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Ok, yesterday me and my friend saw some kind of "Reptilian" underground near Hero base, this stuff

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posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 04:01 PM
Ok, a lot of you may have read post's i have made about people talking about "reptilains" and where is the proof and why does not someone go to some known caverns and explore, etc... Well, one of my friends who has lived near Hero Base, long island his whole life told me this past weekend that he and his friends used to play in certain areas near the base since they were little kids and they used to see weird things moving around outside at night near some rock formations but they were always afraid to go close enough to see what was moving around. He said at daylight a few times they went back to the rock formations and found holes in the ground that were partially covered by the rocks so they were really hard to see unless you were actually looking for them. The rock area is dangerous so no one really goes near it and parents always told them to stay away from the rocks. Anyway one of the kids (years ago) went into one of the holes but the other kids were afraid to follow, the kid did not come out and the other kids eventually left but were afraid toi tell their parents that the kid did not come out as they were not supposed to be playing by that rocky area. Anyway, the kid ended up wondering home really late in the night as one of the other kids lived next to him and was looking out his window and saw him walking into his house. He said the kid look like he had seen a ghost or something. No one saw the kid the rest of the week and then on that Sat. the family had a u-haul in front of their house , pack their things and they left the neighborhood without saying anything to anyone.
So now my friend is an adult and we were talking and i brought up all kind of stuff and the topic of reptilians came up. i mentioned how they were supposed to live in underground caverns. He then remebered the story above from when he was a kid and told it to me. Well. last night we had nothing better to do so i said why don't we go to that rocky area he was telling me about as a kid? So he said why not. So we end up going to the area about 10pm last night which is near Hero Base in long island. Sure enough we get there and we find what apears to be holes under the rocks that had been covered up by cement or something. However we climbed the rocks a little higher and we find this hole that is not covered up and like idiots we start to go down the hole. At first it was like dirt walls but then it took on a solid man made sort of stone walls. after about a 10 foot decent it then became like a slanted slope that went deep into the ground(this is where it got stone smooth). we walked for about 10 minutes and then saw a weird symbol of some type etched into the wall. Seeing that made us walk further about another 5 minutes and we saw a weird red light. We freaked out and were ready to turn around but waled a little further anyway. We had flashlights but they started getting dim for no reason at all both at the same time. All of a sudden this huge, about 10 foot greenish black mass comes out from around the corner where there must have been a hole in the wall we could not see. Our falshlights were dim, but we both saw this thing and it was not human. It looked like a dinosaur standing almost erect like a human. We scremed, turned around and ran as fast as we could out of there. We heard a noise come from it like a loud hisssss. We thought we were going to be dead. We are both still freaking out. We have to go back. We want to tell the police or something, but we know they are going to think we are crazy. Also there are signs up near those rocks that say it is gov't property and violaters will be proscuted (even though it is not on Hero base itself) and we are afraid we will get in trouble for being there if we mention it to the authorites...we are freaking out, something was downthere!!!! We are thinking of going back tonight...

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by humbled_one
Ok, a lot of you may have read post's i have made about people talking about "reptilains" and where is the proof and why does not someone go to some known caverns and explore, etc...

The proof is in the digital image my friend...

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 04:18 PM
i know, we had a cam corder but were to scared to film, we just ran out of there as fast as we could. If we do go back we are going to try to get something on film but right now i don't know if either of us is brave enough to go back. We are thinking about drinking some beers tonight and going in again, my friend wants to bring a gun. Does anyone else live near Hero Base want to come? The more that go the more proof we will have...

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 04:19 PM
Don't puss out!!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 04:34 PM
Heck - take a local news crew and say you saw something creepy as well as take your own gear and image that thing....

Army dude in gillie suit??

Prove a reptilian and I'll give you a buck....

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 04:37 PM
Somehow your lack of paragraph use makes me underwhelmed by your story.

I'm sure you'll get around 10,000 replies and this thread will stay around for weeks however - good job!

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 04:41 PM
Gun???? Don't bring a gun with you. Good luck though!

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 04:42 PM
TruthMagent, i simply wrote it fast as i am still a bit freaked about the whole thing, but i wanted to post it up on here...

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 04:44 PM
Go back to the same place tonight and take a photo or video of it! Do it for man kind!

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by humbled_one
We are thinking about drinking some beers tonight and going in again, my friend wants to bring a gun.

Man, this is a ATSNN headline just waiting to happen...

Friend Killed in Reptilian Hunting Accident. Lacerta Denies Comment. Titor's Whereabouts Remain Unknown as Yahweh Claims Responsibility.

I'm not doubting your story, but take the Budweiser OR the gun, not both.

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 04:45 PM
Why is it that people only started talking about Reptillian aliens after the TV show 'V' showed them eating people?

Any theory that only appears after a sci-fi show airs on TV is suspect, imo.

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 04:57 PM
This 'symbol' you saw on the wall, can you redraw it?

