posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 12:56 PM
Like i have told you, i have had convo's with several Seti staff on the net. They are not looking in outer space for a signal of alien origine, they
are looking for something that's been around on this planet ever since it began to spin!
The picture's you are showing, look exactly like the multiple's of hit's made in the net index system. They look like draw's full of file's, but
the colour's have just been changed, and the code's reversed. So instead of anyone relating Seti's information to the information highway of the
global internet, they automatically think it's outer space just, because Seti is able to pick up and transfer the globulk internet data in reverse
from any satalite, and make everyone believe it's signal's from the black beyond!
Particular word's that were used many thousand's of year's ago, journey from continant to continant, and have certain code link's to the ancient
scripture's and text's. A lot of these word's were also secretly hidden during the Renaisonse, in the 18th Century. These word's relate to the
spectrum colour code's that have significance in the subconscious memory, the Syneasthesis system, and relate to the spectrum frequency's that
travel through the universe, and also relate to the frequency's in the earth's lay line grid.
The Van Allan Belt's were known as the Celstial Ocean, that was believed to have significant link's with the psychological perceptive make-up of the
mind, body, heart and soul, and this is the reason for these particular ancient word's jouney through time around the globe in the disguise of
poetry, and prose.
Certain magnetic force's have a lot of influence on our planet's satbility in the universe, beside's our weather, and natural earth quake's, etc;
the same is for the mind body heart and soul, for it's sability in time and space just like the planet earth, and if some of the information is
missing, or in reverse, then there's a glitch in it's momentum, just like the psychi of a human brain, the planet work's on the same system. So if
the majority of a particular nation became suddenly depressed through the loss of thousend's of loved one's, then the planet will also react in a
similar way, causing depression's in the weather, and also the planet's lay line grid, which can result in devesating sunami's, Tornado's, etc;
There is a particular word that has been well hidden in Edward Spencers The Feary Queen, but only someone who know's this word, would be making those
hit's on the index that Seti set up as from outer space. After speecking to several over a couple of month's, they were more into what i knew about
particular thing's relating to metempsychosis, and ancient ritual's that activate the process of seperating the conscious from the subconscious
memory, that can travel in time in the same magnetic spectrum frequency's, than giving me any info on how Seti get's their data! .
So if you think this bird flu pandemic is real, think again, they used a pleague in the 18th Century to avoid the spread of a word into Europe and the
UK, and they are using the same paranoia trick, but on our food chain instead of our body's. It's the art of abuse without touching the person you
want to abuse, and come's from medieval pagan psychology.