there were A/C
units underth eground, we could hear the hum of the
motors and the ductwork came up and went across the
pad and back down into the ground. We started banging
on them with out pistols and rocks, making a hell of a
racket, and didnt get any kind of response, when we
realized that there was no reason for these to be at
least 50 miles from anything, so we probably shouldnt
be banging on them as we too were 50 miles from
anything. We took off, loaded up the car and drove
back to the road. We decided to go to town get some
more beer and food and ammo and come back. Out of
nowhere a truck met us at the road where the trail
intersected it and followed into CO to town and then
to the supply store. We went in and decided to get
dinner before we went anywhere else, so we ate at some
restaurant, and after eating we decided to just get a
room and go drink at a local bar.

we apparently werent the only 'new-comers' to the bar
that night, as some of the locals told us that these
other guys who had followed us in had been watching us
all night, and when we left with some of the local
girls, i was met at her place by someone who had
already parked in her lot and was physically
confrontational. didnt really say anything, just
wanted to fight. Not sure what the reason was behind

Stayed the night with that girl, (whose name you would
recognize if you listen to country music, she was on
hiatus with her band for a week or two in this town in
CO) and the next morning went to find my cousin. I
returned to the motel, he was passed out on the bed,
didnt remember anything about how he got back to the
motel, all he knew is that he followed some girl out
of the bar to talk and then his memory went fuzzy on

For the next few years, everytime i wanted to do
something (I was in xxxxx) my leave was
scrutinized and I had to turn in detailed itineraries,
while no one else did. the admin people from my unit
never could explain why the CO was so hard on my plans
whenever I went out of town or had to travel for
military business, but it was extremely tough to get
permission to do anything. even the XO couldnt explain
it, the sgt major just said 'its what you have to do'.

I also wasnt a junior enlisted member, I was xx well
on my way to xx at the time. When I left the service
months later I was the senior xx in my job in the
entire xxxxxxxx.

Even years down the road I have had access to
documented military sites where things have happened,
and no one blinks an eye at them. I have had a
clearance and jobs on military bases where the base
itself has a classified mission, and no one has seemed
to care, but those few years were crazy when
everything I did was so closely looked at. It never
happened before I went to Dulce, and after a few years
it stopped, but very strange. I am just giving you a
brief synopsis of what I experienced, but there is
something there, I know it, no reason to have A/C and
nothing to cool. also no reason to have everything
else happen, but I can make it very clear that I know
where I was and how to return.

Come to think of it the entire time I was there it
felt very much as if we were continually being

Speaking of which - I am not sure of who you are, ha,
you may be the one watching me.


Not what I was expecting, I thought he was a worker as opposed to a drunken, pistol shooting ex-serviceman who found some strange AC units in the middle of nowhere.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by Winchester Ranger T

Not what I was expecting, I thought he was a worker as opposed to a drunken, pistol shooting ex-serviceman who found some strange AC units in the middle of nowhere.

You forgot to mention that he also cheated on his wife with a famous country music star - what a night he had!

I wouldn't give that story much credit because he establishes with these facts that he's a liar and can't be trusted.

[edit on 20-6-2005 by TheShroudOfMemphis]

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 12:49 AM
When you say Dulce is real - which part?
Castello's views (he's basically vanished from the face of the earth), Bennowitz?, he's long gone insane. Or just who and for what part of Dulce are you speaking of?
English?, I checked out certain things with Ret. Col. X and he indicated he's real and his accounts are true, eg B52 sat-down in the Vietnam jungle between the trees...


posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 08:56 AM
Can we have a link to these Forums then so we can start Pming people and asking them about DULCE etc etc etc. ???

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 04:17 PM
a link to my forum about a pic I found. Some say its a town but why would a town be on a Mesa?

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 04:28 PM
Winchester, if you don't mind me asking, what makes you so special that someone who says they worked at Dulce and all the horrible secret things that supposedly go on there are true, why would they risk their life just to tell you?
Who exactly are you that if this informant of your was actually a "real deal", that he would risk his life to tell YOU about Dulce.
Don't you think if he was risking his life he'd go a little higher on the reporting media chain then you?
Also i know that he turned out not to be someone who "worked" there. But my point is why would anyone who actually "worked" there like you had origianlly thought, bother to contact you and risk his life if it is all true about Dulce?

