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2,200 journalists come to see Jackson's trial.

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posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 02:56 PM

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - About 2,200 members of the media have received credentials to cover Michael Jackson's trial — more than the O.J. Simpson and Scott Peterson murder trials combined and enough to form a vast, humming tent city outside the modest courthouse.

Reporters from every continent but Antarctica are covering a story that has attracted perhaps the largest-ever media contingent for a criminal trial.

The satellite trucks and portable toilets function at all hours, since foreign correspondents must file past midnight to meet deadlines an ocean away.

Major TV networks have committed dozens of staff members. Nearly four miles of television cables snake around the complex. The explosion of phone calls that a verdict will trigger prompted some news organizations to install land lines for fear the region's cell networks could become jammed.

The reporters do their work as Jackson fans crowded behind a chain-link fence hurl insults. On Thursday, Court TV anchor Diane Dimond was granted a restraining order barring an 18-year-old man from interfering with her work.

As jury deliberations in the child-molestation case reached the one-week mark Friday, about half of the credentialed crew of media members milled around outside.

The crowd of reporters is distinctly international, a reminder that Jackson's popularity remains intense outside the United States. News organizations from more than 30 countries are here.

unbelievable how one man be so important to the news.

[edit on 10-6-2005 by deltaboy]

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 07:59 PM
Too bad none of these 2200 journalists dont go to Africa and Report what goes on there.

I guess Jacko is Far more Important then Dying Children...

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 05:48 AM
Toatlly Agree Soulja,

I for one am not intrested in the Michael Jackson case. I will be so glad when it is over.

Do we live such idle lives that we must live second hand by events happening in the lives of famous peoples. Must we live second hand by the events of Michael Jackson's life. Please....spare me..this drama. The events in Africa and the Sudan are more important to me than Michael.
I am so disgusted by the medias performance in bombarding me with this drivel. When ever the case comes on the radio..I turn the station rather than be bombarded by more of this drivel trying to pass for important news. Same thing with the evening news on the tube..I turn the station.


posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 10:50 AM
Imagine that the time dedicated to this Jackoff Trial would be reserved for reports from Africa.

Wow - then people would quickly get a whole new picture of this World Problem.

But hey - lets just waste time and money for this Jackoff.

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 10:56 AM
Does the 2200 include Triumph the Insult Dog? He did a fabulous piece covering the Jackson fans outside the trial the other day aired on Conan O'Brien looks like they have the video there.

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
Does the 2200 include Triumph the Insult Dog? He did a fabulous piece covering the Jackson fans outside the trial the other day aired on Conan O'Brien looks like they have the video there.


I Love Triumph the Insult Dog!

Makes me Laugh so Hard it Hurts!

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 04:53 PM
Yeah, the whole trial has annoyed me since it started. So much attention for one court case. In the U.K. one of the news channels has gone as far as to make daily 30 minute reconstruction episodes of the trial!
At least it is almost over now, thank goodness!

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by PurityOfPeace
Yeah, the whole trial has annoyed me since it started. So much attention for one court case. In the U.K. one of the news channels has gone as far as to make daily 30 minute reconstruction episodes of the trial!

A yeah! The Good Ol' Reconstruction!

I saw it on SKY News - I liked that White guy that plays Jacko.

He really looks like him!

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by PurityOfPeace
Yeah, the whole trial has annoyed me since it started. So much attention for one court case. In the U.K. one of the news channels has gone as far as to make daily 30 minute reconstruction episodes of the trial!
At least it is almost over now, thank goodness!

Actually I think you are taking about the E! Entertainment Television re-enactments. That's an American cable network and being aired in Europe also due to the intense interest by Europeans in the trial. I posted a thread about it a long time ago here:

The show info is here:

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 10:16 AM
I am pretty sure it is a Sky News production. It is presented by a British guy, and has a couple of time-slots every day.

Yeah, as much as i dislike the whole thing, the MJ actor is pretty funny! If you think he is funny, you should have seen Chris Tucker and Jay Leno!!
The guy doing Jay Leno had me roaring, his chin was like an upside down mountain on the bottom of his face!

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