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Jazeera TV Shows Tape of Alleged Sept 11 Plotters

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posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by unhingedmullet
divine right, propaganda god, president, i'm still having trouble seeing the diff. in the end you still end up with the same thing a mass human cull.
can you show me any other reason why normal every day pepole would go off and kill themselves, i don't think you can as i said it's not america i hate it's the so called free world we live. ever tried traveling over seas and see how hard it is to get into alot of countries.
in the end just face it america has troops on every continent in the world if that's not global dommination then i don't know what is!!

I want the troops home. We have no business being in Iraq. My brother is there right now.
I was for Afgahnistan because we had to go in and get the people who planned and executed 911. The Taliban would not give them up, so we went in.

I am also for closing down the overseas bases. In the post-Cold War era, they do not make sense.

I have travelled overseas serveral times and have talked to people from many different points of origin and opinion..... I think I have a pretty good handle on variying viewpoints.

There is a huge difference between Divine Right and a Prime Minister. The President or Prime Minister can get voted out, the Emperor is in until he either dies or is overthrown. ie. French Revolution.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 04:46 PM
Whoops, sorry I'm just used to being called a redneck

Our boys and girls should be heree. Our troops are all over the world since countries can't solve their own problems like in Africa or Europe and we have too.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 04:56 PM
ahhh yes my veiw exactly guy's you can now see my disstress.
As i said i used a heading to grab attention not to insult.
you can see how easily things get mixed up when you start debating who should live like this and who should live like that.
i don't pay attention to the rot that gets thrown around that is why i can see what's really going on.
something has to give guy's and are you going to be there with arms in hand like the goverments want you to or will tou say you won't be the down fall of mankind.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster

Our boys and girls should be heree. Our troops are all over the world since countries can't solve their own problems like in Africa or Europe and we have too.

I would prefer us to return to our traditional isolationist foreign policiy. In as much as letting people solve their own problems. None of our business, even as sad as some of the situations are.

That being said, sometimes it is good to go in and help. Bosnia comes to mind as does the Berlin Airlift of the late 1940s.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 06:30 PM
yes bosnia comes to mind but once agian sloberdam done what he felt had to be done to protect his county men.
Don't forget ethnic albainians were going into his country killing pepoles livestock, kidnapped women & children raped & murdered them.
this war is 100's of years in the making.
the albainians are living in an occupied territory.
it's unfortunate he went as far as he did i don't agree with what he done.
like you said turn back the clock.
look at the situation in sudan at the moment and nobody seems to care about these poor 500,000 or so idividuals who have been missplaced by what is going on there & as well as that the uncountable amount of pepole that have been killed. I compare the situation in iraq to there and can't help notice who seems to need the most help and it's plain to see.
nth korea come out and say we got nukes told everyone straight not much was done. It was only thought iraq had these sort of weapons and in went howard, blair & bush guns blazing and still haven't found a thing???????
sure makes you wonder.

posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 06:47 PM
AMERICAN"S SUCKS, I am CANADIAN and ya I believe Americans are just killing everyone. I hope all American troops are wasted in Iraq until American's don't have troops no more the Bin Laden can finally attack America with American Haters such as Nth Korea etc AMERICANS ARE DOOMED!!!

haha just kidding I love everyone in the world and I have nothing against Americans. I am an open minded person and so and so....But the point I am making above is that seriously, who's going to protect America if all the troops get owned in Iraq?

[edit on 10-3-2005 by Soja0901]

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