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Originally posted by Truthisoutthere
Boy- speak of irrational thinking ! You say that I am judging because I am using the Word of God to show you how the Christian GOD judges ?
No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons. (1 Corinthians 10:19-20)
Originally posted by Truthisoutthere
Mr- fixit I do respect your thoughts and values as any other person and individual. Like I have said over and over through-out the many threads. It's not my words but Gods words that convict the heart. I started off very humble and reserved till I got jumped on by about 4 Masons on these threads. That's ok-We are here to discuss. But as soon as THEY STARTED WITH THE PERSONAL ATTACKS- I got defensive as would anyone.
This is a very high emotional topic with good reason. As a Christian you should know that. Do you think as a christian that Salavation is an issue ?
That is what we are discussing. You cannot be a christian and pray to a gog or supreme being that incapsules all gods. (This is called paganism) If you were not aware. But as a christian I would expect you and others to know this. But maybe you never new Christ ? I am not judjing, but going to church and praying to (a god ) DOES NOT MAKE YOU A CHRISTIAN. I am sorry but that is what the Word Of God Says ! Not Me.
As a matter of fact I have a clear view of christianity from following the nature of God and Christ. Accepting Him as my personal savior and NO OTHER ! Being Babtized by water and by spirit and I pray, walk, talk and sing in the spirit EVERYDAY as God expects us too.
What makes a christian in your view and Gods view ?
Since you are new here and decided to slam me personally without even confronting me in a christian way-That it is also in the Word of God ( The ways of confronting a christian about sin ) Not witnessing as you are misunderstanding. Please dont take the Word of God out of context and try to turn them around on a TRUE CHRISTIAN. It doesn't work. God had already placed a God Ordained law in affect to protect HIS CHILDREN.
Please understand that many call themselves christians and are not.
You can either agree or disagree with me. But unfortunetly you CANNOT disagree with Gods word if you call yourself a christian. If you are a TRUE CHRISTIAN we would not be having this discussion. Because you would know the WORD OF GOD and the TRUTH.
As far as Masons being ministers outside the lodge. That was predicted as well, thousands of years ago. There are false teachers and preachers ( NOT CHRISTIANS ) (WHO COME IN HIS NAME ) all over this world that are compromising there own beliefs as well as the beliefs of others. Christ was very explicit about this ! You should know this if you are a Christian ?
What does God say about people who deceive other Christians ? Like Masonry ?
As a christian -Do you think that witnessing the TRUTH for Christ is wrong ?
As far as being (Tolerant of other religions ) -Do you know what this means ?
Was and Is Christ tolerant of other Gods and Religions ? The answers are very clear in the Word of God as well. As a Christian you would know this as well. The answer is( NO IF'S ANDS OR BUTS ABOUT IT.) If you cannot pick up your cross and follow HIM 100% you are against HIM.
I am not here to bash anyone. I am here to point out the truth and if you refuse to listen to the Spirit of God and refuse to search for the answers yourself by reading the bible that is your option.
By the way-I am not a newbe to the Masonry Religion, Frat, Church, Organization or Charity or many other names that you and others would like to call it. I know much more than most Masons do unfortunetly. Not because I am smarter but I have taken the time and researched this myslef. It's a shame that it's members don't.
I am not against Masonry- They do some very good things for our community and probably for eachother and that's Great. I don't despute that one bit. I also know that there are very good people in Masonry and that's undesputable.
But that doesn't negate the fact that this oraganization is compromising your own walk with God ( ONLY IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN ) and it could even affect your life ever after. I wish you and others would realize this. But God did say that many will come in HIS name and even produce miracles in HIS NAME and it doesn't mean it is for Christ or even Christian.
I pray that if you and others are truly christians you would honestly take a good long look into this at a deeper level than you already know and you will find the truth and the conflicts in being a Christian vs being a Mason.
You cannot be both and God was very clear about this.
Will you take the challenge and be an individual and look for yourself ? Or will you be one of the deceived ?
I truly believe that you may be a christian that's just deceived at this point of your life. And the closer that you come to HIM you will then realize that you are mixed up in an organization that is not accepted by Christ.
Truth !
[edited big and layered quote - nygdan]
[edit on 10-6-2005 by Nygdan]
Careful you may have to.
There is only one side that is right and if you can back your beliefs with Gods word correctly that you can do what you do and still are a Christian i will gladly apoligise to each and everyone of you.
Here is your answer Sir !
Paul warned the Christians at Corinth not to participate in pagan worship. He revealed that pagans worship demons rather than God.
Does that mean then that a sacrifice offered to an idol is anything, or that an idol is anything?
Originally posted by The Axeman
*stops music*
OK truth, I am going to try this one more time...
In response to this post, I want you to answer this post.
This is very irritating. By ignoring this post, you are doing damage to your own argument, you know that, right?
*starts music again*
Originally posted by Truthisoutthere
The only way that I can honestly answer any question about Christianity or God is through the use of His words through the Bible. I have explained this to you and others a hundred of times. And still you ignore the Word of God.
Originally posted by Truthisoutthere
Good Morning Axe !
In repy to your post- Not sure of the point ? if any that you are tryig to make ? Except that you are trying to make excuses for your own walk with Christ ?
The only way that I can honestly answer any question about Christianity or God is through the use of His words through the Bible. I have explained this to you and others a hundred of times. And still you ignore the Word of God.
Originally posted by sebatwerk
By the way, you DO realize that the Bible was written by man, do you not?
Originally posted by JustMe74
Originally posted by sebatwerk
By the way, you DO realize that the Bible was written by man, do you not?
You do realize he's going to have a field day with that one, don't you?
Originally posted by The Axeman
Originally posted by Truthisoutthere
The Bible is not a book to be taken literally, and if you truly believe that it is, then I doubt there is hope that you will ever see the Light.
