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Marine Found Death In Hotel

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posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 06:52 PM
Marine found in Albany hotel room Tuesday seems to be an “accidental death”

The body of 28-year-old Sergeant Michael Carlson of Colorado Springs, Colorado, was discovered Tuesday morning about 10:00. He was in a second floor room at the Holiday Inn next to the Albany Mall.

Now rumors around the military base are . . . that he hang himself in the room.

While still under investigation, how in the world they are going to call a hanging an accidental death?

I wonder.

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 07:12 PM
Well, there is a type of sexual practice called "autoerotic asphyxiation." (I'll leave that one for you to google up) This is a rather dangerous sex game and yes, people have killed themselves without meaning to.

The most famous example of this was Vaughn Bode, creator of "Cheech Wizard" -- one of the defining underground comic artists/cartoonists of the hippie era.

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 07:22 PM
Michael Hutchence was more famous than Michael Carlson and Vaughn Bode.


Thank God's good grace for the betterment of our sacred planet and all men and women that George W Bush never tried this at the same time as eating a pretzel.

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 07:53 PM
Actually is more to it but because is rumors I rather don't elaborate, but it was two other guys with him.

But that is just rumors.

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

While still under investigation, how in the world they are going to call a hanging an accidental death?

Isn't 'Accidental Death' the standard for Suidcide's in the military?
I remember a documantary about military deaths in Iraq and there were more suicides than actually recorded as suicides and i think 'accidental death' was one of the titles they gave them.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 05:09 AM
I don't know -- I've never been in a Holiday Inn that had anything that impressed me as being strong enough to hang myself from. But I guess if you had 2 other people there to help you ......
Have you heard anymore on this today?

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 07:38 AM
I've checked a couple of the other local news organizations in the area and there is no other info on this incident yet. But, I haven't heard any of the rumours. Not to say there won't be any. I've actually stayed in that Holiday Inn a couple of times and you're right, it would take some work to find something strong enough to hang yourself from.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 08:04 AM
Hello its a freaking RUMOR why don't you wait until the facts come out before joining the lets hate and blame the military bandwagon.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 08:12 AM
Im Going thru MOL (Marine Online) now and there appears to be a Sgt with the same name still alive and kicking. So I don't think he's dead. He is even with the same unit as the Marine in the article.

same name, same unit, same rank.

If your a Marine you'll have internet MOL access. (P-word protected)
Go to Reports on the sidebar then go to Grade/MOS.
Grade-Sgt, for MOS type %%%% then hit name to
alphabitize the there ya go. He is on page 7 of 49.

Marg, your husband should have access to this...get him to check it out.

Im not going to post his info on here for obvious reasons...but
the ATS Marines and Marine wives can verify this.

From the Article,

Third Assault Amphibian Battalion at Camp Pendleton, California.

From MOL,


(1STMARDIV is first Marine Division located in Cali)

[edit on 10/6/2005 by SportyMB]

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
Hello its a freaking RUMOR why don't you wait until the facts come out before joining the lets hate and blame the military bandwagon.

A bit defensive aren't you?? I don't see that anyone was on the let's hate and blame the military bandwagon at all.

I just stated that there is nothing in any hotel room I have been in that would be strong enough to hang yourself on -- maybe you stay in a better class of hotels than I do. It could have been accidental (don't quite understand that but.......) could have been suicide, heck could have been murder if there were 2 other people with him.

Then we have Sporty who says he is still listed on MOL as fine -- I don't know what the lag time in updating that website is so maybe the tv news that reported this originally is totally wrong too. BTW that is a good find -- thanks for posting that -- I never even knew there was such a site.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 08:33 AM
Well I can tell you that is real he is death and the death report is in our local marine base where my husband works.

The rumors are in the base and occurs it reaches the civilian personnel about exactly how he die, but for some reason is "accidental".

Now yes the marine is death that is not doubt about it and the city police was the one that arrived to the scene and later the military took over.

