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It is all about dimension/vibration

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posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 07:14 PM
Why would you think aliens will come in the ships in which we go to the Moon.
It is ridiculous, if we understand the relativity theory then we can travel only very slow, like the speed of light aliens would be very patient to go here and there through this galaxy, so if we want to go here and there we must have the ability to add dimension to the world and that is what is all about, they are not here and they are here. That is old problem with the safe in two dimensions it is circle, or semi three dimsensions imagine an aquarium and imagine this is all the universe fish can see or feel and or move, latter is easier to imagine, and if we put a cilinder in the aquarium it is easy to understand it will separate the water in two distinct parts, and no fish or frog or animal can go in the other area in this state of physics, but you who made this dirty trick can reach inside and take the fish out and then put it in other one or imagine a lot of boxes, like our universe and someone outside the box reaching in every box, and now you are close to what aliens must be if can go from one to another galaxy they have to have the ability or feature to go transdimensional.
And so they can be here and not here in the same time, they hide in the transdimension. They extrapolate this universe and live in those bridges, and they can see us and we can not see them it seems.

We are still to low on the understanding of what the in what we are is, universe time space, blah blah, we really don't know what time is, don't tell me it is another dimension because it isn't.
But if we say vibration, then we go close, real close, vibrations are of what atoms are made, so the world is full of vibrations, and we must admit if there is and we let this possibility of having fine or fast vibrational world on top of ours, we can not really feel it or taste it or measure it just, and it is because our matter has strict limits to vibrations. And it can not catch higher densities, finer matter could do it, so I claim aliens are mainly from that finer plain of existence, and that is why they come and go easily, and always without a trace.
formulas and links will follow this.

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 07:21 PM
Someone must of watched what the bleep do we know. I find it very funny that we are solid yet we still have "gaps" inbetween molecules. Now find the way to accelorate those and keep them from disintegrating. Its like tuning an intrument to a new pitch.


posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 07:34 PM
If we want to go in to the future we must understand our past, as time is two way story, first we plan and act toward the future, then we remember and analyse the past.
Past civilizations were talking a lot about that, they were seeing and meeting all sort of alien beings, because of the vibrational level which was cleaner.
One story must read all:
google with turtles all the way down will do.

Turtles are all the way down and everyone with a little logic will come to that sooner or later.
from one of the sites:
As Thomas Huxley concluded a lecture on Darwin, he was immediately accosted by a little, old lady who challenged him to refute her conviction that the world, which was flat, rested on the back of a turtle. Before Huxley had a chance to respond, the lady concluded:

"I know what you are going to ask, Mr. Huxley, and the answer is ‘turtles all the way down.’"

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 07:45 PM
I can feel somebody did some soul searching to find this information way to go!

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 10:44 PM

For years I've been talking about this on ATS. That some aliens may have access to higher vibrational frequencies or be native to such planes.

You want to meet an alien? Learn to have astral projections.

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 10:52 PM
I think if your going to get that trippy, when explaining how aliens travel, then there is nothing that stops anything, and of course anything is possible.

That means I belive in everything but I don't belive in everything. I belive in everything and anything but depend on logic to act on the fact of beliving something.

I mean with this way of thought there is nothing stopping giant onions from other dimensions tapping into diffrent laws of physics from their dimension and using them to teleport here, and let us feed off their invisable happiness.

So yeah, this is SORT OF possible but it's not really possible because we can only use our current limatations of scientific knowledge to TRUELY explain things in order to keep alive what we call order in what is really just all complete chaos.

Thinking about this stuff is so trippy.

Aliens are giant onions.

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 11:11 PM
Why do you think traveling at light speed is so bad?

Time slows down when you approach it.

So you could travel for a very long time at say 99% the speed of light , and only experience a small fraction of time on your journey.

Even though you never travel faster than the speed of light , a 100 LY journey may only take you a month or two , by your time , as experienced on the journey.

And as far as I'm concerned that’s just as good as jumping through a wormhole!

And yes it is like changing your vibration, IMO.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 01:48 AM
I do not think you have the quite right Shaman. Time for the traveler is not affected by speed.

Think about it, you are covering 100 LY at the speed of light, how long is that going to take you? Answer 100 years.

The problem comes in when you look back to Earth, to them, supposedly, much more time will have elapsed.

Frankly I think the whole time part of the equation is incorrect. The most we have ever documented is some very small changes in time keeping on our space craft. And while those do tend to bear out the idea, no one has ever convinced me that something else was responsible for the changes in the onboard equipment.

