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Discovery And Bush

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posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 12:05 AM
Right now they are doing the Greatest Americans on Discovery. How the hell did the douchebag of douchebags make it? He has done everything in his power to hurt America, including new powers him and the GOP pulled out of his ass like the power to arrest anyone and send them to Gitmo because he doesn't like them. He is currently whining because that power is about to end and he wants it renewed. Funniest thing ever, Bush made it, and the people talking about him.

Not to Bad, I mean, Rush made it to. It was funny, everyone but Sean Hannity was asking "Wait, isn't he going to jail for drug charges after calling all blacks drug monkeys?" Or Moby "Wait, this man is a hypocrit! He said on his show that all druggies should go to jail for life, and yet he is in court because he does drugs! How the hell did he make it on this list?!?"
He wasn't the only questionable one, Brett Farve made it, and again "How did he make it?" Same with John Edwards.

But on to Bush....

"He uh, well he, no, he screwed that up. He did, well no, he screwed that up. Ok, uh, well, he was president under Americas greatest attack, and he killed the economy Bill made. Uh, well, his tax cuts for the rich wasn't popular, and he didn't win the first election, uh, well, I guess people just like him."

I mean, Bush beat RFK, Norman Borlaug,(man who saved over a billion lives in 1970 when he won the Pulitzer Price for his work with GE Foods) Muhhamad Ali, Ronald Reagan, Neil Armstrong, Lance Armstrong, Daddy Bush, Fredrick Douglas, Alexander Hamilton, Babe Ruth, John Glenn, Amelia Earhart, Christopher Reeve, General Patton, General Powell, General/President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ray Charles, Rudolph Guliani, Jonny Carson, George Carver,(the peanut guy) Pat Tillman,(Man was in the NFL, becoming a legend, but then Bush wanted more oil, and Tillman being lied to by the Republicans wanted to be patriotic, and he left the millions of dollars to go over to the ME thinking he would be defending America, wonder if he would have made that choice if he knew what we know now, that Bush&Co lied about everything! Not that he can, he died for America, or so he believed, but it turns out it was for Bush and oil) Bill Cosby, Harry Truman, Mark Twain, Jonas Salk,(flu/polio vaccine) Michael Jordan, Alexander Grahm Bell, Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, John Wayne,(He replaced Apple Pie as American) Jimmy Carter,(a better former president then actual president), George Carlin, Orson Wells, Emerson, and Theodore Roosevelt.

How the hell did he beat them? How the hell did he beat anyone with a brain? I don't get it, how could he beat anyone who used their brain for more then hood ornaments? But somehow he beat all them and more. Some I didn't list I don't think belong on the list, like Madonna, or Moore, or MJ(Michael Jackson, not MJ Michael Jordan, who I did list)

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 05:28 PM

Grr, why the hell was JFK not listed!!!!!!
anyways, of course that dumbass won, this is america. havent you noticed. we have been run by douchebags with their heads up their asses for a long time now. thats why im moving to canada. its a great place, you know.

i recently bought a shirt that said "Canada, America's Hat!" and on the back i wrote" America, Canada's Underpants!"

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
How the hell did he beat them?

One thing: 9/11

No matter how you look at it, 9/11 happened on Bush's watch and Discovery thinks Bush was a hero on 9/11. Otherwise they wouldn't have mentioned his name. So in essense Bush was one of Americas Greatest. What a joke!

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 06:11 PM
GW Bush is certainly the best President in my personal memory. I can't really say that he has any real competition. JFK, despite being personable fellow, is the most over-rated person in history.

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 08:54 PM
My mom feels the exact same way, Grady. I tell her she's wrong, which she is.

It's worth noting that when ranking best presidents, 5% said George Washington. 8% said George W. Bush.

There is a reason we have people like historians to get paid for this sort of thing. Your average citizen can't think past the present, and so the idea of Michael Jordan is absurd because he was soooo 10 years ago.

