posted on Jun, 15 2005 @ 11:01 PM
I am TIRED of the cultural issues going on in the United States. This Cultural War has it's heros and victims. I believe I would like to go back
to being ignorant or not caring.
The Big Two as a Arizona congressman puts it. Homosexuality and Abortion. Honestly, I would like to go back to prior to the summer of 2003. For
some reason, I decided to take a side on the Abortion Issue. Being ardently "Pro-Life/Anti-Choice". I don't know why I ever decided to get
involved in the first place. I looked deep into the issue of Homosexuality, I came to my conclusions which I will not share in this forum (It's
neither the time, place nor subject of this post)
I wish I could back to prior to 1992. That is when all my ideas and thoughts on what a Homosexual was became shattered into reality by Political
AND the Conspiracy Theories that really make me mad.
- Nearly all the 9/11 conspiracy theories.
- The JFK assasination. No one can convence me the Warren Report or Government is wrong! Oswald acted alone. If it was a conspiracy to set Oswald
up, don't you think his family woud say something?? BTW His family is still alive and well.
- A Space Craft from the Earth, From the United States of America landing on the moon! The Apollo landed in the Moon! It wasn't faked!
Neil Armstrong, commander, Michael Collins, command module pilot; and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin went to the moon!
- No damn Alien crash at Roswell! it was a Top Secret ballon program!
- No Damn Aliens at Area 51!
- No ZOG conspiracy exists. If the Jews wanted to take over the world, why do they have so much problems controlling their little strip of land in
the Middle East? And wouldn't they have done it already??
(If you are going to blame problems on, it's human being's secular and selfish nature)
- Those "Camo Dudes" at Area 51 are Air Force Security Personnel and Federal Police Officers. Leave them alone!
- The Holocaust DID sadly happened. 11 Millions killed. Political Dissents, Mentally and Physically "defective", Non-Aryans, Jewish sympathizers,
Jews and Various others were killed.
- 11 Million were killed, not 6 millions as always reported. 6 million of them were Jewish. 5.5 million were Non-Jewish.
True Conspiracy Theories:
- Nixon's henchmen breaking into Watergate and getting caught
- The Third Reich's elimination of the Jews and about 5 Million people, killing 11 million in total.
Conspiracies and Unsovled Crimes unsure about
- The Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination. In my opinion James Earl Ray's brothers were involved to some degree.
- The Anthax mailings. The FBI still haven't caught them, because they aren't looking in the right places or a "very particular" corporation is
involved. I believe it's the second, and their covered their tracks very well. It was to get the Defense and State departments to start issuing the
shots again to their personnel. Right after the mailings, they started up again!
- The Link between Satan (Yes, Lucifer himself) and secular music, it's so outlandish and so strange, but also plausiable! look here
- The suicide of Adm Borda and other suicides in the Clinton administration. Some of the pieces don't fit, but then again, they might all fit
together, if more information was released. That is were the problem is, lack of information being released.
I wish I could turn it all off and go back to being ignorant and blissful and staying completely neutral.