Albert said that the whole notion of the speed of light may be a 'local phenomena' and I think he was on the right track there.


posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
I do not think you have the quite right Shaman. Time for the traveler is not affected by speed.

Think about it, you are covering 100 LY at the speed of light, how long is that going to take you? Answer 100 years.

The problem comes in when you look back to Earth, to them, supposedly, much more time will have elapsed.

Frankly I think the whole time part of the equation is incorrect. The most we have ever documented is some very small changes in time keeping on our space craft. And while those do tend to bear out the idea, no one has ever convinced me that something else was responsible for the changes in the onboard equipment.

Albert said that the whole notion of the speed of light may be a 'local phenomena' and I think he was on the right track there.


Trust me , it takes 100 years to observe the trip from this , Earth's , Co-ordinate System (CS), if you were traveling at close to the speed of light ( c), time would pass much more slowly for you , because your CS is that much closer to c , than the CS Earth is in.

Therefore you could not experience 100 years also!

I think Albert spells it out quite clear !

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 03:36 AM
Personally I think the trip would take 100 years for both sides, but I was trying to look at it from your point of view.

I do not see Time as a thing that can be manipulated, perception is one thing but the actuality is another. Time is a natural outgrowth of the fact that we live sequentially and see one thing as happening after another.

Time has to be a factor in some equations of course, speed and traveling come to mind but to alter time is just wishful thinking to me. Or perhaps to look for an answer which cannot be found where you are looking in the first place.

Frankly I have never taken Time Travel and associated topics seriously, just another thing that will fall by the wayside as we progress. But I do recall a book called the 'Forever War' in which the hero is gone for months (from his POV) some spent in near-lightspeed travel, and back on Earth many years pass. Authors usually study up on the things they use as a basis for their work so I sorta assume the basic ideas are correct.

But perhaps our views of how this would work have evolved. But at the very least this is a highly untested concept.


posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 04:46 AM
I don't remember who told me about this scenario years ago, and I may not get it entirely correct, but it has always made me think about time and how we measure it.

Imagine a stick 1,000 miles long stuck in the ground that reaches straight up. As the earth spins on its axis, measure the distance that both the bottom end at earth level, as well as the top end 1,000 miles up, travels in one day. Without crunching any numbers, it's easy to conclude that the top end travels a much larger distance than the bottom end. Now ask yourself, how long did it take both ends to travel this distance? The answer is the same - 1 day. Different distances...same amount of time. So it would seem time as we know it and measure it changes the farther from earth one gets. Dunno...but makes you think.



[edit on 10-6-2005 by StickyG]

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 08:05 AM
"But if we say vibration, then we go close, real close " (quote) I truely think you are on to something MankoW. That's how I know "They" are near, by the vibrations.

[edit on 10-6-2005 by Hozer]

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 09:22 AM
If you believe Joule's First Law of Thermodynamics was correct, that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another, and if you agree we are nothing more than energy vibrating at a lower frequency, then you HAVE to believe that there is "something more" to this life/world/dimension(s); when we, as energy change our form. Find out what we "change into" and you have found the meaning of life universe and everything.... well I think anyways.

Let me go elementary on ya...It's like boiling water. The water, when heated eventually evaporates. You don't see it but that doesn’t mean it's been destroyed. It just changed form.

I really believe the answers are all around us, and much more simple than we'd expect. Like the invention of the wheel, so revolutionary, yet obvious. We'll see..


[edit on 10-6-2005 by Serum39]

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by Alexander Tau

Authors usually study up on the things they use as a basis for their work so I sorta assume the basic ideas are correct.

Thats really not the best way to learn physics!

You should read " The Evolution of Physics - by Albert Einstein & Loepold Infeld -- Simon and Schuster New York 1951"

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 02:46 PM
I prefer to study those things which I consider important, Time Travel is not one of those. For me that is pure fiction so that makes novels fair references. Actually I have always thought that the errors involving Time had much to do with Albert's failure to create a Unified Field Theory.

I read quite a lot of things such as you mentioned, possibly that one as well depending on how old it is. But that was a very long time ago and my interests have shifted a bit over the years.


posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 08:46 PM
To be clear here, I already stated that time is not a dimension to me, and I hope someone will try to understand, when I was talking about transdimensional travel I really was thinking about transdimesional just like tracks in highway, you can use some at the same time it depends of how wide is your vehicle, or mind.
Mind is really more then we think and maybe we can feel some higher or side / lateral dimensions.
I also didn't talk about time travel in any way, if time is dimension as other 3 then we should time travel easy, it is less then basic logic. If we can't do it then time is not equal dimension, I wanted to think about time as inertion, subjective and quiet measurable too, feeling due to some change of state it is function of the dimensions but not dimension, maybe it is glue that keeps dimensions alltogether, because they don't really have to be together.
We just too much think within limits our predecesors made.
All false knowledge and phylosophic hypotheses.
So we think too much to low, first of all three dimension are not box, but it seems that angle of 90degrees has some meaning.
Vibrational levels has nothing to do with dimesnsions but if they ocupy space they are dimensions,
Try to think more of the 90 degree problem, dimension is a multitrack highway, with all the lanes 90degree with each other, and so dimension which is ninety degree to the other is other dimension or higher, zero dimension and this type of analogy is nonsensical.
Dimensions exist problem is in the eye of the beholder, how many he sees is how many he gets. There is no such thing as big bang, and ther is no such thing as expanding the universe, but dimensinal trap which can be seen as similar concept.
I tired myself with this, universe which we now is more like hourglass clock
think about it this spot where everything goes from one to other is the key of time maybe?? Time is something you can spend then, it is more like energy then dimension.
This is no randomly chosen for measuring time, I think.

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 10:20 PM

from Alexander Tau

I do not see Time as a thing that can be manipulated, perception is one thing but the actuality is another. Time is a natural outgrowth of the fact that we live sequentially and see one thing as happening after another.

Time has to be a factor in some equations of course, speed and traveling come to mind but to alter time is just wishful thinking to me. Or perhaps to look for an answer which cannot be found where you are looking in the first place.

Frankly I have never taken Time Travel and associated topics seriously, just another thing that will fall by the wayside as we progress. But I do recall a book called the 'Forever War' in which the hero is gone for months (from his POV) some spent in near-lightspeed travel, and back on Earth many years pass. Authors usually study up on the things they use as a basis for their work so I sorta assume the basic ideas are correct.

from Alexander Tau

I prefer to study those things which I consider important, Time Travel is not one of those. For me that is pure fiction so that makes novels fair references. Actually I have always thought that the errors involving Time had much to do with Albert's failure to create a Unified Field Theory.

I read quite a lot of things such as you mentioned, possibly that one as well depending on how old it is. But that was a very long time ago and my interests have shifted a bit over the years.


Perhaps something like this will be capable of rekindling your interest? Thought it might be considered worthy of further consideration that is if you were still (or others were) open to the potential you once saw in the concept of relative dimensional time and space travel....

reposted onto P4C, from what might be the French equivalent of ATS, ("they hide it all from us"), a 3.3 Mb translated review of Jean Ederman's new book ("Science of the Extraterrestrials") by a professor that was formely posting against him on that site, but changed that skepticism once he took a serious look at some startling ideas that got him, as he explained, "busily working like a happy ant."

or, to skip the file download, there's this posting by Jean of a few of his basic ideas in a short earlier version in English--before he learned to dimension shift himself and went onboard reportedly and took flight lessons
--might act like a summary or introduction to a certain extent perhaps.

anyways, to sum imho:

According to Jean Ederman, the higher dimensions exist simultaneously with Earth's present existence but at a higher time quanta where energy vibrates at a higher rate. Reality perception then could be modeled on the human chakras, where Earth human presently is based in the 2d chakra (sexuality, personality) expanding in certain ways through the 3rd (solar plexus, control) and combining some elements of the 4th (heart). Next up would be 5th (high heart, or thymus gland) and others from there as well that make possible universal contact with our (heretofore) mostly "hidden" space neighbors.

Jean originally makes the analogy of a plant: ETs are to us as we are to plants, for example. Plants take notice if they are directly physically contacted by a person. They can even feel human feelings while being so contacted. The plant might even "notice" a person walking right past it. But then at the lower time quanta of its existence, once the human past it there would be zero memory of this event on the part of the plant. It would immediately reassume its original perception that humans did not exist, in its world, as it were from the perspective of a plant at its (relatively slow) level of time quanta that is. Hence the novelist's premise that you mentioned, that much Earth time would be equivalent of very little ET time. The ETs in this model, in a higher dimension of time, are actually existing closer to the actual "Present" moment. That is imho a basic universal power that would be greater than what may be that of relative lesser densities of time such as our own presently on Earth.

none of this is proven ok yes yet elegant, complete theories do exist about space that rely on the work of others for support, and this one only uses the work of others as a reference point, it is brand new and may be a real sleeper imo

maybe ready even for its own thread someday--assuming there are others like A.T.--deep thinkers--perhaps open to such a possibility

p.s. would be also interested to see what anyone thinks about such concepts of time and space that would finally perhaps go beyond what Albert used to think that still it seems effectively limits what most even dare to imagine possible...

btw, heard that posthumously said he never should have given that formula to the human race

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 10:44 PM
You all have some great ideas. I havent seen good stuff on here for awhile but this last month or so has been great.

