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Cheney Says No Plans for Now to Close Guantanamo Prison

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posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 02:42 PM
WASHINGTON (AP) - Vice President Dick Cheney says there are no plans for now to shutter the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay where terrorism suspects are held.
"The important thing here to understand is that the people that are at Guantanamo are bad people," he said.

"I mean, these are terrorists for the most part. These are people that were captured in the battlefield of Afghanistan or rounded up as part of the al-Qaida network," he said in an interview to be aired Monday on Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes

if we were to close Gitmo were would we send these Terrorist. somewhere in the US or maybe somewhere in europe or Maybe to a third world Country were real torture would happen or would they be sent free to fight another day and kill innocent people?

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 02:47 PM
Good work Mr. Vice President. I love Cheney he always lays down the law. And makes it really simple for the left-wingers to understand. The people their are TERRORISTS! And they don't even have it that bad, they get good food and get to pray five times a day.

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by finnman68
if we were to close Gitmo were would we send these Terrorist. somewhere in the US or maybe somewhere in europe or Maybe to a third world Country were real torture would happen or would they be sent free to fight another day and kill innocent people?

They'd just send them down to Diego Garcia.

Doesn't this illustrate how Cheney is actually in charge? Bush sez one thing, then heir Cheney and heir Rumsfeld have to come out and set the record straight.

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 03:00 PM

"I mean, these are terrorists for the most part."

Dick! Here's a brainstorm, charge them with a crime and give them a trial. Let's try to find the innocent ones, or would that be too embarrassing for the Bush crime family? For the most part!

ECK I live on Diego Garcia. I'll keep my eyes open!

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by curme

"I mean, these are terrorists for the most part."

Dick! Here's a brainstorm, charge them with a crime and give them a trial. Let's try to find the innocent ones, or would that be too embarrassing for the Bush crime family? For the most part!

ECK I live on Diego Garcia. I'll keep my eyes open!

Get tha F out! Are you serious?! Can you say what you do there?

I agree with your first statement 1000% What the hell are we so afraid of?
Being wrong?

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 03:29 PM
DICK, I am Very Disappointed...

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
DICK, I am Very Disappointed...

You will address him as MISTER PREZIDENT!

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 03:36 PM
A trial for all of them? Are you nuts? Do you have any idea how much that will cost? What we need to do is is find the climate control conspiracy folks and direct a really big hurricane that way and just be done with the whole mess.

What? Was that mean?

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 03:41 PM
If we Americans truly believe and support our own rhetoric about freedom and justice, we HAVE to support their right to be charged and tried. There is no other way to deal with it. Otherwise, our rhetoric is hollow at best.

The one thing that has seemingly differentiated the United States from so many other countries the world over is that we have always adhered to the rule of law. If we choose to do away with those principles, we are no better than any other nation.

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 03:54 PM
Ok, then we are no better than any other nation. There is no way to trial all those people. Somehow we have to figure out who is more likely to bomb us and let the rest go. Sure it is a risk but frankly there are plenty of folks that don't like the US anyways so whats a few more running around with bombs. No country is perfect and many countries have had their day in history. I do recall reading something about the "british empire" somewhere (
) and they used to like to invade and conquer as has many other cultures through history.

And let me just add something that sorta sticks in my throat........all the attention about whether we did something bad or not to the Quran yet how often have our bibles, flags etc been burned and no outcry there??? why is that??

Sorry but I stopped feeling sorry for some folks after 911. I say forget the trial and either lose some of the folks accidently or just get a quarter and flip it.

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 04:02 PM
No offense, but you are taking the word of an adminstration who has not shown an iota of proof to the US or the world body regarding who was behind the attacks of Sept. 11. This is an administration who lied through their teeth about Saddam's WMD capability to get their war for profit and regional dominance.