Remember; men wrote the Bible, not God. God's Kingdom and His Law is in all of us, written in our hearts. Some choose to heed The Word, others choose not to. It matters not what church you go to or what faith you follow, if you read the Bible or not. God is universal, and there is no hiding from Him. [edit on 6/13/05 by The Axeman]
Axe- Did you actually say these things above ? Bible not to be taken literally?
Wow- This is a UNIVERSAL WORLD VIEW that I am very familair with. This is taken from the One World View that has been pushed through the NEW AGE MOVEMENT THROUGH MASONRY !
Not at all a Christian view ? Therefore I believe you and others sincerely, when you tear down the validity of the bible. I understand your heart and motives completely now. Thanks for adding that for you and the rest. You have very much enlightened me !
As far as the validity of the bible-Yes I do know that it was written by men ? And your point now being ??????????????
If you would like a history lesson on how the great book was ordained by God Himself, I can give you that as well. Would you like that in english, greek or hebrew ?
You also indicated that Gods Kingdom and law lives in all of us ? Where did you hear that ? Not the bible my friend !
If you have this world view of GOD I am sorry, the BIBLE not me STATES that you are NOT a believer in Jesus Christ.
It is quit funny though, that all of you were throwing out scriptures at me for some reason and now you are running away from the Words-Saying the bible is just a book. It was written by men, It's not valid ?????? It's a handbook ?????? etc.....................................
Very crafty- Not so good tactic- So which is it ? Pretty shifty- Desperate cult tactic !
This shows me right there that YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN if you do not believe the Bible as Gods word ?
So if you are not a Christian why are we discussing ? Did someone forget the topic ?
End of POINT !!!!
There is nothing left to discuss !
Originally posted by Truthisoutthere
You also indicated that Gods Kingdom and law lives in all of us ? Where did you hear that ? Not the bible my friend !
If you have this world view of GOD I am sorry, the BIBLE not me STATES that you are NOT a believer in Jesus Christ.
Originally posted by Majestic12
He that worketh deciet shall not dwell within my house: he that tell lies shall not tarry in my sight.
Psalms 101:7
Originally posted by Truthisoutthere
Originally posted by Majestic12
He that worketh deciet shall not dwell within my house: he that tell lies shall not tarry in my sight.
Psalms 101:7
I Totally and Sincerely agree with you AXE ! Lets look at the deceit within Masonry shall we. Then we can rejoice in agreement over the verse you posted.
Truth !
I know how you feel ,even when you are nice and try to tell them that you are being nice they still like to slam you and any other who disagree. I actually feel sorry and sad for them as they want to live there lives believing in a cult like religion like they do. Many Blessings ..
Originally posted by Truthisoutthere
I have taken the time to cruise through the site and look at a lot of different subjects from UFO's, Bigfoot, Satanism, Christianity, Evolution, Creationism, Demons, NWO, Illumanti, Space, Technology, Aliens and a lot of other fun things to research and investigate.
The one thing I have noticed first handedly is how the MASONS treat anyone that does not agree with them. ( NOT JUST ME ) ( look for yourself at ANY masonry thread) Or has the balls to challenge them on ANY topic related to FreeMasonry.
When ever they get backed into a corner they BAND TOGETHER and retaliate like no other (cult) that I have EVER encountered. They will slander, ridicule, slam, and use the typical (cult) Tactic's to derail or make fun of another while deflecting the question put in front of them. Then they sink even lower and start the (Troll Thing .) They will accuse you of just writing nothing to make points ? Typical childish endeavors !
They do this until you become completely frustrated and leave their thread. Hmmmmmm. Really sad if you think about it. I thought this was a discussion site about conspiricies ?
Well I guess it's back to the X-Masons sites for the truth ! At least they can back up what they say with there very own Masonry literature, Masonry Bible, Masonry Encyclopdia and other writings from Occultic Practioners that have been involved in Masonry in one way or another.
I guess they will never turn the tides and be honest with us ? And why should we expect anymore ?
After all- They are a Secret Society !
Truth !
[edit on 10-6-2005 by John bull 1]
Originally posted by Truthisoutthere
This shows me right there that YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN if you do not believe the Bible as Gods word ?
Chris·tian ( P ) Pronunciation Key (krschn)
1. Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.
2. Relating to or derived from Jesus or Jesus's teachings.
3. Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; Christlike.
4. Relating to or characteristic of Christianity or its adherents.
5. Showing a loving concern for others; humane.
Originally posted by Truthisoutthere
Axe- Did you actually say these things above ? Bible not to be taken literally?
Wow- This is a UNIVERSAL WORLD VIEW that I am very familair with. This is taken from the One World View that has been pushed through the NEW AGE MOVEMENT THROUGH MASONRY !
Not at all a Christian view ? Therefore I believe you and others sincerely, when you tear down the validity of the bible. I understand your heart and motives completely now. Thanks for adding that for you and the rest. You have very much enlightened me !
As far as the validity of the bible-Yes I do know that it was written by men ? And your point now being ??????????????
If you would like a history lesson on how the great book was ordained by God Himself, I can give you that as well. Would you like that in english, greek or hebrew ?
You also indicated that Gods Kingdom and law lives in all of us ? Where did you hear that ? Not the bible my friend !
If you have this world view of GOD I am sorry, the BIBLE not me STATES that you are NOT a believer in Jesus Christ.
It is quit funny though, that all of you were throwing out scriptures at me for some reason and now you are running away from the Words-Saying the bible is just a book. It was written by men, It's not valid ?????? It's a handbook ??????
Very crafty- Not so good tactic- So which is it ? Pretty shifty- Desperate cult tactic !
This shows me right there that YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN if you do not believe the Bible as Gods word ?
There is nothing left to discuss !