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Zahi Hawass takes video cameras into sub-sphinx chamber?

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posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 01:46 AM
Where can one see this video of hawass in this so-called sub-sphinx chamber. I'm interested in watching even though it is probably fake.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

You are saying that there is no evidence that the pyramids couldn't have been built by someone other than the egyptians? Thats a ridiculous statement. There's no evidence that the washington monument couldn't have been built by someone other than the american's either. Provide evidence that the pyramids were built by non-egpytians. Its silly to expect archaeologists to present evidence that the only possible explanation for the pyramids is that the egyptians built them. Thats not how archaeological research is done, and if those are the kinds of demands that Hawas, an archaeolgist, and a good one as far as I know, is presented with no wonder he rejects them.

What a wonderful piece of circular logic!!
Of course Archaeologists should be providing evidence that the Egyptians built the Great Pyramid because they are stating it as a fact. To attribute it to Egyptians just because it is located in Egypt is utter stupidity - it's like saying that the Tower of London was built by the English because it is in London, or that the railway network was built by the country it is located in.

Most of the pyramids were built by Egyptians. the Giza Great Pyramid might also have been built by Egyptians, but under whose direction & for what purpose? It certainly was no tomb - that much is completely obvious, as the sheer precision of the building alone disproves this, as there would be no need for such incredible accuracy. The later rock tombs are definitely a lot lower in quality, building wise, for all that some of them were carved out for the most illustrious of the Pharaohs - the standard of workmanship was nowhere near as high.
So if the Great Pyramid was built by the Egyptians, then their culture actually degraded - it did not grow & develop as all others have done (until their inevitable fall) but instead started magnificently with a building that to this day has not been surpassed in sheer scale and precision of construction and rapidly got a lot worse as it went on.

Aliens? Not too likely either (although it made a great TV series, of course).
Much, much more likely to be a previous high civilization on this planet. No sane person can deny that modern man has existed for millions of years when you look at all the evidence and not just the stuff put forward by the "Out of Africa 100-200,000 years ago" crowd.

Original function? Probably a machine of some description, maybe even a power source - it's stripped out now and is just a shell, but this was of course done thousands of years ago (it was empty when opened by Al Mahmoud) so means nothing - certainly not tomb robbers!!
All we can do is try to work it out from the available evidence.
And that evidence says extremely ancient, not a tomb, not built in dynastic times - although probably "restored" in dynastic times by Khufu as there was certainly a lot of activity at the site circa 2500BC.

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