posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 11:53 AM
Originally posted by Callisto
so much crap streams from america.
As opposed to the U.K. which brings us the
worlds most dysfunctional family - the Royals of England
and those subserviant English subjects who continue
to hand their $$$ over to the Royals so they can spend
it on their boats, champagne, private schools, etc. ..
As opposed to Saudi Arabia which brings us the
Bin Ladins, their Royals, their religious leaders who
want to turn the clock back to the year 800 and make
everyone militant/fundamentalist muslim.
as opposed to .... etc etc etc (just about every
country on the planet has some form of crap that
streams from it).
America doesn't have the corner market on 'crap'.
Back to the subject ... this guy is a crack pot. He's going
to be a rich crack pot because people are BUYING into
his gig. Key word ... BUYING. The books and videos and
guest appearances for $$$ are there and I'm sure his
Swiss numbered bank account is growing by the minute
and he's laughing his a$$ off.