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You have voted Disturbed Deliverer for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.
Originally posted by Boatphone
What are you talking about?!? The soldiers who abused inmates at Abu Ghraib were court marshaled! And the men and women that blew the whistle on the abusers were rewarded.
Originally posted by Disturbed Deliverer
As far as I'm concerned, this is all the more reason to go into Iraq and a lot of other nations to get rid of their tyranical governments.
If you heard the Red Chinese say that about the U.S.A. and Bush, I'd bet a week's salary you'd flip out
Originally posted by Disturbed Deliverer
Well, first, the Chinese don't have the power to do anything to America.
Second, it's not the same because America isn't massacring its own citizens. Governments where the people have tried to overthrow it on multiple occasions do not have a right to stand.
Plus, the Iraqis were basically asking, or hoping for our intervention after the first Gulf War when they tried to overthrow Saddam. I doubt opinions changed all that much since.
1. America has been snowed by the media and academia about the rise of China far too long. They are one of the greatest threats to America, next only to Russia. This fairy tale that the cold war (capabilities and machinations) went away overnight with the fall of the Soviet Union is one of the greatest fallacies ever pushed on the USA.
2. We have NO business dictating policy to any soveriegn nation. If you believe that, you don't truly embrace all the glorious rhetoric of this Republic. Can't have it both ways.
3. The people of Iraq, especially after Bush conned them into rising up, did not ask us to invade and occupy their nation. Some wanted us to take Saddam out. More now hate us and our presence with a vengeance b/c of our illegal and deadly intervention.
Originally posted by Disturbed Deliverer
Sorry, but China is a nation that still lacks the ability to even deploy serious numbers of forces outside their homeland. They don't even have dominance in their region. They are no threat at this time to America.
Wrong. First, that's just a naive statement. Whoever has the power can do whatever they want in this world. Second, we beat Iraq in a war. They signed treaties, and they broke them. That alone justifies our intervention in Iraq.
When you say illegal, you are basically implying that there are some laws that nations are supposed to follow. Yet, who has the authority to force these laws on any soveriegn nation? Why is the UN any different than America? You're just drawing some arbitrary line in the sand and saying you can't cross this.
And when the people of Iraq tried to overthrow Saddam, do you honestly think they weren't hoping for America to come in and take him out? They were asking for an invasion then. Unless you expect the Iraqi people to send diplomats to us asking for help, then that's about as close as you can get.
"chained hand and foot in a fetal position to the floor, with no chair, food or water. Most times they had urinated or defecated on themselves and had been left there for 18, 24 hours or more."
"sodomized with a chemical light" or having "electrodes attached to his penis to simulate electric torture"
Originally posted by Vis Mega
This is being conducted by a country that prides itself on its dedication to justice and equality and freedom.
Pure hypocracy.
Don't fall into the same trap that they fell into so long ago. China considered itself the middle kingdom as long as they existed. Meaning they belived they were superior to everyone else in the known world. As technology grew and the industrialized nations embraced it, they fell behind b/c of their ignorance. They got their heads straight and vowed to never go that route again. They are now second only to the U.S. in oil consumption due to their explosive industry. And they are working feverishly to become equal to us militarily. Then there's the whole economic picture to consider. Considering the state of our economy and our being bogged down in Iraq, we're in quite a precarious situation. Never underestimate your opponents' abilities. It will be your/our downfall.
Quit listening to Fox "news" or Limbaugh, or whoever it is feeding you this bunk. I am anything but naive. Do you realize what you just said is pure, ridiculous rhetoric? No nation has the right to invade another sovereign nation under false pretenses. And just because you have the bigger stick, doesn't give you the right to swing it whenever and at whomever you please. That is foolishness to the extreme. Not to mention evil.
You might wanna look into the Geneva Conventions and all those pesky inernational treaties we've signed.
I don't suppose you realize that according to your reasoning, HITLER had every right to invade Poland, Checkoslovakia & the rest of those nations.
I fought with the 101st Airborne during the Gulf War. After Bush (the first) convinced them to rise up against Saddam and then left their butts hanging in the wind, no, they weren't so hot on us.
I wonder if you could try to explain why it is that the people of Iraq want us to get out now, not later.
"chained hand and foot in a fetal position to the floor, with no chair, food or water. Most times they had urinated or defecated on themselves and had been left there for 18, 24 hours or more."
"sodomized with a chemical light" or having "electrodes attached to his penis to simulate electric torture"
Originally posted by Disturbed Deliverer
None of that means anything except they're a rising power. I am more aware of China's abilities then you probably are. Military, they are at least 20 years behind at best. It would a take a good 40 years for them to surpass us. One could easily argue America's foreign policy has been heavily focused around containing China.
Originally posted by Boatphone
Hey Vis, Information Clearing House...
Originally posted by Boatphone
You must be joking, if you think that left-wing anti-Bush "information" site is a good sourse then i'm not suprised that your views are so uninformed.
Bush administration officials join ranks of tyranny
By Robert Zaller
06/24/05 "The Triangle" - - The American playwright Lillian Hellman titled her memoir of the McCarthy years Scoundrel Time. A memoir of this period in American history might well be called Gestapo Time.
It is now more than a year since the revelations of torture and homicide against prisoners at Abu Ghraib, the showpiece of our efforts to "democratize" Iraq, shocked and outraged the world. Torture and suicide at Guantanamo Bay, the concentration camp aptly described by Amnesty International as the gulag of our times, has been on the record for three years. Foreign nationals, recategorized as enemy combatants by basement bureaucrats, have disappeared down these and other black holes around the globe.
They have been denied legal process, access to counsel, and any contact with the outside world. This has no precedent in the law of nations, or in the practice of any but the most repressive dictatorships. Nor have American citizens themselves been spared this treatment. One, Jose Padilla, remains incarcerated without trial in defiance of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling. Another, Yaser Hamdi, was summarily deported to Saudi Arabia. Two others, Kashan and Zain Afzal, were imprisoned without charge for eight months in Pakistan, interrogated by the FBI, and threatened with deportation to Guantanamo.
This is how fascism comes. It comes through creating legal nonpersons of citizens and noncitizens alike. It comes through violating human rights standards, sanitizing torture, and condoning murder.
What is your military experience, by chance?
While you're trying to find something to counter my proposal, I thought I would direct those interested in this little gem from the site you blindly criticize.
It is now more than a year since the revelations of torture and homicide against prisoners at Abu Ghraib, the showpiece of our efforts to "democratize" Iraq, shocked and outraged the world. Torture and suicide at Guantanamo Bay, the concentration camp aptly described by Amnesty International as the gulag of our times, has been on the record for three years. Foreign nationals, recategorized as enemy combatants by basement bureaucrats, have disappeared down these and other black holes around the globe.
Originally posted by Zaphod58
Does anybody here SERIOUSLY believe that even if we DIDN'T have Gitmo and Abu Ghraib(sp?) that the terrorists and insurgents would follow the Geneva Convention if they captured an US soldier? Their goal is to kill Americans. Civilian and military both. We could have them stay in a five star hotel, in a suite, and only ask them polite questions, and only when they weren't tired or stressed out, and they would STILL go against the Convention.