[edit on 20-6-2005 by GREGNOW]

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 04:41 PM

Who exactly are you that if this informant of your was actually a "real deal", that he would risk his life to tell YOU about Dulce.

Hmm, good point. Also what would be the reason for him doing this? Why would this imformant tell you these things...what would he gain? Did he give you instructions on what to do with this info? Does he know that you blast it out across ATS?

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 04:47 PM
This is all BS and the member needs to come clean before getting into further trouble, by providing knowingly false info. With out any show of faith on their part with no proof, it don't look good.

Then again we could just relocate the thread to calloborative fiction.

Calling yer bluff Winchester Ranger T, put up or shut up.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 05:10 PM
I used to live very close to Dulce, NM and I have spent lots of time there, fishing, gambeling etc. I have seen the AC units along side of the road. Huge fans and all kinds of plumbing. I think all the odd technology I saw was connected with the natural gas industry that is very prevelant in the area. There may be an underground base there as I have experienced some high strangness in the san Luis valley that is just north of Dulce. If there is a base there I think it would be really stupid to go snooping around. The town of Dulce is in the JIcarilla Apache reservation and outsiders are looked upon with suspicion, as in most small mountian towns in New Mexico.

I have an Apache friend that says UFO investigators are very common in the area especially in the summer. Most of them wind up in the Casino after they spend an hour or two and don't find anything suspious.

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Winchester Ranger T
I have been in contact with a guy who claims to have worked at the Dulce, NM facility. We got in touch after he asked me to delete a post on another forum that we have both been members on for years (lots of ex-military members and very professionally run).

I deleted the thread and he told me that he had worked at Dulce and it was no myth, he said his life was a misery while working there, quote:
I've been there, seriously, and for the next few years of my life everything was continually dangled in front of my eyes and my life affected in such a way that it always seemed like someone had their fingers in everything, but always seemed like it could be denied too.

Dulce is real.

I have another witness that was with me, he is in Denver. He knows what I saw, and what happened. send me your email address, (deleted), I'll give you a quick synopsis of why you dont want to go to Dulce.

I have not heard from him since.................

Damn, I really thought I was on to something here.
[edit on 18-6-2005 by Winchester Ranger T]

Ok, let me get this straight! You're telling us that some former government worker, who you claim to have met online, choose to tell you about one of the most secret bases in the USA(If Dulce is even real (which I doubt!))? I have a list of questions about your story:

1. What is the name of this "Other Fourm" you mentioned?

2. Why would a bunch of Ex- Military Guys brag about working at secret bases online? Everyone knows that if you Have security clearance, You are SWORN TO SECRECY, until the information you have is officially released to the public

3. You claim someone or something raided your hard drive and stole "ONLY" that message. If the feds were onto you, the NSA should have stopped by to check you out. When did you get your "Mystery Visitor(s)"?

4. Who is your Mystery Witness #2? Can you prove that he or she is real?

5. You said "when we got closer we realized there were cement pads about 5x8-5x10' and the metal boxes were air conditioning duct work." Why is the AC/ventalations equipment for a "Secret Base" in plain site on public land?

You can answer Any Time! BTW: The whooshing sound you hear is your credability blowing out of the window! If you confess now and beg for forgiveness, we might let you keep some face here at ATS!

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 12:37 PM
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to "put up or shut up". The information is what it is, and has been presented without any deliberate falsification.

If you can make something interesting of it then great, if not, then just dismiss it as BS and move on to the next Bigfoot story.

Maybe I shouldn't have posted what the guy sent me, but since he was just a regular civilian at the time, who happened across some big ductwork in the middle of nowhere, I'm not seeing that any of this story has any great significance. He didn't even tell me exactly where all this happened.

That's about all I can add.

[edit on 21-6-2005 by Winchester Ranger T]

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Winchester Ranger T
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to "put up or shut up". The information is what it is, and has been presented without any deliberate falsification.

If you can make something interesting of it then great, if not, then just dismiss it as BS and move on to the next Bigfoot story.

Maybe I shouldn't have posted what the guy sent me, but since he was just a regular civilian at the time, who happened across some big ductwork in the middle of nowhere, I'm not seeing that any of this story has any great significance. He didn't even tell me exactly where all this happened.

