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So, how many extraterrestrials can fit on the head of a pin?

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posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 07:10 PM
As many as you like since they do not exist. By the many posts I have read, many of you would just make up stories for attention seeking rather than try to actually prove or disprove existance.
Many posters who try to back up their info with the words "science" do so with no reference to what that word means.
Are there any posters here that actually care to try to figure out if aliens are physical or noncorporal beings, maybe figments of the unconsious collective. I would sure like to, if only there were more serious posters at this site, this subject would be more interesting.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 09:53 PM
So you do think we are alone in the universe?

I would sure like to, if only there were more serious posters at this site, this subject would be more interesting.

i agree, a start would be to stop discussion on icke or meier and all other obvious hoaxers.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 10:23 PM
I can see you are a new member; basing this by the fact that you are abruptly labeling the majority of the posts in this section as a false or "ways of getting attention". Yes, this may be true; however, you are new here at ATS -thus you will become aware that it is neccesary to keep a wiery eye on most posts and ideas. But this does not mean this section of ATS should be taken lightly or seen as a place for fooling around. Most of us in this section who read and post avidly, are all looking for the same thing. But to get to our goal, it is neccesary for as much imput from others that is possible. Whether this information is false or true, it all is important, because any one piece of evidence or plot from a story may make that connection in our heads or fill in that missing piece to the puzzle that we are looking for to solve the major question.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 10:41 PM
Manmade Lotar

It sounds to me like your doing what you have accused other people of doing ' Seeking attention' as you have offered basically nothing and put down numerous people and what 'they think and have expereienced'

Show can you show me Scientific proof that Aliens of any type dont exsist
Cos from where i'm standing Probability says they do !

Science just doesn't know ..........yet or if it does its not sharing it with the outside world.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 10:08 AM
Mad Man Lotar,

No one here is responsible for your ignorance...except you.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 10:41 AM
I don't think the site lacks serious posters, just intellgent ones.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 12:53 PM
Do you have a point you're trying to make, other than to complain after a few hours of membership? Maybe you could try to give reasons why they don't exist, disprove some of the info you're shrugging aside rather than insulting us to our face.

No one here is responsible for your ignorance...except you.

Tough words, Ksnazdnzon. Pity you're wrong.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 03:30 PM
Okay, I have to admit I was a little harsh.

I don't mean to sound like everybody is stupid, I just said it seemed to lack intellgent posters. I mean it is out of balance between intellgent ones and non-intellgent ones.

I mean in my opinion if somebody belives a story from the begining with no additional thought, then they are not intellgent. It's just that simple.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 03:45 PM
To think that no other life exists in our infinitely large universe and parallel universes is truly retarded. From a science point of view it is impossible that we are the only planet that harbors life.

Yes there are many crazy people out there and i don't know any person who is credible enough to believe, but that doesn't mean "aliens" don't exist somewhere in the universe.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 03:50 PM

As many as you like since they do not exist. By the many posts I have read, many of you would just make up stories for attention seeking rather than try to actually prove or disprove existance.

That still does not dissprove the existance of life other than what is found on earth. Can you dissprove extraterrestrials? By all means take a swing, disprove em? Just because people make up hoax and lie about them does not mean they are not real.

Why would'nt thier be life out there?? Awaiting for your dissproval of extraterrestrials

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 05:44 AM

Are there any posters here that actually care to try to figure out if aliens are physical or noncorporal beings, maybe figments of the unconsious collective.

I think that with a little more seaching you will find those subjects are quite popular around here.


posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 06:37 AM
Actually i would assume you could not fit any in, if they do not exist, due to that they won't have physical form or exist

You can not do something with something that does not exist

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 11:14 AM
Lets all stop assuming and bashing people...PLEASE!!! All this seems to be is "children" fighting over what's right and what's wrong. When I see no point in it at all because none of us know that! Why don't we all just leave this thread and start researching and proving stuff.....then maybe we could get somewhere with this subject

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Amorymeltzer
Do you have a point you're trying to make, other than to complain after a few hours of membership? Maybe you could try to give reasons why they don't exist, disprove some of the info you're shrugging aside rather than insulting us to our face.

No one here is responsible for your ignorance...except you.

Tough words, Ksnazdnzon. Pity you're wrong.

If I could prove or disprove the exsistance of advanced life forms infiltrating our system, than I probably would not be posting here. I can not say with certainly that there are no other life forms out there in the massive universe but to say that there is a giant conspiracy that no one in the world has had the resources to leak is pretty far fetched.
I did not know that being here since, June 16 of 2004 constituted as being registered for only a few hours.

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 12:07 AM
Don't feel the need to back down Mad Man. You raise valid points. We are told that this is a serious subject and that you have to sift your way through the lies and find the truth. The only problem with that is there is absolutely no way to distinguish the two, since most of the posts are of the "what I believe" variety.

You were also on to something with your mention of posters attaching the word 'science' to anything in order to bolster their cause. Take the follow for example:

Originally posted by NinjaCodeMonkey
To think that no other life exists in our infinitely large universe and parallel universes is truly retarded. From a science point of view...

Wow. Parallel universes, huh? From a science point of view? And we are 'retarted' if we don't agree? Interesting.

See how opinion is stated as fact and then supported with the word 'science'? This is nothing more than specualtion.

Now I didn't mean to single out Mr. Monkey, just using this one particular post--that happens to be in this very thread, nonetheless--as an example of the kind of factless posting Mad Man was referring to.

Some said that this kind of talk is not welcome, since it does nothing to further the cause. I have to respectfully disagree. If you can't support your case against ONE person, a rather 'out there' one by everyday standards I might add, then how do you expect the masses to believe; especially considering that the smoking gun evidence is still nowhere to be found?

This is a valid post and should stay.
Also, length of membership does not in any way lessen the vailidity of the questions.

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 12:14 AM
backtoreality there are parallel universes and it has been proven experimentally but not logically (mathematically). Don't disrespect me again you fuk.

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by NinjaCodeMonkey
backtoreality there are parallel universes and it has been proven experimentally but not logically (mathematically). Don't disrespect me again you fuk.

There was no disrepect involved. It was merely an example of what the OP mentioned.

If I am mistaken, then please provide a link showing when parallel universes were proven experimentally. Thanks!

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 12:43 AM
All of you proved how damn stupid you can be by actually replying to this guy in the first place.

OH SORRY! I didn't actually mean to call you all stupid. I just did it.. and well I could edit that.. but uh.. since you don't seem to mind being slammed by some ahole that just showed up here.. I guess you won't mind if ol' Vis hits you up with a few insults to your own integrity and ATS in general.

Now that I hope I proved my point... all know that I love you all dearly (specially those here in the Aliens and UFO section) ... you make my day worth living.

Do not feed the trolls anymore.. please. Thanks.


posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 12:48 AM
If you do not want to debate your beliefs, that's fine. But before closing the tread, can we hold off for Mr. Monkey to post the evidence about parallel universes? I'm dying to see it!

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by backtoreality

See how opinion is stated as fact and then supported with the word 'science'? This is nothing more than specualtion.

The Big Bang theory, as well as other theories formulated by the scientific community, are also supported with the word science, but scientific theories are also 'speculation', educated guesses or opinions @ best, nothing more. The word 'theory' is synonymous to the word 'speculation, so let us not forget that fact.

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