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What is the greatest threat to the u.s. homeland?

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posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by Rasputin13

N. None of the above

I'd go with...

O. Liberalism. If we allow them to continue to hold positions of power, it will be the death of this nation. They refuse to identify, confront and defeat EVIL when and where it exists. Only when us Conservatives have long relegated such evils as Communism, Nazism and Fascism to the ash heaps of society, do Liberals finally muster up the courage to call them "evil."

Ras, Evil is a construct of the mind. Same as Good and bad. They are personal concepts that are held personally and can not be assumed to be throughout the nation - clearly every vote has always shown this. What you assume to be a good and treu virtue, at the same time, can be an evil abomination to spirit. By holding on to dogma, only stops people from seeing this.

Maybe it is time to move pass the me=good, them = evil, or sorry, I notice it is always seemed to be put EVIL, as if to engender fear. Sad, pathetic and imature IMO. Maybe if you can wrap your mind around the concept that there is no them, there is no us, there is no evil or good. There are only people, with different views that may work for them despite our own inablity to notice it.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 09:20 PM
Hopefully radical exrmists like david koresh are dealt with more harshlly then at WACO, they declared war on a us.. agency and killed four agents. The president should have called in airstrikes on the compound and such after a call for negotions ended.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 09:24 PM
The whole point of the raid was to seize weapons and take children away to prevent anything bad happening to them, ostensibly that was the goal of the ATF.

Airstrikes would have made it rather difficult to do, don't you think?

Do you even realize that you just OPENLY declared your approval for using military air dropped munitions to murder CHILDREN!

I'm sure Bush is glad to have you as a friend. You guys seem to have a lot in common.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
The whole point of the raid was to seize weapons and take children away to prevent anything bad happening to them, ostensibly that was the goal of the ATF.

Airstrikes would have made it rather difficult to do, don't you think?

Do you even realize that you just OPENLY declared your approval for using military air dropped munitions to murder CHILDREN!

I'm sure Bush is glad to have you as a friend. You guys seem to have a lot in common.

would you say bushfriend is:
a. mostly ignorant
b. a little mind controlled, and a lot ignorant
c. somewhat ignorant, and somewhat mind-controlled
d. a little ignorant, and a lot mind-controlled
e. mostly mind-controlled

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
The whole point of the raid was to seize weapons and take children away to prevent anything bad happening to them, ostensibly that was the goal of the ATF.

Airstrikes would have made it rather difficult to do, don't you think?

Do you even realize that you just OPENLY declared your approval for using military air dropped munitions to murder CHILDREN!

I'm sure Bush is glad to have you as a friend. You guys seem to have a lot in common.

I agree the goverment was a sticky sitution dealing with armed extremists as well as inocent women as well as children. Nothing was stopping the branch davadians from sending out thier children or surrenduring themselves. Do you really think FBI and ATF agents would shoot women and children on live national T.V. Airstrikes only if the neotations ETC.... FAIL.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by bushfriend

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
The whole point of the raid was to seize weapons and take children away to prevent anything bad happening to them, ostensibly that was the goal of the ATF.

Airstrikes would have made it rather difficult to do, don't you think?

Do you even realize that you just OPENLY declared your approval for using military air dropped munitions to murder CHILDREN!

I'm sure Bush is glad to have you as a friend. You guys seem to have a lot in common.

I agree the goverment was a sticky sitution dealing with armed extremists as well as inocent women as well as children. Nothing was stopping the branch davadians from sending out thier children or surrenduring themselves. Do you really think FBI and ATF agents would shoot women and children on live national T.V. Airstrikes only if the neotations ETC.... FAIL.

Why do you assume they are extermists? Granted their view of God and religon was strange but that is mandatory for any religon. Isn't it more to say that they weren't playing by the rules the US wanted? Wasn't it that they were putting themself's out of society and the government feared that if others found out you could survive quite well without the government then the government would be in some serious problems. SO they slaughtered people to maintain the power structure...Shocking, but not altogether a new concept for any government.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 05:55 PM
they had a wide vareity of weopons including machine guns and assualt rifles. There are allegations of rape against david koresh by a ten year old girl, and they KILLED FOUR ATF AGENTS! What a group of saints

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by bushfriend
they had a wide vareity of weopons including machine guns and assualt rifles. There are allegations of rape against david koresh by a ten year old girl, and they KILLED FOUR ATF AGENTS! What a group of saints

They probably even had WMD!!!

