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ATS Councilors: Roles and Functions

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posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 09:37 PM
Maybe I missed a thread or two somewhere, but there seems to be some confusion about the roles and funcitons of the ATS Councilors. Personally, I'm pretty confused about the situation. Could someone clarify this issue or provide a link to one?

[edit on 05/6/18 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 10:26 AM

Good question, I'll give you what we see the council's role as being.

Obviously the Council is a NEW feature and and a GRAND Experiment on the cutting edge of Discussion Board Dynamics.

The Memeber Council is a voice the ATS Membership has never had before.

Our desire to further the "Community" aspect of ATS made us take a hard look at what we can do to make the MEMBER'S experience on ATS BETTER and more enjoyable.

One of the things we kept hearing was that Staff was unable to "keep up" with the membership's concerns and ideas for improvement. When we looked at that statement it rang very true. Just keeping a community of this size running smoothly from a technical standpoint is a daunting task, much less keeping up with wants and concerns of some 40,000 Members.

One option was to add more "staff", Moderators, Super Moderators, etc... The feeling was we have enough "policemen", what we need is a conduit to the Members that isn't under the obligation "staff" is under.

We needed a "voice of the People" if you will, that could communicate all these various desires, ideas and concerns directly to us. Not only that, but a voice that could prioritize those issues to a manageable level.

The Council is that voice, elected by those we want to serve better, the Members.

The Council has a direct line straight to the "Executive" (Simon Gray, William One Sac, Bob88, SkepticOverlord and Springer) level without any impedence or "red tape" getting in the way.

How the Council is going to "operate" is up to them completely, they are free to handle their business anyway they see fit.

I hope this sheds a little light on the subject for you and anyone else interested.


posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 01:32 PM
As a member of the council I'd like everyone to know that first and foremost, we are listening to members, working on mission statements for our respective boards and working on procedures for a council voting mechanism. I have put a procedure up for a vote and am waiting to see if I can get 5 yeas out of the 7. Hopefully we'll get that in the bag this week and we can procede from there. Hope that helps.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 02:05 PM
Do you mean mission statements for ATS, PTS, and BTS? Or one for all the little forums?

Also, how are we supposed to get in touch with council members? Is there a page with all of them listed and links to U2U them?

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 02:10 PM
Not sure if we'll have ONE main mission statement or if we each will have one for our respective areas. Probly will be both.

I have also been calling for someone to post a complete list. Still waiting..

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
Also, how are we supposed to get in touch with council members? Is there a page with all of them listed and links to U2U them?

Feel free to u2u me, The Vagabond or Kidfinger if you need anything. If we can't help you, we'll get you in touch with the right person.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 03:11 PM

Your Council Rep. EastCoastKid, and Assistant Council Reps The Vagabond (on the right) & Kidfinger (on the left)

There were Assistant spots filled also? Didnt know about that vote goin on. if it wasnt, wont that create a cliqish atmosphere of reps in the members eyes? or is it like big biz whisperin in our congressmans ears. we put them there but the "assistants" pull the strings.
Im totally kidding about the string pulling guys, no offence intended.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 03:20 PM
ATS elected counsil members.

G---Infinite - SpittinCobra and Sanctum
L---TheRiverGoddess – Ycon and Parrhesia
B---Lysergic – EnronOutrunHomerun and UK Wizard
X---Hellmutt – Djohnsto77 and ________
D---Majic – Mirthful Me and BlackJackal
P---EastCoastKid - The Vagabond and Kidfinger
A---Nerdling - none

This is the Counsil list as it stands now. The counsilor is listed, followed by the 2 assistants.
You can see who is looking for an assistant, however they have choices of people they are waiting to hear back from.
If your interested it would not hurt to send them a u2u and let them know.
Please do NOT spam them.....that would just garuntee your not being chosen.
FYI my assistants did NOT ask for the positions...I went to them.

.......................just sayin

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 03:25 PM
Very Kewl Goddess, thank you very much for that list and info on how the council is coming together. Much Appreciated.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 03:35 PM
The role of the to be the ear for members ideas about board changes or additions.

The MODERATORS are much akin to the board police, and they answer to administration.

The counsil also answers to board administration. We are not board cops....we do not BAN ect....we may however on occasion find it nessesary to give a minor warn. A warn from one of us will just bring the offender to the attention of the MODS however.
We are here to talk to the members about how they can personally be MORE effective as an ATS member. We are here to present the members ideas in a manner where the idea can be considered. We are here to take the members suggestions to the administration, so please.....if YOU have any ideas, u2u a counsilor and tell them about it. It will then be presented to the entire counsil for consideration. ALL IDEAS ARE WELCOME!