Now, what if our dreams are we as humans tapping into that "transdimension" Not just a different state of mind but a whole different place entirely. Dreams result when sleeping right?? so isnt it funny that we have dreams at the most relaxed and involuntary time of our lives...when we sleep. Its like the ultimate meditation experience because you have no thoughts of "your own" so to speck. Your body or spirit is free to do what it pleases and not be affected buy our physical bodies and judgments. Does anyone understand what Im saying?

[edit on 11-6-2005 by Event Horizon]

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 03:13 PM

Interesting connection between the scientific and the mystic there. But I wonder, if like the originator of this thread, the ideas are not spawned because the speed of light, if you accept it as a real limitiation, requires some other means of travel for visitors here on Earth. Since I do not think it is a real limitation then I do not see the need for any other explaination.

I am a firm believer in multiply layers of Reality though, the idea that things exist in the same physical space as we do. I guess I see it as a different subject than what we mean by UFOs, although I grant that there is much confusion over which is which sometimes.

In all my years of study I have attempted to keep myself grounded a bit by demanding that things fit together. No matter how wild you think Reality is, the wind still blows through the trees. If a theory or idea somehow does not fit with that, then I have a problem with it. This is the root of my disbelief in any sort of time travel. It simply does not fit with the very core of human existance, that being the fact that we see things in sequence.

I have done experiments with my perception of Time, both through natural and artificial means. While interesting what I learned the most was that beyond a certain point, when your perception of time is far enough from the norm, then you can gain little. Without the framework of sequential time what we remember becomes disjointed and of little use because you cannot remember what happened.

What I know as a cold hard fact is that what we like to call the 'Laws of Science' are in fact not Laws at all, but Rules. They can be bent. People walk on fire, and I myself have multiple experiences that prove that my mind is more powerful than the laws of heat. More than a couple of times I have reached into a oven that has been on at 350 for an hour and pulled out a pan with my bare hands. On a couple of occasions I then walked across the room to set it down.

(As an aside, the core of the massive success and impact of the Maxtix movies was the use of this fact. It is true, in our World, and we all know it. So that gave the movies a weight that has hard to ignore. Too bad the story when bad along the way.)

My hands are warm when I am done, not a trace of burns. Want to know the key? I do not realize I am doing it until it is done. As long as that is true I am safe, BUT... The moment I realize what I am doing the heat instantly has it's full effects. Let's see someone prove that in a Lab.

Now if you reach into a oven with your bare hands you will be hurt, perhaps quite a bit. Now some might say, yeah well you have been studying mind-stuff for 20+ years maybe you learned something. To which I respond I have learned many amazing things but this is not one of them. I have witnessed 2 other people do the same thing and they would not know a real Witch from a bunny rabbit.

So what I see as higher technology is the ability to bend the Rules as much as necessary. The Rules matter, we need them, they anchor us, but we are bound by nothing save our own minds.

Event Horizon,

Thank you, for giving me yet another solid subject to discuss.

The idea that dreams are indeed real is not a new one. And I certainly cannot disproove it, but it is not how I see them.

Some small part of us is always awake, and that part is in control when we sleep. It takes the things we use to see and hear each day and creates the Reality for us to inhabit. I think we are driven by need because life is so complex there are always more questions, a new problem to confront, or something else that we must consider deeply. On the positive side, Dreams also provide the ultimate playground for letting off steam, and that alone is vital to our sanity.

My experiences with Lucid Dreaming have led me to see them this way, the one thing I felt each time was that this was all me. The people I meet in Dreams do not have the substance of real people. The essence is there, they 'live' but deep down I know it is not really them.

We live in a Group Reality where we share control over the Rules and decide by consensus how things will be. To balance that we have Dreams where we are the total masters of our existance.

Dream Control (directing the overall content of Dreams with what you think about before falling asleep, and the ability to bail out properly from a bad dream) should be taught to children when they are very young. The follow-up steps to that (recording Dreams to increase retention that eventually can lead to Lucid states) should be left up to each person but the beginnings should not. We each have the most powerful tool in existance sitting mostly dormant in our heads. What we generally dream is an out of control mess that meets only a fraction of our needs. Contrast that with the Holodeck-like power of Lucidity and you see how much we ignore.


posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 03:40 PM
Ah, lucid dreaming and the tuning fork-like vibrations. Ladies and gentelmen, we all have much more in common than I ever thought. Let's continue this discussion. Thank you all.

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