Weapons are allowed by your consitution and they had no other weapons that aren't found at your local NRA meeting or home of a member.

The government didn't want him around because he didn't follow the US rules. He didn't break any laws, or at least no more than your average person. Now me personally I think he was a meglomaniac, but then that only brings him up to the range of politician, not major public threat(or at least any more than every politician out there)

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 06:10 PM
Bush and his corporate buddies so G and L.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Passer By

Originally posted by bushfriend
they had a wide vareity of weopons including machine guns and assualt rifles. There are allegations of rape against david koresh by a ten year old girl, and they KILLED FOUR ATF AGENTS! What a group of saints

They probably even had WMD!!!

Weapons are allowed by your consitution and they had no other weapons that aren't found at your local NRA meeting or home of a member.

The government didn't want him around because he didn't follow the US rules. He didn't break any laws, or at least no more than your average person. Now me personally I think he was a meglomaniac, but then that only brings him up to the range of politician, not major public threat(or at least any more than every politician out there)

For whatever reason i really doubt your neigbors have assualt rifles and MACHINE GUNS. And they didn't kill 4 ATF agents and likely don't molest children like david koresh. If they do, move.
"Normal people" don't kill ATF agents.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Passer By

Originally posted by bushfriend
they had a wide vareity of weopons including machine guns and assualt rifles. There are allegations of rape against david koresh by a ten year old girl, and they KILLED FOUR ATF AGENTS! What a group of saints

They probably even had WMD!!!

Weapons are allowed by your consitution and they had no other weapons that aren't found at your local NRA meeting or home of a member.

The government didn't want him around because he didn't follow the US rules. He didn't break any laws, or at least no more than your average person. Now me personally I think he was a meglomaniac, but then that only brings him up to the range of politician, not major public threat(or at least any more than every politician out there)

For whatever reason i really doubt your neigbors have assualt rifles and MACHINE GUNS. And they didn't kill 4 ATF agents and likely don't molest children like david koresh. If they do, move.
"Normal people" don't kill ATF agents.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by bushfriend

Originally posted by Passer By

Originally posted by bushfriend
they had a wide vareity of weopons including machine guns and assualt rifles. There are allegations of rape against david koresh by a ten year old girl, and they KILLED FOUR ATF AGENTS! What a group of saints

They probably even had WMD!!!

Weapons are allowed by your consitution and they had no other weapons that aren't found at your local NRA meeting or home of a member.

The government didn't want him around because he didn't follow the US rules. He didn't break any laws, or at least no more than your average person. Now me personally I think he was a meglomaniac, but then that only brings him up to the range of politician, not major public threat(or at least any more than every politician out there)

For whatever reason i really doubt your neigbors have assualt rifles and MACHINE GUNS. And they didn't kill 4 ATF agents and likely don't molest children like david koresh. If they do, move.
"Normal people" don't kill ATF agents.

You may doubt whatever you like, but the most important thing you need to start to doubt is the official story.Come on, you can do it. Start to put together the dots, and see what happens when you cross the federal lline.

DK was one wierd dude, I am not in favour for any religon standing in the way of anyone progress. Equally, I am against any government standing in the way of progress. That is what this was...

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 03:30 PM
Illegal immigration. It is already causing a decline in education, unemployment, cultural identidy and massive state debt.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 05:04 PM
It is clear that we are our own worst enemy. With not real concern for the consequences of our actions (single digit MPG vehicles still being produced and purchased) and no interest in holding anyone else accountable for their actions (rampant political corruption, no questioning of the current administration's nearly un-American approach to "representing the constituency") it is clear that no outside organization or individuals know enough about the US to do any real damage. It is much easier through corruption and lax attitudes about accountability for America to take itself down or at least put itself in a position to be taken down by opportunist outsiders than it is for it to be felled simply by a dedicated foe.

If we continue to hemmorhage cash in the middle east in the form of war spending and inflated crude prices, we'll bleed ourselves dry. And that ain't nobody's fault but the red states for deciding that 1) the course of action "W" took was appropriate and representative of the needs/desires of the American people, 2) "W's" administration should be rewarded for their exemplary representation of the American people's desires with a second term.

It is clear, based on current approval poll numbers that even the red states are having second thoughts. What happened? Did 2/3rds of the voting public wake up the day after election day with a huge headache, no idea what happened, and a swollen butt? I suspect so...look for a jar of vaseline under the's got "W's" fingerprints smushed in it.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 05:17 PM
I've never been afraid of living in my own country..............until now.

