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Thanks China, Bird Flu Vaccine for Humans Rendered Useless

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posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 11:43 AM
Bird flu is just one mutation away from becoming a pandemic that could kill millions around the world. Through a selfish and senseless act, the Chinese have caused the cheapest and easiest to manufacture and distribute drug to be useless for humans. First, the Chinese hid their bird flu problem from world health authorities for almost a decade. Then they used the drug that billions of third world people could have used to protect themselves to protect their chickens instead! This has resulted in a strain of the virus that is now resistant to the drug.


People love to condemn the U.S., but let's now shine that spotlight on the Chinese for selfeshly putting perhaps billions of people at risk to try and protect their chickens.

[edit on 6/18/2005 by centurion1211]

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 11:48 AM
I still think U.S govt created AIDS,SARS and bird flu but thats just my opinion.The
wierd thing is that why this birld flu has started to pop up know when china is on the verge to become a superpower

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by warthog911
The wierd thing is that why this birld flu has started to pop up know when china is on the verge to become a superpower

Cheaper than nukes....also a lot more effective. I dunno could be luck, could be America.....but there is always those good 'ol North Koreans.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 04:43 PM
The use of anti-biotics is rediculous anyways. You dont cure anyone. You just make the virus' stronger.

Eat some fruit, excercise. Dont be scared to get dirty. Boo YAH...theres my cure for anything.

You dont help yourself by taking meds anyways. I have to laugh when I see people popping pills all the time, and they get sick atleast once every 2 months. I rarely take anything, and I get ill maybe once every year? And its passed by the weekend.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 10:35 PM
Through out history China has thought of themselves as what they call "the middle kingdom" meaning that they are the most important of all and that all other countries are in essence barbaric. Now whether the current government or citizens of china believe this not sure. But it does make sense why they would do this....
1. they have a HUGE problem with their population growth.
2. they have a huge problem with feeding people
3. They dont really like any other countries

so it makes sense to give the meds to the chickens so that why they keep their food supply, while in turn possibly killing off more of their citizens, which takes care of the population problem. so now they got more food and less people..which to them is a good thing. and if in the process they happen to hurt the U.S ..well all the better for them right? they have been dealing with intense embarressment ever since america has become more powerful then them...and it got worse when the japanese began to do better. So thats just my take on their not saying this is fact.

I do agree with the original poster that if this is true, it was an incredibly idiotic thing to do.

i also agree with BANE OF YOUR EXISTANCE that antibiotics do make the virus 22 with this one perhaps?

either way..if they did this to hurt america PO'd

Kind Regards,
Digital Grl

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Bane Of Your Existence
The use of anti-biotics is rediculous anyways. You dont cure anyone. You just make the virus' stronger.

Eat some fruit, excercise. Dont be scared to get dirty. Boo YAH...theres my cure for anything.

You dont help yourself by taking meds anyways. I have to laugh when I see people popping pills all the time, and they get sick atleast once every 2 months. I rarely take anything, and I get ill maybe once every year? And its passed by the weekend.

kids get sick cause they dont play in the dirt

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by Bane Of Your Existence
Eat some fruit, excercise. Dont be scared to get dirty. Boo YAH...theres my cure for anything.

Thats absoloute Gold! Very true, our immune systems are failing(Allergies) because we're not exposed to enough bugs

so we're saying this move is essentially drawn on by China's disregard for their own human life and need to keep food suply?

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 09:24 AM
The bird flu threat is the same as the black threat, the communist threat, the drug threat, the wacko's with guns threat, the terrorist threat, the SARS threat, the Saddam threat.....

Its all scripted to keep you fearful so you will readily give up your rights and freedoms to the state when they tell you that have a solution for your makes you afraid, if you just hand them more power.

Remember all the hype when we ran out of useless flu shots last November?
People were paying up to $400 a shot in their panic.

Did everyone drop dead this winter without those shots? Doesn't look like it.

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 11:45 AM

i also agree with BANE OF YOUR EXISTANCE that antibiotics do make the virus 22 with this one perhaps?

either way..if they did this to hurt america PO'd

Kind Regards,
Digital Grl

FYI: China was using an antiviral not an antibiotic (bactrial).

Seems H5N1 may be presenting as diarreha instead of upper respiatory in some cases. Two children died (Vietnam) without presenting in the known H5N1 symptoms.

Maybe the 33 that died in Nepal from Diarreha really had H5N1 influenza. In that case they really need to have more case studies done of others that died that might have been misdiagnosed.

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