posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 02:19 PM
Hey, I was watching the episode of "UFO's In the Bible - What You Didn't Know" on the history channel last night for about the 5th time and at
the very end of the show, an image appears of jesus nailed to the cross with thousands of ufos in the sky above him. It was one of the most amazing
things I have ever seen. It was just a painting or a drawing I couldn't really tell because it flashed so quickly but I searched on google for about
two hours and I still can't find it. I was wondering if anyone happens to have that image or knows where I can get it? There is a lot of paintings
and such on google with a few ufos in the sky but this one was different. The sky was a fire red and was just filled with ships. If anyone knows
where I can find this I would really appreciate it. Thanks.