Originally posted by LordGoofus
It looks like a simple meteor breaking up to me. Out of curiosity did this get much (or any) media attention when it happened? It could just be the
video camera has an awesome zoom, but that looked like a pretty decent sized meteor...
Yeah, meteors break up all the time, that is the smaller ones, by themselves...
then you have a
Project Deep Impact that deliberately goes out into space just to smash a comet into
pieces, that has no chance of ever becoming a meteor, mainly it seems in search of justifying a reason for doing so
"The big, grown-up boys on the NASA team can hardly wait. Next Fourth of July, they get to bust up a comet, Hollywood-style.
The Jerry Pippin Radio Show interviews one presenter,
Blair Mignacco, at the March 2005
International UFO Conference, who for the sake of discussion here let's say thinks a bit differently than the trigger-happy US space cowboys. Blair
speculates that there may be intelligent life on or in, Comet Tempel 1-- NASA's supposed "dirty little snowball"--and that it is in any case
against what would be natural laws of space to be randomly attacking and destroying any parts of it, and that there may be effects that no one can
predict but that will probably not be desirable if the full destructive intent of this misguided mission is allowed to be realized...
there is even a law on Earth already that could be interpreted as against this mission:
from The Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other
Celestial Bodies, signed into international law in 1966 by the UN- States shall be liable for damage caused by their space objects
- States shall avoid harmful contamination of space and celestial bodies
There may be nothing wrong happening here, but of course there may also be nothing that can be done at any rate at this point, with two weeks to
However imho the ETVs on Earth mission currently intercepting meteors that could harm the Earth, by the same token, also might recognize any intrinsic
value in real estate like Comet Tempel 1, and may therefore be inclined to intend for this piece of space to remain intact, and so take necessary
steps to keep it from being damaged...
potential ETV assistance i would think might depend to a degree upon being asked first for help, collectively via human conscious awareness of
potential problems with, as Blair describes US space policy: a "shoot first and ask questions later policy (toward space) in our home, which is the
solar system."
personally i think it's dangerous to destroy all or part of the home of any potential "living" beings in space, that would be imho a heckuva a way
to introduce yourself to a bunch of advanced ETs, in the case perhaps of this comet, with such unknown forces unleashed, and a possible backlash
involving unknown dimensions and consciousness to contend with
you don't wanna go there