posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 02:10 PM
Um, maybe I read the bbc article wrong but doesn't this actually help to prove John's way back machine story is crapola?
Basically, if John's present is a determined certainty, if he traveled back in time to retrieve a machine that would change his future it wouldn't
be allowed. He'd never find the machine always one step behind because traveling back in time to stop his future from happening would cause havok on
the lives of those existing after John's "tragedy".
He cannot go back in time and kill the hundreds of thousands of people being born in his present and post apocolyptic past.
Also, it contradicts John's time travel technology which has him hopping from one universe into the past of another and then the future of another
completely seperate universe.
The argument he uses for that being there is only a 1 to 2 percent difference in these time lines which is a ridiculous statement.
If you map a course on foot from los angeles to las vegas and when you arrive you find that you are 2% off from your destination, you'd be a couple
to thirty miles away at most.
Plotting a course from the earth to the mars and your 2% off in your calculations, youre probably dead.
Now, a 1 to 2 percent difference in a whole universe is exponentially larger. A one to two percent difference in a universe is litterally the
difference between life and death, a universe that is two percent divergent from ours could mean no life ever evolved on earth.
Am I wrong here, any scientists want to tell me where I made a mistake?
None of this takes anything away from the excellent find on the article mind you, very cool and I look forward to reading more about this theory.