Long Live The Patriot Act

Bushco Forever

Sieg Heil


posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by flycatch
Illegal immigration. It is already causing a decline in education, unemployment, cultural identidy and massive state debt.

I am neither a racist, a hate monger or a vigilante However I am a concerned American

What is being allowed to happen is a travesty and if not pulled within check NOW will be the undoing of America. An invasion from within if you will.

They are bankrupting America. Virtually every tax payer funded program has and or will be hospitals, prisons school...... and on and on.
They like to come here and have an "anchor baby" each baby costs the American taxpayer $8,000, then each child they have costs the American taxpayer $7,000 per child a year. I won't even go into the prisons wich cost about $47,000 a year to keep behind bars. Btw, Americans paying these bills is a violation of the 14th amendment (don't believe me - look it up)

Soon we will be in a 3rd world quagmire with over population like China because they don't use birth control and slowly the entire family makes it out here. Right now there is a very liberal estimate of illegals at 30 million. If the rate of growth continues by 2030 we could have an estimated 200-600 million population. Where will the water come from? Where will the land come from? Where will the money to pay for the roads to be made and repaired? Most of them do not pay taxes.

They are bringing in 3rd world diseases that we haven't seen since the 1960's such as leprosy also known as Hansen's disease, hepatitis and tuberculosis. Is your child in public school? He or she may be sitting next to one of these infected kids. It;s a severre problem, in fact, the east coast now has 11 clinics for these diseases open. A lot of the illegals work in restaurants and fast food. But if they have these diseases or get sick they don't seek treatment because they don't want to get caught.

They are destroying the middle class. A factory worker used to enjoy a working wage that was $16-18 per hour and benefits. Now because of cheap illegal alien labor they make between $6-8 an hour with no benefits.

I could go on and on but I won't.

How can we fix it?

Have all the illegals deported back to Mexico
Put a 10 year moratorium on LEGAL IMMIGRATION here.
Make English the official language - many of them are illiterate
Go to their countries now and give them birth control and food
Surround our boarders, - its not only Mexicans getting in.

In 1965 the USA would only allow 170,000 immigrants per year. Which worked out well because that is about how many left a year. Now its millions!!!!!!!!

America is being invaded right under our nose. The government knows but does nothing about it. In fact, Colorado's governor Bill Owens has a hand out telling them how to get free medical treatment and how to get jobs.

Every American should be as outraged as I am. There is something you can do about it go here Write the White House, write your congress person, but for God's sake do something NOW!

[edit on 20-6-2005 by MauiStacey]

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 06:25 PM
The failing economy is a hard core threat


posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by Passer By

Originally posted by bushfriend
they had a wide vareity of weopons including machine guns and assualt rifles. There are allegations of rape against david koresh by a ten year old girl, and they KILLED FOUR ATF AGENTS! What a group of saints

They probably even had WMD!!!

Weapons are allowed by your consitution and they had no other weapons that aren't found at your local NRA meeting or home of a member.

The government didn't want him around because he didn't follow the US rules. He didn't break any laws, or at least no more than your average person. Now me personally I think he was a meglomaniac, but then that only brings him up to the range of politician, not major public threat(or at least any more than every politician out there)

They deliberately killed the kids sheltering in the basement by running tanks back and forth over the areas they were sheltered
Koreshi could have been taken in the months previous on his trips to the Mall
The biggest threat to the US is the mind-warped acceptance of the government, banks and the corporations and their refusal to throw these delusions/hallucinations away - just as in other countries

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Apathy...that's a good one...

Technically it was never in the hands of the American people. We are a representative democracy, not a true democracy.

If Bush was GENUINELY re-elected, then it means that Americans do not seem to care about our international image, starting illegal wars, and completely abandoning our principles in an attempt to alleviate our own fears of terrorism.

If he wasn't (and I think there is ample evidence of this), then it means that we have allowed a private group to basically circumvent the Constitution and rule without being elected, and in a sense, that we have just been taken over, and are indeed no longer a republic.

Both are scary prospects.....

Let me offer a third one. The democrats chose a LOUSY candidate. I voted for Bush, primarily because he was better than Kerry. Sadly, it is a 2 party system and those were the only viable candidates and I knew it was going to be close and that my vote DID count even though I live in California.

The only candidate worse than Kerry would have been a Ted Kennedy or a Barbara Boxer. The whole "Anybody but Bush" mentality was sadly flawed. :-(

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by Marid Audran
Sadly, it is a 2 party system

Would you expand on that thought please?


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