That's about all I can add.

[edit on 21-6-2005 by Winchester Ranger T]

The story is very supisious! See my last post above! I'm intrested in some of the answers! We are Waiting!

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 01:14 PM
Uhm, ghost I think what he ment in his latest post was that he has told you guys everything. It's a letter someone sent to him, what more can you expect from him?

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Winchester Ranger T
I have not heard from him since.................

[edit on 18-6-2005 by Winchester Ranger T]

Well, according to eyewitnesses people like your informant end up in huge vats of liquid along with other informants and people that were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your informant is now being used as sustenance for aliens.

I'll never say I don't believe in Dulce. The stories I've read are too long and detailed to be completely untrue IMO.


posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by cownosecat
Uhm, ghost I think what he ment in his latest post was that he has told you guys everything. It's a letter someone sent to him, what more can you expect from him?

Ok, if I misunderstood something, I'm truly sorry!

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 07:16 AM
Ive been here two years and ive seen this sort of stuff calling bluff until Winchester Ranger T can prove it

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 03:37 PM
It's certainly possible that I have been conned, but the guy went to a lot of trouble if it is a bluff.

As for me bluffing, well that's a not entirely unreasonable conclusion, I am after all new to the forum, and could just be having some fun. But trust me, if I was going to invent a story about Dulce, it would involve aliens, particle weapons, and human experimentation. It would at the very least feature something more interesting than an a/c unit out in the woods.

I am not prepared to identify either the other forum, or the individuals identity on that forum, so you either take my word for it, or you don't.

For the record, I am considering asking the guy where exactly he found these structures, just so I can TerraServer the location. I personally don't have the cojones to go sniffing around the woods in search of them, but if anyone here would be interested, let me know.

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 05:20 AM
i've actually read a comic that is somehow similar to what u are talking about:

in this book, the adventurer wisely goes to egypt to find out why his friend died. He gets lost in the desert and is picked up by a famous grave robber alias Virus who asks him for a favour.. ok this part sounds phony so if u dun wanna hear it then dun... ok back, three aliens have come to visit Virus to ask for his aid in retreiving their alien counterparts' bodies that are in a facility in New Mexico.. the aliens then teleport him to the mexican desert and he tries to find his way into the facility.. the aliens seem all powerful here but they are unable to enter the secret facility in mexico as the facility's air is 90% nitrogen and this will cause the aliens bodies to disintergrate.. strangely, wisely finds his other fren who is missing and his friends has been living off desert mice and has made a little camp near an oasis in the desert.. his fren does not tell him what happened when they were inside the facility but he bring wisely to a secret entrance that he and his partner used on the previous mission.. *** ok this part in where u guys come in*** wisely enters through the entrance and walk for about 400 m through corridors and starts to hear a loud noise, then he finds that he is in front of a giant air ventilator/conditioner.. wisely digs under and goes into the base.. he is caught immediately and then sent into a cell where strange lights and gases are introduced.. he survives them for 3 days and the guards or scientists are confirmed that he is human, he is then sent to meet a general in charge of this facility, the general says that he is going to be assasinated and thus lets him read a top secret report on the facility.. the report states that a gigantic ufo crashed in a forest near mexico and its magnetic force was so great that it causd a blackout in the nearby cities for the next 5 hours or so, during this time army forces were sent to investigate and they found a ufo with aliens in it and the body count was 51 aliens altogether, these aliens body seems cloth-like, was black and their skin had similar properties as gold. lol! anywae, they then transported these aliens to a research facility and enclosed all of them in vats in a 100% nitrogen room that was heavily guarded.. along with the find of the alien's bodies was a strange glass brick that was placed with the aliens in the room.. the report stated that this glass brick was like a cellular phone in modern days, except that it had the ability to trnasmit and recieve data from space.. ok thats all i can remember, u may all baleet(ignore) me for this crap.. but do think about it before that, this story is quite interesting

btw. virus offered wisely one entire room of stolen antiques in his mansion, also the aliens offered virus, an additional 20 years to his lifespan.

[edit on 26-6-2005 by omnislasherfx]

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 02:05 PM
Meds, I'm thinking meds.

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