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What if Jesus had first appeared in the 60's?

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posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 12:38 PM
What if Jesus had "first" appeared and died in the sixties (not over 2000 years ago)?
I'm not trying to change anyones religion or anything this is just
something I've been thinking about.
Knowing what we know about the Government, lies, and cover-ups etc, What if Jesus had "first" appeared in the sixties, let's say 1969 and exposed Government corruption Nixon quickly has him arrested and crucified (assuming we still did this) for his crimes. Now, let's say the Queen of England(not saying she ever did anything wrong, just very unlucky to be part of my imagination right now) published her version (like King James)of the Bible just last year.

Would this change your view/opinion of the Bible? how?:

I believe the Bible was actually used to control the masses. I'm not saying that some of the things didn't happen just that there was a purpose behind it.

[edit on 18-6-2005 by missinginmaine]

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 01:09 PM

Knowing what we know about the Government
- What we think we know.

I dont really understand what your talking about...?

It doesnt make sense. I dont beleive in the bible but...why would jesus come back just to screw with the government? Why would the queen be editing the bible?

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 01:23 PM
re-read, I think it's pretty obvious. As I had asked: What if he had "first" appeared in the 60's..............and it's just a question. Let's assume Jesus HADN'T APEARED over 2000 years ago and it was in the 1960's that he FIRST APPEARED.

and let's say KING JAMES had not published THE KING JAMES VERSION and for the sake of argument it would now be called THE QUEEN ELIZABETH ll VERSION as if I'm trying to say this has happened hence, "WHAT IF"

[edit on 18-6-2005 by missinginmaine]

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 01:26 PM
He would most liely be put straight in to a mental hospital. Likely cause, illusions of grandeur.

My opion is that Jesus was suffering from such anyway, one sandwich short of a picnic as they say.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 02:02 PM
There was just a conspiracy involving the movement of this post from:
Above Top Secret 4.0 » Conspiracies in Religions. Conspiracy after conspiracy.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 02:29 PM
What if Jesus had "first" appeared and died in the sixties (not over 2000 years ago)? Let's assume Jesus HADN'T APEARED over 2000 years ago and it was in the 1960's that he FIRST APPEARED.

Well, I'm assuming you mean what if he appeared here in America as a spiritual teacher and not as a Jewish sage in some Jewish community or Jewish nation, that is, if the Jews hadn't been killed off by the Pagan Nations.

All of history would have been changed, including what we know about the 60's. So let's say everything (by some miracle) turned out like the 60's we knew - minus Christianity, which is hard to imagine - and that "Jesus" was simply a monotheistic spiritual teacher (of whatever ethnic background).

Fact is ... he was a religio-social activist and a mystic and a prophet and a miracle worker - and not the only one of that period! Since the only religion we'd have by that time (minus Christianity) would be some form of Paganism.... I can't see he'd be able to do much in the way of advancing a monotheistic faith.

At best, he'd preach a little on being charitable and doing good deeds, work a few miracles, hang out with the disenfranchised, maybe throw a few metaphorical eggs in the face of the Powers-That-Be for their corruption and love of filthy lucre and end up being dismissed out of hand as a minor cult leader or terminated by one of the alphabet agencies, that is, if he stirred up too much crap or presented a threat or was a useful pawn to get some gun control bills passed, etc., etc., etc. Waco much?

If he were a Jew amongst Jews, he'd be doing what he did some 1,900 years ago, and, like Baal Shem Tov and the Hasidim of today, he'd be calling Secularized Jews and not-so-Torah-observant Jews to repentance and seeking to restore them to the orthodoxy and orthopraxy of the Jewish sages and thereby working to advance the Kingdom of Heaven (i.e., Rulership of G-d) in the hearts and minds of his people in the hope that it might serve to usher in the Messianic Era.

[edit on 18-6-2005 by smadewell]

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 02:49 PM
Suppose everything had happened the way things happend over two thousand years ago. Let's say he appeared to a more advanced world such as our own. Better yet, what if the people of those times had the internet and lawyers and ATS.
How do you think they would have reacted to the Bible?
What I'm asking is if people would look at the Bible as more of a tool and a form of control instead of teachings and prophesy?

[edit on 18-6-2005 by missinginmaine]

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 05:59 PM
If jesus was a 60's born, he would have been the most wanted hippy and he would have protested the war in vietnam.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 06:15 PM
With all the drugs and stuff going on the 60's, didn't everyone think they were the son of god at one point!?
Jesus would probably have just been another face in the blurry, techocoloured crowd. It would have been much harder for him to convince people that he was the son of god, that's for sure.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 06:58 PM
I think if Christ appeared in the 60's he would be very confused. I don't think that the appearance of Christ changes anything as he would have been sent by his father to come and do what he did best. Now years after his death would the writing of him be different? Yep, I suspect very much so but the message I believe would be the same. Hard to say if that would have more followers or less. I don't know that Christ's message at anytime in history changes how I interpret it. This is a little hard to answer though. Interesting perspective.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 07:57 PM
You mean the Roman empire was not corrupt and Jesus never was able to expose its corruption? The corruption of religon by the Jewish leaders is where he found the corruption and "exposed it" but it did it by explaining the true way.

I am sorry but your ideas is way too far of a strech to possibly come upw ith anything meaningful, and ignores a lot of Jewsih prophacy and history in the process

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 01:36 AM
This would make a great idea for a movie or novel.... Time travel kills Jesus before Mary gives birth to him.... What a different world it would be, eh? Fact is ... I can't really answer questions like these, because any death or absence of a player on the world stage would so alter the timeline as to boggle the mind. Maybe we'd be like that one planet Kirk and Spock and McCoy got stuck on where they had to be gladiators and entertain the Empire on TV. Who knows? It's wild to think about though....

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by Jehosephat
You mean the Roman empire was not corrupt and Jesus never was able to expose its corruption? The corruption of religon by the Jewish leaders is where he found the corruption and "exposed it" but it did it by explaining the true way.

I am sorry but your ideas is way too far of a strech to possibly come upw ith anything meaningful, and ignores a lot of Jewsih prophacy and history in the process

keep in mine that... the question was probably meant to be hypothetical.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 08:23 AM
Maybe I should have explained it using South Park characters :bnghd:

Or something like, what if everything had happened the way it did except that there was no such thing as the King James Bible and instead of that we got a version of the Bible from G.W. Bush or something, how would that work. This doesn't mean G.W. travelled back in the past because right now for sake of arguments TIme Machines don't exist.

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