posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 09:43 PM
Our favorite past time, Trolling. Trolling has been with us since there have been Message boards posted in Hotels, Work area bulletin boards, to our
modern day Message board on the Internet.
What is an Internet Troll??
In the context of the Internet, a troll refers to a person who makes inflammatory or hostile comments, which by effect or design cause disruptions in
discourse, or a post made by such a person. Trolling can be described as a breaching experiment, which, because of the use of an alternate persona,
allows for normal social boundaries and rules of etiquette to be tested or otherwise broken, without serious consequences.
For the full story look
And SlashDot Trollers
SlashDot Trollers
The Best Trolls on the Internet can be found in the Yahoo! News Discussions. The Best Trollers will be the ones that make you laugh or seriously piss
you off.
I believe most Internet Trolls are decent people that are breaking loose from their own bounds. Saying things they wish they could say in real time
and in person. I see it as a form of therapy for some people, an outlet for agressive behavior, and relaxation.