I undertook with a dear friend of mine the ranking of the top ten presidents. It was very hard, but we matched the list 200+ US historians made exactly. You can't usually judge these things; How do you compare George Carlin with Jonas Salk with FDR? It just doesn't work.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 08:16 AM
Does it serve the purpose of cementing a legacy? Does it serve the purpose of telling you what your opinion should be, regardless of the facts on the ground? Is it all a party of the syncronicity that bombards the average consumer ( and voter ) - coreographed to stay on the message of the 'War is good' + 'Nothing suspect in 2000 or 2004' + 'Contracts have to go to somebody' + ' Exxon made $8Billion profit in the last 3 months but just got what amounts to SOCIALIST INVESTMENT BY THE STATE WITH YOUR MONEY' + those snide CNN & Fox talking heads asking questions of whistle blowers & opposition with visible disdain on their faces & confrontation in their questions?

Yes, look at Mass Media, but look at it thru the'll see the grid lines very easily.

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Kitsunegari

Grr, why the hell was JFK not listed!!!!!!

uuuhh maybe because JFK brought America to Vietnam and we lost. so i guess the American people never forgave JFK for that.

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 02:15 PM
Time tells who the greatest presidents were. In the immediate, the presidents we have are influencing us directly, and we see that. 9-11 is still fresh in many of our minds, and George Bush handled it wonderfully in many people's minds (including my own). That is a lot louder in our minds than even something so paramount, though abstract, as Lincoln delivering the Emancipation Proclamation.

History will tell how great a president GW was. Right now, politics are still getting in the way of our judgement, especially considering he's still president. After the politics are forgotten, and passions aren't stirred when one mentions the issues that seem so important to us today, an analytical look at his presidency can be made. We have no way to judge how great or poor GW's presidency is yet; we're living it. Time will tell us. As the full ramifications of his presidency become known, possibly as long down the line as our grand children, we will be able to make an accurate assessment. Right now, it's judging his actions on ideology, not where the country went as a result.

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 03:09 PM
Handled it wonderfully? He invaded the wrong country! Afganistan and Saudi Arabia attack us so he invades Afganistan and Iraq! He needs a map or something. Go Lincoln, go FDR, go CLinton(Economy greatest ever, budget highest, so forth, except for his cheating on his wife) hell go Grant is a better president then GWB. Nixon was better for crying out loud, at least he realized he was evil and left office before he did more damage.

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Jestaman
Handled it wonderfully? He invaded the wrong country! Afganistan and Saudi Arabia attack us so he invades Afganistan and Iraq! He needs a map or something. Go Lincoln, go FDR, go CLinton(Economy greatest ever, budget highest, so forth, except for his cheating on his wife) hell go Grant is a better president then GWB. Nixon was better for crying out loud, at least he realized he was evil and left office before he did more damage.

Well, it's everyone else who has to wait to see if Afghanistan and Iraq were the wrong targets, we don't have your time machine to see how this war on terror turns out
After all, Saddam wasn't financing any terrorists.

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has raised the amount offered to relatives of suicide bombers from $10,000 per family to $25,000, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Wednesday.

Since Iraq upped its payments last month, 12 suicide bombers have successfully struck inside Israel, including one man who killed 25 Israelis, many of them elderly, as they sat down to a meal at a hotel to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover. The families of three suicide bombers said they have recently received payments of $25,000.

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 03:22 PM
Afganistan was right, Iraq for 9/11 was wrong! 9/11 was Aganistan and Saudi Arabia yet we invaded Afganistan and Iraq for 9/11...... Wrong country. Everyone lets collect some money to buy a globe and send it to the president!

Arrow points to Saudi Arabia "This is who attacked us" then an X on Iraq. "They had nothing to do with 9/11, Saddam and OBL hated each other, hell if you had asked nicely bet Saddam would have helped find/kill OBL, he has tried it before."

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 05:48 PM
who knows maybe Bush has somthing up his sleeve. did u notice that Iraq is like in the center of all those countries bordering with Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait??
maybe its me but its pretty much somthing goin on why we invaded Iraq.

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