posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 12:03 AM
as to Knight & lomas' theory that it is a shroud used by and on Jacque de Molay
i have a couple problems,
1 as to it being the one used by deMolay in rituals i find it unlikley simply because deMolay was not resident in Paris , he had just come up there
from Malta (i think) at the orders of the pope. that it was one used by the temple in paris i could buy.
2 i see no way given the rule of the Templars that their (knight & Lomas')
theory is possible. according to their theory this crucifixion of de Molay took
place within days if not hours of the arrests. that being the case the image cannot be de molay or for that matter any Templar as their Rule ( as i
forbade them from cutting their beards, and required them to cut their hair.
another book to investigate is The Turin Shroud: in who's image
authors lynn Picknett & Clive Prince
as to being a photographic image there was a "camera" that could have been
built and if memory serves me diVinci had made drawings of is and done experiments with mirrors that could have been used as light sources or
magnifiers.. he was also well known for his experimentation and research
with cadavers. several of his well known works have been found to contain
either portraits or self of himself, Mona lisa, lastsupper and adoration of the magi come to mind. did he do it? i dont know. if he did it is by
far his best work ever found and should reside in the Louve along side Mona Lisa.