Take paper and pencil with you and do an etching of this. Who knows if a dig cam will work once in this tunnell. An etching will give exact dimensions of the symbol, as well as a good copy.
I also say TRY and take dig cam pics.....of the area as a whole, close ups of covered tunnels and the open one. Have a friend get in the open tunnell and take a pic of them in it so demensions can be clearly defined.

Word of advise......Prior to going to this place, do a prayer type thing.......Say aloud in your prayer "I close my aura to all negative energies, My aura is open only to those who work in the Light" you say this, clearly IMAGINE a white egg like shape wich covers your body. You are making a 'shield' around yourself with the power of your mind. I for one, would NOT go into anything like what you describe without being SHIELDED.......its for your own protection. Every person in your group should do this. Together you can imagine your shield linking together and adding power to your individual shields. SEE this in your mind. Your prayer should be to your God and protectors, and should end as any prayer should end..... with thanks and an AMEN.

Don't forget to make a rubbing of the symbol...this will add much credance to your story, in the case of cameras NOT working ect...

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 05:03 PM

If that 10 foot reptilian had heard you while you and your friend were in there...I dont think you will so lucky the next time...if you do go back...

I am surprised that it didn't run after you!

Hey, can also talk about why you friend had disappear for a while...during the time he went inside the hole...

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 05:18 PM
Carry a pitch fork extended in front of you (whole party, shoulder to shouler like the pikes of old). If it doesn't have body armor it's going down when it charges. A body is better than a photo and if you have a friend or two eaten, at least they took one for the team....

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 05:29 PM
Humbled one,

If this symbol starts to stop glowing and remains red with a straight line going sideways through the middle run for your damn life.They are locking down that area,almost like quarantine style.If you get far enough inside and you pose a threat look for this to happen.They will play possum for the time being and wait until you reach the point of no return and will come at you from secret side areas from both sides.

[edit on 14-6-2005 by menguard]

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 05:35 PM
So if this is the friend who disappeared down the hole a long time ago and got so freaked he had to move from the area, then he must of known what was down there? So why go back unarmed and unprepared when he knows theres giant lizards down there ????

Also you mentioned you had a camcorder? Did u not film anything? Not even the entrance hole before u went in? Your friend knew that there was a likelyhood of seeing something like he did the first time, so id of had a digicam snapping away from the getgo!!

Also ,from what ive read and am meant to believe, these lizards are highly intelligent and if they are they would want to remain undiscovered and you would of been on the dinner plate!!!! why would he let you both run out to alert the world of their kingdom!!

Id be back there for more evidence in the form of pics or film if i definatelty knew i'd seen a giant lizard, newspapers and news channels would be getting some serious calls from me, one of them would be willing to follow it up with a photographer im sure!!!

Looking forward to some more evidence from you on this one, but for now im rating it a load of jackson soz

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 05:44 PM
i never said that my friend (who is now an adult) was the kid that disapeared. That kid was another kid that my friend used to play with. Like i said he came home later that night and then his family moved the end of that week without saying anything to anyone. We tried to film the entrance to the hole but with the way the rocks cover it and it being night time you can not really see the hole (even with the night vision on). Even in the tunnel with the night vision, all we had was flash lights and it ends up being to bright for the night vision. We were going to film the symbol but neither of us wanted to shut our flashlights off. Like i said , the flashlights started dimming for no reason at all and we were afraid to shut them off as we were afraid they would not go back on. The only way to film the symbol or anything else is to shut the flash lights off as they are to much light for the night vision to pick anything up.
Also, no news channel is going to listen to a story like this and just go out with a crew to film it, come on. Also this thing appeared to move slugishly, it did not look like it could run, but we really did not wait long enough to find out, you know? Anyway, all of this is to freaky and has not even sunk all the way in with me. We just talked and feel we have to go out there again tonight. I don't know if we will have the guts to go in again though...

[edit on 14-6-2005 by humbled_one]

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 05:46 PM
Stop making crap up to get precious ATS point. the only people who believe in reptilians are kids or are insane. this is the most disgusting theory that i have ever seen. The people who are believing you on this thread should imagine the look on the average persons face when they go up and try to convince them that reptilians exist. At least for these "UFOs" and "Aliens" there exists enough proof for one to make a decision on if they believe it or not. but reptilians??? WOW just stop posting about it.

the italian mafia

yes im a jerk

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 05:51 PM
COSANOSTRA, are you new to ATS. This is not some "theory" i just made up. There are hundreds of posts about "reptilians" on ATS. Also i could care less about ATS "points". I mean so what, you get points and get a pretty banner on your profile or something? Big deal, i already have enough points to get that stuff and i don't bother...

[edit on 14-6-2005 by humbled_one]

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 05:53 PM
before you go, make sure you tell someone you can trust where you going to go...

dont bring in the news media yet...otherwise the police will get involve and close the area from public...

If I were you I would not used any flash lights or anything brite, which would make you more detectable...

...BTW is this camp Heroe next to the place where the Philadelphia Experiment took place?

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