posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 05:54 AM
Hey there.
I have been an ats member here for 6months and i have enjoyed debating and reading many interesting topics and opinions members bring up.I feel its
great to have a forum where i could discuss politics and get a globalview or reply/opinion from others who share my interest.
One particular part of politics i enjoy discussing is military and economic powers of many nations.I was born in South africa and i have always been
interested inparticular with my own nations politics.
One thing i`v always been curious is the worlds veiw of south africa.I would like to know what nation many of you view south africa as.Do you see it
as another african economy struggling or a reigonal power?do many of you see it as a westernised nation(veiw southafricans as westernised)r do you
just see it as another sudan,nigeria,vietnam etc.Do many of you believe our nation is growing or getting worse.
Your opinions would be greatly appritiated(excuse spelling).I look forward to many of your views.