What if Jesus had "first" appeared and died in the sixties (not over 2000 years ago)? Let's assume Jesus HADN'T APEARED over 2000 years ago and
it was in the 1960's that he FIRST APPEARED.
Well, I'm assuming you mean what if he appeared here in America as a spiritual teacher and not as a Jewish sage in some Jewish community or Jewish
nation, that is, if the Jews hadn't been killed off by the Pagan Nations.
All of history would have been changed, including what we know about the 60's. So let's say everything (by some miracle) turned out like the 60's
we knew - minus Christianity, which is hard to imagine - and that "Jesus" was simply a monotheistic spiritual teacher (of whatever ethnic
Fact is ... he was a religio-social activist and a mystic and a prophet and a miracle worker - and not the only one of that period! Since the only
religion we'd have by that time (minus Christianity) would be some form of Paganism.... I can't see he'd be able to do much in the way of
advancing a monotheistic faith.
At best, he'd preach a little on being charitable and doing good deeds, work a few miracles, hang out with the disenfranchised, maybe throw a few
metaphorical eggs in the face of the Powers-That-Be for their corruption and love of filthy lucre and end up being dismissed out of hand as a minor
cult leader or terminated by one of the alphabet agencies, that is, if he stirred up too much crap or presented a threat or was a useful pawn to get
some gun control bills passed, etc., etc., etc. Waco much?
If he were a Jew amongst Jews, he'd be doing what he did some 1,900 years ago, and, like Baal Shem Tov and the Hasidim of today, he'd be calling
Secularized Jews and not-so-Torah-observant Jews to repentance and seeking to restore them to the orthodoxy and orthopraxy of the Jewish sages and
thereby working to advance the Kingdom of Heaven (i.e., Rulership of G-d) in the hearts and minds of his people in the hope that it might serve to
usher in the Messianic Era.
[edit on 18-6-2005 by smadewell]