posted on Aug, 12 2003 @ 03:24 AM
Sounds like your subconscious desires IMHO. From what I understand, as you become more lucid (with practice) you start to control the situation and
begin to reference your waking life. For example, in the lucid dream you can say to yourself "that book I read told me to try this" and try a new
technique. Basically what I'm saying is that you get more control and awareness, which leads to the ability to do anything you want. Things you can
imagine and things you can't. Personally, I'm not sure I want to control the situation through my consciousness, it would be a bit limited. The
closest I've come to that awareness was a dream where I was talking to an old friend and said "sorry, I've got to wake up now" and woke up just
before my alarm went off.
Maybe you're not far off the stage where you can learn to control the situation a bit more. What you're describing is what I was going through
before I started to manipulate things. I can only do basic stuff, but its really interesting.