So is not doubts about the death and the name was released after the notification to the family.

[edit on 10-6-2005 by marg6043]

[edit on 10-6-2005 by marg6043]

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
Hello its a freaking RUMOR why don't you wait until the facts come out before joining the lets hate and blame the military bandwagon.

The problem is that the local Albany police was notified first and they were in the site of the crime and they released the information.

When the marine police took over they change the facts, and under investigation they will not released iformation so is conflicting reports.

Because this a small town things like this get a lot of local attention so while you don't get anything were you are at, we have our local news talking about it.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 08:55 AM

I don't know what the lag time in updating that website is so maybe the tv news that reported this originally is totally wrong too.


MOL is kind of like a Marine records webpage...It's very helpful.

The Facts are:

The news site has the story posted on June 8, 2005.

Yet a Marine with the same name in the same unit, with the same rank and judging by the age and rank, fits the profile of the Marine in still alive and kickin in the same state...and this is as of today.

Also USMC.MIL search is a good search tool to find anything on the Corps. They archived MARADMIN messages, ALMARS and other messages that relate to safety and all that stuff. And usually whenever something like this happens there is a message posted and sent to all units for ALL Marines to read (that's why it's called an ALMAR).

After Doing a search on everything I could think of I came up with nothing that resembles the case in the news article. Not even "suicide" or "hotel" came up at or around Jan 8 2005.

Im not saying it's not true....just seems strange to me.

Im gonna make some calls and do some more research before I make up my mind....ill post what I find.

[edit on 10/6/2005 by SportyMB]

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 12:56 PM
Marg, I'd bet that it was either suicide or freak sex that did him in. As far as not all databases reporting the same thing, I'd say that is just a matter of sync'ing up.

As far as Bush and a pretzel, I think someone's been sitting at the street end of the bird garden for too long a period of time.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 01:48 PM
Well the thing is that when a case is under investigation the military will not report anything concerning the case.

Now because the local police was called first that is how some information got out.

But as to the base they only tell that the report is true and the family has been notify.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 04:46 PM
Ok good wait until the investigation is over and you will have your cause of death. I just don't know why everyone assumes its a suicidal death.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 05:10 PM
Why should there be so much fear about a suicide on the homeland not in iraq comin out to the public. The country I live in 3 peopel kill themselves every day. It happens and you cant realy stop it sadly its as normal as rain. Just like death is as normal as life. If its suicide well I'm shure it wont just be because of the marine core. I takes allot to break you. So I don't see why its so relevant if hes a marine or not.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 07:23 PM
Well the problem is that the military is changing the way the call certain deaths.

Suicide is not "accidental death" and friendly fire is "indirect fire"

So the terms are to play with the mind of the people so the stories even when are in the open, they do not call much attention.

This a way for damage control a term that as a military wife I got very much used to it.

This link to another very much informative thread about suicide rates since the Iraq war.

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 12:36 AM

Well the problem is that the military is changing the way the call certain deaths.
Suicide is not "accidental death" and friendly fire is "indirect fire"

The Marine Corps has the highest suicide and divorce rate of all the services. I really don't need to go into why, that's easy to figure out.
So yes, suicide is very likely in this case.

Second, he died at a holiday inn. Does that mean anything to anyone, or is it just me. The last time I checked we were not conducting Live Fire exercises at the local hotels. So I highly doubt he died of friendly fire.
It was most likely suicide, not cause of the war...even before we had the highest rates.

Im still looking this stuff most likely is true, just strange. On monday I'll know for sure.

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
suicide is not accidental death

If a person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol when they
commit suicide, that suicide CAN BE labeled 'accidental'. When a
person does drugs and goes and hangs himself it isn't known
if it is truly suicide, or if the drugs caused him to do it etc .... Also
as someone else mentioned there is a sexual game of near
strangulation and sometimes the game goes too far ... thus

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