It's no different than MY accepting completely & uncritically the propaganda directed at us in the run-up to the Gulf War. For us, it was imperative to trust our leaders. They had to demonise Saddam for us to be all the more willing to go scorched earth. It worked like a charm and it went well. But I am older now and have FACTS at my fingertips that I never had when I was in uniform and in college. When I know what is going on behind the scenes in the Pentagon and I have been on the battlefield of the middle east and seen with mine own eyes, you can't BU# me. You meaning the sleazy Neo Cons who have hijacked our policy.

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Memorialday1999
Ok, then we are no better than any other nation. There is no way to trial all those people. Somehow we have to figure out who is more likely to bomb us and let the rest go. Sure it is a risk but frankly there are plenty of folks that don't like the US anyways so whats a few more running around with bombs. No country is perfect and many countries have had their day in history. I do recall reading something about the "british empire" somewhere (
) and they used to like to invade and conquer as has many other cultures through history.

And let me just add something that sorta sticks in my throat........all the attention about whether we did something bad or not to the Quran yet how often have our bibles, flags etc been burned and no outcry there??? why is that??

Sorry but I stopped feeling sorry for some folks after 911. I say forget the trial and either lose some of the folks accidently or just get a quarter and flip it.

Your ignorance of the situation unfolding in Gitmo is astonishing. Yeah, a good number of them are probably hardened terrorists. "The worst of the worst" as Rumsfield flagged them. But can you honestly say, that these people, terrorists or not, do not deserve a trial? What if several of them are innocent? Wrong place wrong time? People's family members are detained and all you can say is "accidentally lose a few". What if someday one of your family members are "accidently lost"..

.. I bet you'd be singing a very different tune.

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by QuietSoul
What if someday one of your family members are "accidently lost"..
.. I bet you'd be singing a very different tune.

That is exactly why I feel the way I do. One of these days, it could be any one of us or someone we love. To not understand that is very shortsighted.

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 04:11 PM
You have voted EastCoastKid for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

This is the first time I have ever done this, but man since I have logged on today you have blown my mind. BIG UP's to you ECK. Keep fighting the good fight my friend.

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 04:13 PM
First, I have lost family members to war and to terrorism thus my perspective is a bit harsh at times, like it or not.

Second, we do know who was behind 911 and the fool even took credit for it. I will leave that topic for another thread.

Wrong place wrong time, yes I guess you could say that for all those lost on 911 and for all innocent people of any nation caught in terrorist attacks and war. War is not fun and innocent lives are a cost of war. We don't leave in Eden anymore so the world is ugly and I really don't see too much hope for it changing in my life time.

And please refrain from non-joking name calling such as "ignorant". I perceive that comment as you calling me "stupid", perhaps you are not but perception is what causes many misunderstandings in life. This site appears to promote open discussions of many opinions and I have read some pretty saucy responses on other threads. I think mine are quite toned in relation to some I have read and I do not make personal attacks although I will joke around. If a joke offends you, please let me know as it is never intentional. Have a nice day.

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Get tha F out! Are you serious?! Can you say what you do there?

I'm a defense contractor working at a Ground Based-Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance (GEODSS) site. Tracking satellites and space junk. It was fun reading about the people who said that DG was wiped out during the last tsunami (we got maybe a two foot wave), and the government was covering it up!

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Passer By
You have voted EastCoastKid for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

This is the first time I have ever done this, but man since I have logged on today you have blown my mind. BIG UP's to you ECK. Keep fighting the good fight my friend.

Thanks, Passer By. I truly appreciate that.

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Originally posted by Souljah
DICK, I am Very Disappointed...

You will address him as MISTER PREZIDENT!



[edit on 12/6/05 by Souljah]

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by curme
I'm a defense contractor working at a Ground Based-Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance (GEODSS) site. Tracking satellites and space junk. It was fun reading about the people who said that DG was wiped out during the last tsunami (we got maybe a two foot wave), and the government was covering it up!

Very interesting.

I had a friend who was floating that theory.
I figured if the big wave hit that way, y'all would just go way DOWNSTAIRS and sit it out. There are no natives there, correct?

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Souljah

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Originally posted by Souljah
DICK, I am Very Disappointed...

You will address him as MISTER PREZIDENT!



Glad we got that straightened out!

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