Please u2u me, or any counsilor and share YOUR ideas with us!
TOGETHER we can make ATS a more dynamic place!
This place exists for member enjoyment, and to seek the ~TRUTH~ behind all conspiracy theoreys.
Working together WE can make it be ALL we WANT it to be!

ROCK ON ATS!!! Send the counsilors your ideas!!!!

I hope to hear from YOU soon!

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 03:39 PM
I just wanted to give the BTS council a presence in this thread, any ideas or issues with BTS use the u2u links in my signature

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 03:41 PM
Right, me(infinite), SpittinCobra and Sanctum are the G (Government) Council crew. We like to call ourselves G unit (inside joke), anyways, if you have problems in the government conspiracy area, feel free to U2U...

Remember, we ain't mods

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 09:58 PM
I need to clarify a MISTAKE I posted above.....

Counsilors will NOT have the ability to warn,so we will NOT BE WARNING anyone.

........counsilors have been given the ability to applaud.
In this way we hope to encourage good posting, collaberation, and adding to threads instead of tearing them down with rudeness.
We want to encourage RESPECT to all members, and we will be showing our encouragement of respect, collaberation and well thought out posts with our applause.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 02:01 AM
When will the debates be resurrected?

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 05:46 AM

Counsilors will NOT have the ability to warn,so we will NOT BE WARNING anyone.

........counsilors have been given the ability to applaud.


we can applaud then? sweet

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by S1LV3R4D0

There were Assistant spots filled also? Didnt know about that vote goin on. if it wasnt, wont that create a cliqish atmosphere of reps in the members eyes?

The River Goddess pretty much spelled it out. In choosing, I went to two members each from the left and the right and asked them to join me in representing the POLITIX side. I wanted everyone (from across the spectrum) on my team (The EastCoast Syndicate
) to have a voice when discussing the issues that affect YOU fellow members. My goal is fairness and rational dialogue. We discourage immature flamewars and personal attacks and encourage everyone here at ATS to come over and discuss the issues that affect us all. Who knows.. maybe if you get involved here, it will make you more interested in getting involved in your community's politics.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by ktprktpr
When will the debates be resurrected?


The debates are under control of the moderators listed, namely Amorymeltzer and Nygdan.

They are the ones to ask.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
The role of the to be the ear for members ideas about board changes or additions.
..we may however on occasion find it nessesary to give a minor warn. A warn from one of us will just bring the offender to the attention of the MODS however.

This is incorrect in as much the Council's "Alert System" will NOT count as a warn aginst any member.

The Council will NOT be warning anyone. I think TRG is referring to an "alert" system we have developed to help spot spammers, discourteous, flaming members.

The idea being that the Mods have several forums to police and manage and could use the extra eyes.

The Council's main objective is improving the Member's ATS experience, in that light, it is believed they will be a helpful set of eyes in the fora. Their "alert" system is a souped up version of the existing "complaint" system. It will go directly to one of the mods if the particular forum in question.

Obvisouly there is still MUCH to flesh out in this experiment and the Council is hard at it.

Let's give them time to get their ducks in a row and I ask you all to give US (Senior Management) time to get the systems/concepts and infrastructure set up.


[edit on 6-20-2005 by Springer]

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 09:45 AM
It's great to see we've gotten our council titles up top. Nice uniformity. Way to go!

posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 10:20 AM
As ATS furthered down the "incorporation" process its was inevitable that we would need people to fill the role of "team leaders". And everybody knows that team leaders get a nice title, a little party and more work. Thats it. They can't hire, fire or give raises. They have no real authority other than an obsessive ambition for power that can be delayed slowly and used by upper level managment. They are usually tolerated but privately scorned by the rest of the peons...
on the other hand..I hear they're creating a "MISSION STATMENT"! Fantastic. Now we know BIG things are coming!

I've got one you can use:

"The ATS membership can count on us to synergistically enhance principle-centered content and competently build ethical methods of empowerment in order to solve ATS member issues"

There we go. All problems solved. And that's much easier than calling a spade a spade and saying the majority of issues come from incompetant management and absurd policies. It's also a much better way to get to be a moderator. That SWEET SWEET holy grail of internet forums.

So I guess mine won't be coming anytime soon, eh boys?

SHUT UP VOD! Just keep your mouth shut! If you don't love ATS you can GET THE HELL OUT! You hear us! Society doesn't need people like you poking at the emperor's naked body. We've done just fine in our quest to turn people into roboticized pegs. We tell them what to think, eat, wear, drive, write and buy. Thats all they need. Thats all they need because thats what we tell them! So SHUT UP or GET THE HELL OUT OF ATS.

Besides...all you do is complain. When's the last time you posted anything of importance? Huh? Schmuck!

There is no enemy anywhere (kiddies) - Lao Tse
Socrates drank the hemlock, Jesus went to the cross and the Buddha sat merely smiling to tell us the same thing

We don't need NO education...

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